I have hand in hair disease....


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to share that I did my relaxer touchup on saturday and then followed with my second henna treatment. My hair is fabulous! It was an all day treatment with the relaxer touchup (followed Lonei's and Kimberly's) suggestions as to how to do it. After my touchup, I then followed Softresses suggestions for conditioning it before hennaing and all I can say is WOW! I started at 10am on saturday and I was finish at 10pm on saturday night. I think I finally got the bling, bling that you get from henna, (4 treatments) and it seems like my hair has tripled in length. I believe when I went to get my touchup professionally on 7/5 that the hairdresser underprocessed my hair. I had this puffiness that I did not like. Well I did the touchup with SE lye regular and left it on for about 5 minutes after I finished applying it. (I did a strand test first) and it seemed like it took 5 minutes for the curl to release a little. I didn't want straight, I just wanted to release the texture a little more which I did. My hair is soooo soft, less tangles, less hair shedding, shine, my cuticles are getting smooth and did I mention strength. I am so pleased with the way my hair looks and feels that I just had to send out a warm thank you to Softresses, Lonei, Kimberly, and Vwvixen for all your help and suggestions. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures. I don't have a digital and I have a camera from the dinosaur age that needs to be processed and developed first. I will get my husband to take a few pictures for me and hopefully I will be adding pics soon. This board is great!
I'm glad you are happy with the results. I bet your hair looks fabulous! :D

Thank you for the henna tips! I'm looking up the one you recommended now!
