I have found Mr. Right


New Member
After all this time and all the drama the right man has entered into my life. If you don't believe my drama check other post I have made in this relationship forum. I met this guy while we were in college about 5 years ago. He is a Bruh (OMEGA). But because we both were greek we didn't think that we wanted to be involved with one another. He even told me this weekend that if he approached me in college, he wouldn't have been the man for me. At that time he was just a wild and crazy kid looking to have fun and fight at the drop of a dime. Today, he is a wonderful man, has his career together and is more spiritual then I could have ever imagined. This man is so good to me. I have never been happier in my life. I am currently visiting my parents and all that I can do is think about my drive back home just to be with him. After all this time I felt that I wouldn't find anyone that would love me. I had built a wall to protect my heart from the damange that had been done in the past. When I finally realized that the man, that I only saw as a friend, would be the right guy for me. It was strange, I had spent so much time being with Mr. Wrong and kept pushing him away. He still wanted to pursue me. I am just so greatful. I am just a living testimony that God works in mysterious ways and that real love is like no other.
:grin: Good for you! I wish you all the best in your new-found relationship.
Treat it tenderly and gently :yep: Take your time!
Congrats !

I hope for the end of 2008 i will have a post like this also:grin: i am putting out there for the universe.
Woo Hoo and I'm not saying that because he's in my favorite fraternity. :yep: I wish you two the best and have hope you have a bunch of little Omega's in the future. :yep:
Congrats:yep:...Love is truly a wonderful thing...One day I hope I'll be able to post a thread like this about the love of my life
God is GOOD:grin:

First Relaxer of 2008 on 3-25-08:wallbash: I will Be 14 weeks post then!
Current Relaxer Kera Care
Current lenght APL and Rockin It

Goal is BSL 12-31-08:lick:

Future Goal Healthy WST 12-31-12:yep: