I have finally found what I've been looking for....


Well-Known Member
I went to the bss the other day and purchased a product that I remember using in the past called Hairlox Afta-Perm. I remembered it exclusively when I had the jherri curl and it was the rave and I remember my hairdresser telling my sister that it made her hair grow like a weed. In my search for finding that "right moisturiser" i remembered afta-perm and picked up a large jar to try it once again. My hair is texturised with the wash and wear relaxer and i keep it moist most of the time and bun it. Well there are a variety of ways to use afta-perm and i used it as a deep conditioner for 20 minutes under the dryer, rinse it out, and then added my normal homemade moisturizing spray and then added my afta-perm (can also be used daily as a moisturiser) and added a little wonder 8 oil and then bunned it/plaited it and all I can say is than i have finally found it! My hair stays soft and moist all day. I read on another hairboard that one hairdresser told her to leave it in overnight to combact dryness. All I can say is my hair likes it. It doesn't list the ingredients and I know it probably has mineral oil and petraleum (sp. wrong) in it, but I don't care. I just won't use it on my scalp and I wash every three days. I want to start using Eqyss Premier shampoo that Vixen uses because she said it cleanse the hair good. Anyway, I just wanted to share.
I recently started using this at night before i tie my hair up in a scarf.. i wake up to moist shiny hair in the morning!!