I have caught a horrible disease and you may have it too!


New Member
The disease i'm talking about is Hand in Hair disease. I really want to chop my fingers off. :look: Yes its getting that bad. Let me show you what I posted in the random hair thread this morning.

I have a SERIOUS case of Hand in Hair Disease. I do it so much now that I'm annoying myself with it. Ever since I've BC'd my hand has been in my hair. Its almost as bad as thumbsucking. I do it to calm my nerves. I do it when I get excited. I do it to fall asleep. I do it when I get bored. I'm doing it RIGHT NOW!!! I think I may start doing the box weave thing that I use to do when I was younger. You know the ones that you put on a keychain. Just to keep my hands busy and OUT. OF. MY. HAIR. **slaps own hand out of hair**

I even TOLD myself all day that I would keep my hands out of my hair. It wasnt even 30 seconds later that I found my hand back in my hair. :sad: Please help me. Maybe we can start a support group or something. But this is BAD and I need it to stop NOW before I cause some horrible damage.
I am always checking for knots so I run my hand through my hair all the time. It doesn't hurt it.
Lol, I call it "Edge diseases" ive been afflicted either this but im getting better. Now I convinced myself im doing scalp massages...ah huh. Yeppers.

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yeah...i have this disease. My hair is in twists and I a constantly taking one down...checking for splits and then retwisting.....LOL
Yes... I have it baaaaaaaaaaad.
That's why I'm getting a sew-in this week to put my hair up. I'll play in it when it's WL and I'm not obsessed with gaining length.
:lol: I have it too! I'm transitioning and I am OBSESSED with playing with my coilies! Especially after its been in a bun all day, and I get home and take it out? Ahhhh soo nice :lol: The texture difference between the waves at my scalp and the frizziness of my ends sends me over the edge! :lachen: I.LOVE.it! I don't know what I'm going to do once I'm fully natchal :nono: lol ohnoes.
I had it but solved it... In the house I wear a nice scarf
outdoors I wig it or put it in a high little bun lol
I'm not reaching up there to touch my hair.
Worked all 2010 and counting
I was doing ok until I started reading this thread. Before I knew it, I had a hand working its way through my new growth. I have had this disease since I started my transition and it is getting worse!
Girl. I was playing in my hair as I stumbled across this thread. I am obsessed with playing with the new growth between relaxers -- my Mom yells at me all the time to "quit digging in my hair." Haha.
Yep, I definitely have this disease...

I've been trying to bun my way to BSL and I still find myself playing with the shorter hairs in my bun. I can't stop.
Wearing wigs will cure it for the most part. I do reserve a little bit of nape area hair for such purposes though. :)
I honestly can't say I have this problem. Maybe because my hair is always hidden under wigs :lachen:

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Diggin through my new growth right now as I'm going through this thread. Now that I am transitioning I am lovin feeling those cute little curls poppin through!!
Yes, i'm right there with you. When I wear my hair out it's all over. But it gets worse...not only do I have my hands in my hair but force my SO to put his hands in my hair as well. It happens mid conversation and all of a sudden i'm like "feel my hair! Just feel it, can you believe how soft it is right now!" Yeah it's pretty bad and I can't control it.
I JUST had my hand sin my hair 5 seconds ago then I saw this thread lol. Seriously I need to stop. I keep picking at this one section near my nape and I think it's starting to thin.
I had it too my first few months as a natural, but I found the further I went into my journey the less and less it became an issue. I think I was just amazed that my hair was in its natural state after about 10 yrs of having a relaxer.
Girl im touching my hair right now! I flatironed my hair last friday and used silkening proteins beforehand so now my hair is as soft as silk and I can't stop touching it! Its time for me to throw it back up in braids again.
As I read this thread, I had to grab my arm so I would do it. My scarf doesn't work: Put it on to go downstairs, goes back up, off, hand back in hair. I don't need to touch my hair to go to sleep lol, but I know I'll have this problem when it's BSL.
I''m constantly pulling out shed hairs. Now that I'm not natural, they're not going to slide or get combed out.
I have this disease and it's symptoms get stronger as I stretch my relaxers longer. Can't keep my fingers out of my new growth
Good to know I am not alone. I can't even keep a sew-in without going crazy for lack of access to my hair. Low manipulation is out of the question for me. I have had this issue since I was a kid. I never thought about it till one day after a fresh relaxer I was brushing my hair in the mirror and my Grandfather said to me "Your in your hair again? Your gonna brush it right out of your head!" I think about that everytime I'm in my hair for no reason. I'm a stay at home mom and I have all day sometimes to play in my hair. I Can't wait to start school in June so I'll have less time to mess around in my hair...oh and for the education lol (j/k).
The only thing that cured my of hand in hair disease is that I now use gel in my hair and that has stopped me from touching my hair because I don't like the way the gel feels.:lachen:
This ain't no disease. It's a part of life. The only time my hands are not in my hair is if they're busy typing, cleaning, workin' out, cookin', sleepin', or if I'm with my man, LOL.