I Have been thinking of Natural? BUT....


New Member
am scared...

After being on this blog for a couple of months i have been thinking of going natural A LOT. I am afraid of how i would look....Is my hair going to look nice? is my family going to drive me nuts(which they will) by the faces they make when i mention it?

So what do you think about it....IF I begin a transition and change my mind will i have major breakage for not having relaxed for long?

What do you ladies think?
am scared...

After being on this blog for a couple of months i have been thinking of going natural A LOT. I am afraid of how i would look....Is my hair going to look nice? is my family going to drive me nuts(which they will) by the faces they make when i mention it?

So what do you think about it....IF I begin a transition and change my mind will i have major breakage for not having relaxed for long?

What do you ladies think?

I think you should really think long and hard. I know folks say it is just hair but.... We are use to looking a certain way with our hair. I am natural and I love my hair. I prefer lookin at me with straighter hair. My natural hair really shrinks up. Folks are always amazed with I flat iron my hair and see the lenght. Your hair looks pretty long now. Are you prepared for it to rock a shorter style?

Granted my hair is so much longer and healthier since I became natural.
I have no clue! I don't even know how to care for natural hair.

I advise you to get started reading up on natural hair and transitioning, as well as visiting people's fotkis for ideas on styles and the problems transitioners face. You'd need to decide how long you are going to transition etc and set your goal from there.

Really it's trial and error for me, not everything that works for one person is going to work for others, but it's helpful to get all kind of ideas. I think once you've read up on it, then you should make your decision.

I'll admit that I went into shock after my BC, but now that I've learned how to care for my hair and style it, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Good luck whatever you decide. This is definitly not a decision to be taken lightly or without much thought and preparation.
I have no clue! I don't even know how to care for natural hair.

Me neither!

I try but succumb to the creamy crack. It's hard. And I really wont know how to care for it until i actually chop and see it at 100%.

My problem is the time invovled. It's gonna take me well over a YEAR to grow out a relaxer to a length i feel comfortable with.

I'm just too impatient. I've been thinking about it over a year too.
Well being the NATURAL ADVOCATE that I am...I say do it! But on the flip side - usually the transition causes significant hair loss (through shedding the dead hair); and with all that hair you have falling dead is simply unconceivable to me because your hair is so gorgeous!!!

But being natural is a beautiful thing and I love it; especailly more than when I was relaxed.

So my advice to you is be convinced in your own mind not by others!!!:yep:
First of all you have some gorgeous hair! Like others have said you want to explore fotkis and also try to figure out what your hair type will look like. I asked my mother to get ideas of what my hair was like as a child. Now its true that textures can change but mine had not.

I really had the itch to go natural but it took me years of going back and forth to finally take the plunge. I finally figured I should do it cause the longer my hair got the harder it was gonna be for me to chop.

Now that I'm natural its so much easier. Transitioning was a b. I wash and go everyday and I'm excited to be natural. The only thing I miss is my length I dont miss my relaxed hair. I still attract plenty of dudes and I haven't received any negative comments- at least not to my face. :look:

But you will know when you are ready, and I'm sure you will look beautiful with your God-given texture.
You have to make up your mind that its what YOU want to do.Transitioning IS difficult, but once you start taking care of your hair in its natural state you'll be amazed at how much you love it. There might be haters, brush them off and stick to it. I wish I would have not listened to all the *MOUTH*:blah: that I was getting when I transitioned the FIRST time ( 4 years ago) then Id already have my BAA!! lol

On that note your permed hair is gorgeous!!! and Im POSITIVE ur Natural hair will be gorgeous too!! This whole thing is a journey. Who knows..... a few years from now I may chop off all my hair get a perm and rock tha JADA PINKETT!!:lachen:
Do what ya do!
I'm still thinking about it. I don't like how long it takes to achieve a look I can live with with natural hair. At 7 months post, all I have patience for is a bun. Think about what it means to you and I hope you arrive at the right decision. Personally, I'll probably relax until I learn some other techniques to deal with my natural hair...
I have these thoughts and then I get over it :look:...the question is do you really FEEL like transitioning? I mean the proocess...not the end result...just some food for thought. :)
It is really a personal decision. I used to want natural hair...but for the benefits of health only. I knew that my pressed hair was healthier than my relaxed hair. So initially that was why I transitioned...well attempted too...but I was TERRIFIED of the BC and I could not ever imagine wearing my hair in it's natural state. I thought other people looked good with natural styles...but that I would look like a plucked chicken. Well I finally stuck with it...and lo and behold I even did the BC after one year...and so far I do not regret it at all. The only regret I have is that I didn't do it sooner. I learn more and more about my hair as days go by and my hair seems to be changing with each passing day. I say think LONG and hard about it. The most important thing is to determine WHY you are going natural. As far as looking funny and being teased...my grandmother HATES when I wear a puff....but she loves when I slick it back and she sees tha waves...my cousins and friends LOVE it...at first...they just kind of gave me blank stares but now a few of them are considering transitioning themselves. :-)
What ever you decide to do...GOOD luck! You have beautiful hair!
Noooooooooooooo!! Don't do it

Omg this made me laugh so hard....I just told my cousins about my idea and they replied...You couldn't do it for a day!

I am going to really think about it because transitioning will probably damage my relaxed hair and if i change my mind i might have too much breakage and shedding....

Thank you ladies for the great advice!
As you can see the common thread here is your mind. You need to be mentally ready to deal with the changes that will take place and determine what is the best way for you to go natural if that is what you choose.

Here are some ladies that I think have been wildly successful in there transition journey and they have the pictures to prove it. Their hair is fierce.


I am sure they would not mind talking to you about their journey and how they are doing so far.

I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.
OP, we are >>>>>here<<<<<

I've considered transitioning but I like to wear my hair straight 99% of the time. On top of that, I texlax so I can still wear wash n go's and wavy styles...for those reasons I decided against transitioning for now but I'll probably do it when I'm a bit older (I can't wait to rock a gray natural).

You're hair is so gorgeous now and would be just as gorgeous if you transitioned. Afterall, a relaxed head is still a result of what was once natural, right? I'm sure you'll figure out what's best.
Good Luck in whatever you choose. I will say that I wore my hair texturized for about 4 years. I gave it up about January of last year. I slowly cut away the chemically processed hair. I am not comfortable with my length yet because my hair shrinks so much but, it has been a struggle. Twists or braids may help with your transition. I wore twists for 3 months before cutting my ends and putting a texturizer in. Dumb I know, but at the time I did not know any better. Sorry so long! Hope this helps! I hardly wear my hair out I wear hats and pretty silk scarves. It is what your are comfortable with.