I have a few random questions...


New Member
Hey ladies,
How is everyone? I'm a long time lurker & I've decided to get more serious about growing healthy hair. You ladies are so inspirational.:yep: So I have a bunch of random questions so here goes...
a]I know a lot of people on here either wash or co wash daily and I was thinking maybe I'd do that more but what do you all do in terms of drying your hair? I'm relaxed and I usually let it air dry partially then blow dry it the rest of the way, but now I'm trying to minimize heat use. Plus I'm a college student which means I'm broke and I need something that's fairly easy to do/maintain. Any tips for what to do with my hair after I wash it?
b] I've heard a lot of people say that some people's hair won't grow past a certain length. Agree? Disagree?
c] For the past few months I've been wearing weaves but decided to go back to my regular hair for a while. The only problem is I have no idea what to do with it. I'm used to my mom doing it or wearing a weave. Before I'd use the curling iron a lot but I'm really trying to cut back on the amount of heat I use. Any tips for what I can do with my hair on a day to day basis would be greatly appreciated.
d] Does anyone know of any good stylists in the Northern VA/DC area? I'm thinking of maybe going back to weaves just until school is over so if you know of any good weave specialists that'd be great too.

Wow ok, didn't mean to write a novel here.:yep:
I hope I didn't take up too much of anyone's time. Thanks.
a]I know a lot of people on here either wash or co wash daily and I was thinking maybe I'd do that more but what do you all do in terms of drying your hair? I'm relaxed and I usually let it air dry partially then blow dry it the rest of the way, but now I'm trying to minimize heat use. Plus I'm a college student which means I'm broke and I need something that's fairly easy to do/maintain. Any tips for what to do with my hair after I wash it? I dont wahs daily but I have heard from the women that do wash daily, that they bun their hair and let it air dry. Using heta everyday is bad.
b] I've heard a lot of people say that some people's hair won't grow past a certain length. Agree? Disagree? I disagree. People say this but if you arent taking care of your hair properly, inside and out, it's not going to reach it's full potential. There are plenty of women here that grew to lengths they never had before. Hair needs TLC. yes everyone might have a terminal length but how would you know where that length is unless you tried?
c] For the past few months I've been wearing weaves but decided to go back to my regular hair for a while. The only problem is I have no idea what to do with it. I'm used to my mom doing it or wearing a weave. Before I'd use the curling iron a lot but I'm really trying to cut back on the amount of heat I use. Any tips for what I can do with my hair on a day to day basis would be greatly appreciated. Rollersetting is sn option. I almost forgot to mention this, if you need to wear curls everyday, maybe you should get steam rollers. They are not damaging to your hair because it uses steam instead of dry heat. there are two brands, caruso and vidal sasson.

This is a good article to read for you to start out. Check out her other articles too.

a]I know a lot of people on here either wash or co wash daily and I was thinking maybe I'd do that more but what do you all do in terms of drying your hair? Any tips for what to do with my hair after I wash it?
-ponytail rollerset (w/ or w/out hooded dryer)
-bantu knot airdry

b] I've heard a lot of people say that some people's hair won't grow past a certain length. Disagree

c] For the past few months I've been wearing weaves but decided to go back to my regular hair for a while. I'm really trying to cut back on the amount of heat I use. Any tips for what I can do with my hair on a day to day basis would be greatly appreciated.
phony ponytails, phony buns, & clip on tracks have helped me & my ends tremendously!! Braid outs & twist outs are also nice
a) I allow it to partially air dry before I tie it down with a scarf so it lays smoothly. I either bun it, or if I'm feeling sassy, I don a phony pony. I c/o wash daily.
b) Agree... people's hair will only grow a certain length if they do not know how to properly care for it!! If you properly care for your hair, your growth is limitless :yep:
c) Try 1/2 wigs, it will give you the look of a weave w/o the glue or needle & thread, plus you can take it off at night to c/o wash! :yep:
a]I know a lot of people on here either wash or co wash daily and I was thinking maybe I'd do that more but what do you all do in terms of drying your hair? I'm relaxed and I usually let it air dry partially then blow dry it the rest of the way, but now I'm trying to minimize heat use. Plus I'm a college student which means I'm broke and I need something that's fairly easy to do/maintain. Any tips for what to do with my hair after I wash it?

I'd suggest rollersetting. Plenty of tutorials on youtube or you can get Macherie's video. You can wear it curly for a couple of days, then wrap it until you wash or rollerset again. Once you get good at rollersetting, the whole process could take around 2 hours. Don't get discouraged if it takes you a while to rollerset the first time. It took me almost an hour the first time to rollerset. Then an hour under the dryer. About 3 hours total.

b] I've heard a lot of people say that some people's hair won't grow past a certain length. Agree? Disagree?

Disagree. Just like people with terminal illnesses can live longer than expected when they take care of themselves, I truly believe a person's hair can grow past it's terminal length. You also have to envision yourself with the hair length you want and keep telling yourself you will be that length. Negative thinking can reflect itself in your growth.

c] For the past few months I've been wearing weaves but decided to go back to my regular hair for a while. The only problem is I have no idea what to do with it. I'm used to my mom doing it or wearing a weave. Before I'd use the curling iron a lot but I'm really trying to cut back on the amount of heat I use. Any tips for what I can do with my hair on a day to day basis would be greatly appreciated.
  • phony ponys and buns (about $10 ea at a beauty supply store)
  • rollersets
  • wash and gos
  • braidouts
I primarily do the first two. I did a braidout...whoo disasterous!!!! But it might work on you. I'd get one bun and one phony pony and for less than $25 you could have a week's worth of styles.

Just make sure you baggy or keep your ends moisturized with whatever style you do.