
New Member
OK ladies,
I've been growing my hair out with sew-ins for about 3 years now & I still can't seem to reach MBL :wallbash:I'm BSL & I have been for sometime now. Can someone please chime in, I had some really good growth in the past but it seems to have just stopped. I will admitt that I've slowed down on the vitamins or pretty much fell off but dag.. just took my sew-in out yesterday it has been in for 8 weeks & I'm going to the salon this afternoon to get a light dusting.... Do I put the sew-in back in or just bun, co-wash etc.. & take care of my hair..... Ladies I'm stuck REALLY...
Any advice would help...:crossfingers:
Your hair probably hasnt stopped growing, it has just stopped retaining more length. Its no different than the person who gets to shoulder length and then stays at shoulder length for years. Maybe your hair has gone as far as it can go with sew-ins and you should probably do like you said and try other protective styles,:yep:

Dont get yourself too upset over it, after all, you have managed to remain at BSL. That is quite an accomplishment.:grin::grin::grin:
Thanks Chelz,
I figured as much but I was hitting so many goals I was like YES, this is how I'm going to get there.. But I'm just stuck.. I may peak I head into your Juice Challenge
i would like to know as well. :yep:

i'm also someone who has been at BSB for about over a year. it's difficult to maintain nice ends at a length that is longer than BSB for me, it seems... but i am going into braids today for the entire summer so.... hopefully i can reach MBL and keep my hair moisturized...
^^^ LivingDol1, well good luck girl, I hope we both can get there I was hoping to be there by Sept., but I guess we'll just have to wait & see. Happy Hair Growing....
You said it yourself you kinda fell off.

Maybe give sew ins a rest and after your dusting you go hard on taking care of your hair in a different way.


CONGRATS TO YOU FOR BEING BSL!!!! MBL here you come!!!!
^^^^ THANKS Whimsy, Yes I do think I need to get back on the bandwagon with my vitamins for sure...
J-Moe sometimes I have to change up a protective style or my hair won't retain as much length. Maybe try giving your hair a break from weaves and do buns. If you haven't seen growth in 3 yrs then I think that's a sign you need to try something different. Maybe your hair wants to be shown off! LOL or you can try half wigs.

BTW maybe revisit whatever your regimen was before you fell off
I think you should give yourelf a break from the weaves and let your hair rest for awhile. Summer is a good time to get hair growth so try different low manipulation styles like twists out or braidouts. Try to keep everything simple and you will get to mbl in no time.
Thanks Chelz,
I figured as much but I was hitting so many goals I was like YES, this is how I'm going to get there.. But I'm just stuck.. I may peak I head into your Juice Challenge

The juice is great for retention!!!:yep::grin::grin: We'll be waiting for you in tha juice thread with advice and answers to any questions you may have...:mob:
^^^ Yes BostonMaria, I think that you may be right, I have seen growth over the past 3 years but it's just that I'm stuck at this point!!! I think that I'll have to do something...
I am having the same issue I have been stuck somewhere between BSL and MBL. I'm not sure what my length is really. I just know as I get close to waist length I have problems w/my ends and have to trim because of bad tangles, knots etc...
Don't put the sew in back in. Enjoy your hair this summer. But make sure to treat hair with tender loving care.
I just beat my slump.

I was stuck at BSL for MONTHS. DEC to MAY really, I decided to start buning and french braiding... and a few days ago I took a photo of my hair and voila:


The tips are FINALLY past BSL. FINALLY.

I think they key is switching up your reggie. my problem was, I was so proud of myself for having that length I started wearing it out all the time, flat ironing it all the time, letting it down from my bun just to "show it off" etc etc. I forgot that I was ruining it. I also went to Vegas in April where its DRY as hell, and had so much fun I forgot to moisturize nightly ANNNND got in chlorinated pools.

So anyway, May I decided that I was going to get serious and stop messing around, and when I took my photo my hair was responding.

Try co-washing and putting it straight into a bun for the next few weeks, see if that doesn't stop some of the breakage that may be causing you not to retain.
OK ladies,
I've been growing my hair out with sew-ins for about 3 years now & I still can't seem to reach MBL :wallbash:I'm BSL & I have been for sometime now. Can someone please chime in, I had some really good growth in the past but it seems to have just stopped. I will admitt that I've slowed down on the vitamins or pretty much fell off but dag.. just took my sew-in out yesterday it has been in for 8 weeks & I'm going to the salon this afternoon to get a light dusting.... Do I put the sew-in back in or just bun, co-wash etc.. & take care of my hair..... Ladies I'm stuck REALLY...
Any advice would help...:crossfingers:

I think you may have to start taking care of your hair, we all know that growth depends on our retention. So perhaps you just need to make sure your ends are strong and healthy. As long as you notice growth inbetween each install, then it is just your retention that needs to be on point.
Thanks Chelz,
I figured as much but I was hitting so many goals I was like YES, this is how I'm going to get there.. But I'm just stuck.. I may peak I head into your Juice Challenge

You know you just den messed up now right? LOL the ladies in that challenge will FOREVER HUNT YOU DOWN!

THERE'S NO ESCAPING NOW.....:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:

chants...you're one of us....you're one of us...you're one of us...you're one of us...
OK ladies,
I've been growing my hair out with sew-ins for about 3 years now & I still can't seem to reach MBL :wallbash:I'm BSL & I have been for sometime now. Can someone please chime in, I had some really good growth in the past but it seems to have just stopped. I will admitt that I've slowed down on the vitamins or pretty much fell off but dag.. just took my sew-in out yesterday it has been in for 8 weeks & I'm going to the salon this afternoon to get a light dusting.... Do I put the sew-in back in or just bun, co-wash etc.. & take care of my hair..... Ladies I'm stuck REALLY...
Any advice would help...:crossfingers:

I wish I had your problem.:rolleyes::lachen: I can tell you that jheri juice is the bomb. :yep: I really didn't realize how much my hair grew until I picked it out. I now have a medium sized fro, now.:grin:
Girl, that's so true!

Chelz came looking for me, and FOUND ME! Made me check in.......So SCARY!


You know you just den messed up now right? LOL the ladies in that challenge will FOREVER HUNT YOU DOWN!

THERE'S NO ESCAPING NOW.....:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:

chants...you're one of us....you're one of us...you're one of us...you're one of us...
I love s-curl juice and castor oil. It has gotten me from APL to BSL in 9 weeks!!! You should try the juice. My hair loooooves it.
I would give the sewin a rest for like 6 months and find a new ps where you can keep the hair moisturized 24 \ 7

also get some gummy vitamins or chewables. You won't forget :)
I agree with chelz and bostonmaria. Maybe change up your protective styles. Also your ends are older now so more intense DCs might also help with retaining.
I would maybe do as the other ladies suggested and try another type of protective styling. If your hair is not retaining, it is telling you something. You should maybe try to change it up. I would start with the styling.