I have a confession to make...


New Member
I wasnt gonna tell you guys. I felt like a failure. But I decided to share to warn others. You MUST BE PATIENT!!

Ok here's my story. Ive been growing my chin length hair out since Dec. It was finally past my shoulders.. FINALLY! I put a black rinse in (cuz I have hella greys) and loved it. Then over the next 2 weeks my hair changed - maybe from the rinse- i dont know?? My sister said it was wirey and dry. It looked broken and I couldnt get it to lay down in the back . I started trippin'... rinsing, washing, curling. I dont know why i was so frantic. I think i was just afraid that my hair was falling out or something. That all my work had been for nothing.

I coulda just put it up for a few weeks. I have the summer off so no one has to see me... Instead I bought brand new scissors and cut my hair - nape length in the back and about an inch past chin length in the front. when i finished my chop I didnt feel that feeling of relief that I usually do - I cut my hair this length once a year :( Instead I wanted to cry.

Yes, it is SO healthy and thick from all of my hard work. and it's actually really cute and sassy ... bUT i MISS my hair. :( I wish i woulda been patient and waited out this itch that i had. Now i have to start all over. My hair will be back to its length by Jan. And this time i will not give up. (Keep an eye out for my fotki. I'll update it in the winter.)

So the lesson here is DONT STRESS OUT. WAIT!! YOUR HAIR WILL GET BETTER. Take it from me... Now I'll just have to remember that next time...:ohwell:

PS There should be a 2 week waiting period before the BSS can sell a girl scissors!! UGH!
AAAAWWW! I'm so sorry to hear that! :kiss: Thanks for sharing your story. I felt just like you did last week. I was about to do a BC cuz my hair wouldnt do right. Thankfully that feeling passed.
It could be the rinse. I ruined my hair when I put a color in it. Had to chop to remove the damage. You are not a failure. Stuff happens. Your hair will grow back.
I'm sure your new haircut is very, very cute and if you grew it out before, you'll have no problem doing it again. I really thank you for telling your story because it helps to remind me that I need to be more patient with my own hair.
Thanks everyone. I knew the LHCF girls wold make me feel better!

PS. The rinse was the one from Sallys in th e coppery bottle. I forgot what its called ... the beautiful collection or something. I had been using Adore. I shoulda stuck with it. Oh well - another lesson learned.
middlegirl said:
I wasnt gonna tell you guys. I felt like a failure. But I decided to share to warn others. You MUST BE PATIENT!!

Ok here's my story. Ive been growing my chin length hair out since Dec. It was finally past my shoulders.. FINALLY! I put a black rinse in (cuz I have hella greys) and loved it. Then over the next 2 weeks my hair changed - maybe from the rinse- i dont know?? My sister said it was wirey and dry. It looked broken and I couldnt get it to lay down in the back . I started trippin'... rinsing, washing, curling. I dont know why i was so frantic. I think i was just afraid that my hair was falling out or something. That all my work had been for nothing.

I coulda just put it up for a few weeks. I have the summer off so no one has to see me... Instead I bought brand new scissors and cut my hair - nape length in the back and about an inch past chin length in the front. when i finished my chop I didnt feel that feeling of relief that I usually do - I cut my hair this length once a year :( Instead I wanted to cry.

Yes, it is SO healthy and thick from all of my hard work. and it's actually really cute and sassy ... bUT i MISS my hair. :( I wish i woulda been patient and waited out this itch that i had. Now i have to start all over. My hair will be back to its length by Jan. And this time i will not give up. (Keep an eye out for my fotki. I'll update it in the winter.)

So the lesson here is DONT STRESS OUT. WAIT!! YOUR HAIR WILL GET BETTER. Take it from me... Now I'll just have to remember that next time...:ohwell:

PS There should be a 2 week waiting period before the BSS can sell a girl scissors!! UGH!

:lol: I like this! I'm actually scoping out a new pair right now. I can't wait to do my next trim.

If that's your new cut in your avatar, it's really cute. After you grieve your lost hair, maybe you can see this as an opportunity for a fresh, healthy new start.
middlegirl said:
Thanks everyone. I knew the LHCF girls wold make me feel better!

PS. The rinse was the one from Sallys in th e coppery bottle. I forgot what its called ... the beautiful collection or something. I had been using Adore. I shoulda stuck with it. Oh well - another lesson learned.

awh now, dont say it's so. I have this and waiting to use it. I might reconsider. :eek:
Yeah... I think I'm gonna stop cutting my own hair. I intentionally cut it off this time but there have been times when Ive trimmed just a lil too much... My cut is cute but I know that if I had just got my hair professionally done or professionally trimmed I'd still be swangin my lovely locks right now. Ok that's it! I'm getting rid of 'em! Just gotta find a trustworthy stylist.

By the way, no, thats not my new cut in my avatar. That was a June picture. My hair was about an inch longer when i cut it. Its kinda like Amerie's cut with nose length bangs on this page: http://www.concreteloop.com/archives/2005/12/random_pictures.html
Rinses tend to make my hair feel dry. Its not damage, it is just the fact that the color is deposited on the hair and the coating makes it difficult for my hair to absorb moisture. Maybe that's what happened to you. I have to DC like crazy and use a daily water based conditioner to maintain the moisture balance. Maybe that's what happened to you. I'm sure your hair will grow back in no time.