I have a confession to make.


Well-Known Member
I have been contemplating on having an affair....

on my coconut oil with extra virgin olive oil.:look:

Please let me explain.

Dear Coconut Oil,

Let me start by saying that I know that you, my beloved coconut oil, has never done me wrong. You were the first to show me the light and made me realize that I did not have to straighten my hair with heat to make it manageable. You did that all by yourself. You made my hair soft and kept the shampoo from drying it out. My hair is more manageable whilst wet thanks to you. Better curl definition? Check. More hydrated locks? Check. Add you to my oil mix with olive and jojoba oil and you three had my hair singing. Fry some curry leaves in you and you become a BOMB A** CONDITIONING PREPOO. I know I could go on and on about your virtues but I have something to confess. Last night while I was wrestling with my frizzy, dry as a bone hair I thought of doing something to bring the moisture back cause moisturizing and sealing at this point wasn't working. I began think of the progress my hair is making when I remembered how important olive oil (EVOO for short) is to my regimen. I had really missed using it like I used to before you became my priority hair oil. In fact I remembered better strength and growth when olive oil was in the majority of my hair oiling regimen. So in an attempt to quench my thirsty locks I tiptoed past you to the kitchen and scooped up a few tablespoons of EVOO and proceeded to warm it up.

After warming I slathered it on all ova. I wrapped my head in a scarf and headed to bed. The next morning I checked my twists and behold softness. My hair felt so much better, not dry but soft and moisturized. After washing I felt the same as I do when I use you before wash day. Sorry but EVOO is able to do the same thing that you can do but for less money and inconvience.

Now I'm not saying that we are through or anything, I just need a little break to get to know EVOO better that's all. Besides you never gave me the growth rate that EVOO has but enough about that. I'll be back I promise, just after I reach waist length.
That was really cute. I've been thinking of adding EVOO to my routine as well, maybe I'll give it a shot this weekend. A friend of mine swears by it.
Too cute!! I'm still madly in love with my coconut oil and could never love another!

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Where do you keep your EVOO and how do you dispense it for hair care?

I had mine in a recycled jojoba oil bottle with a small opening and snap lid. But the little bottle reached the end of its life. I can't be in the kitchen making an oil spill every time I get dryness.
This is cute!

I've had bad relationships with both EVCO and EVOO. EVCO and I recently reconciled thanks to HV Vatika Frosting and KV oils (old formulation).
Sadly EVOO and I will not be getting back to together. It makes my hair really hard when used by itself and if too much of it is in an oil mix or product, it makes my hair kinda hard. No matter how many chances I give it, we're just no good for each other.
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This was a cute read OP.

I also have been neglecting my coconut oil for shea butter mixes during this past harsh winter. Poor EVCO is collecting dust...
I've tried and tried to like BOTH EVOO and EVCO, but no :nono: it just sits on my hair. My hair prefers thick and smelly oils like castor oil, lol.
LMAO!! I love EVOO too and it makes my hair feel so soft. I might just do an oil treatment tonight when I get home.
Funny enough, I actually stopped using coconut oil last year cause it started to seriously dry my hair. I switched back to castor oil and only recently remembered my precious EVOO. I've been prepooing with it for the last month and now I recall why I loved it so much.
Coconut oil is my first... my last... my everything (sigh):heart2::heart3: ... but it's good to know I have EVOO in my kitchen for those moments when I run out and havent restocked at the store just yet, those moments are rare :).
Really cute OP. Just remember this is a only a break so be careful with EVOO and use a plastic cap or you could end up with a break baby :-)
@caliscurls Please do.

@Jace032000 I feel u. Try frying some curry leaves in your oil before using. I did and I got more conditioning out of my coconut oil than I usually do. You can find curry leaves in Indian grocery stores. They cost like $1 for a small ziplock bag full of leaves. They're also supposed to retain your natural hair color and keep it from greying so...:look:

@southerncitygirl Uh huh I know right. Once I added EVOO to my EVCO and it was like a match made in heaven. I added some jojoba oil to it and it was a wrap. Now I'm addicted for life.:yep:

@krissyhair In my kitchen. I just pour it from the bottle it came in and add it to my hair.

@rileypak That's so sad to hear. It's good to know that you've found something that you do like.

@overtherainbow That'll change. How do you think I got where I am? Just one application and I was hooked.

@Straighthoodtea :giggle:

@isawstars I like castor oil too especially the Jamican Black Castor Oil wirh coconut oil added. The smell alone makes me want to put it in my hair.:lick:

@BostonMaria Right. I think I might stick to EVOO for the time being. I've had a wack patch in the back of my head that was acting up for a while now. Since my switch to EVOO this time around it's been quiet...for now:look:

@Solila :grin:

@Christa438 :sigh: I'm more of a hoarder when it comes to stocking up on mine. Let's see I have a 15oz jar of coconut oil in my deep freezer, 500mil jar stashed in the garage for safe keeping, a small 100mil bottle on the bottom shelf of my fridge door, half of a 500mil bottle left over from the other half of the same bottle that I used to fry up some curry leaves and I stored that half away for my next hot oil treatment. I know I have a problem.

@Shelew always :wink2:
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