Coconut vs Olive Oil 4 Naturals and Relaxed Heads


You can get them online at They have a flat rate on their shipping...and ship pretty fast too.
ayeshia said:
erica78 said:
blacktresses said:
I was talking to one of my girls about the use of these oils as a hot oil treatment. She is relaxed 4b (I hipped her up to this site) and uses olive oil on her tresses. She was telling me the wonders of olive oil on her hair.
She stated that after leaving her hair in EVOO all day how soft her hair was (bad english). Even her hairdresser stated that her hair was in much better conditioner ( now how many times have we all heard that comment
). Anywho, I was tellin' her how the EVOO seems to just sit on top of my hair. I really haven't notice any difference at all (BTW, I am natural 3c/4a). However, when I apply coconut oil on my hair, it comes out ubber soft, HIH diease).

I would like to know how many of you actually witness this difference in your hair with these oils ???

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I'm with you. I will take coconut oil over olive oil any day.
I was using olive oil on my hair before I came to this forum...but stopped after I was getting a lot of build up and flakes in my hair. The coconut oil leaves my hair so soft and shiny. I also love the scent of it too. It's a great moisturizer!

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what kind do you use? I am thinking about purchasing some

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I order my virgin coconut oil <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . Until someone else tells me of a better coconut oil I'm gonna stick with them.
How exactly do you guys use coconut oil? I know that its too heavy to put on my hair as a hair dressing. What difference do you notice if you use it as a pre-treatment?
<font color="purple">I use evoo as a pre-'poo treatment and to moisturize and seal my ends after washing. You would only use a little if you want to counteract the smell. I'm used to it anyway. And if I want to use it as a massage oil, mix it with some essential oils, i.e. peppermint, rosemary, or lavender. And as for coconut oil, I'm going to purchase some this weekend to make my own homemade hair butter to seal my ends while wearing my hair braided for the summer. </font>
Re: Coconut vs Olive Oil 4 Naturals and Relaxed He

I love 'em both...olive oil usually gets mixed with something and coconut oil is usually used for shine.
Re: Coconut vs Olive Oil 4 Naturals and Relaxed He

I use a mixture of both. (3 coconut/1 olive) When I have tried them alone, my hair responds much better to coconut oil. I use the mixture for my daily moisture and hot oil treatments. They have greatly softened my head full of wires. You should only use a small amount, like 4 sprays (half oils &amp; half water) for your head.
Re: Coconut vs Olive Oil 4 Naturals and Relaxed He

Ayeshia, I purchased Parachute coconut oil from an indian store here where I live. I was so excited to have it because I've heard good things. Well...........maybe your batch is better than mine because this stuff has big chunks of hard coconut that come out along with the oil, so I end up with little white balls in my hair. It also does not moisturize my hair at all. It is thick and it doesn't smell too good either. The guy at the indian store said that it was not virgin unrefined, so maybe that's why my hair doesn't like it.
Re: Coconut vs Olive Oil 4 Naturals and Relaxed He

I've given up on EVOO. I've tried every variation and method, every brand from the cheapie drugstore/grocery brands to the hand-pressed-by-a-virgin-under-the-full-moon expensive brand and my hair just doesn't care for it.
However my hair adores Coconut oil and coconut milk. Finicky hair? Geesh! Who knew?
Britt said:
How exactly do you guys use coconut oil? I know that its too heavy to put on my hair as a hair dressing. What difference do you notice if you use it as a pre-treatment?

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First, I melt it down in the microwave. The stuff liquefies so easily that it only takes about thirty seconds to melt a full jar. And now the the wather's getting warmer, sometimes, it's it's already liquid when I want to use it without my doing anything.

I like to use it in a couple of ways. When I clarify my hair, I use a TINY amount of it along with my other products to help replenish the lost oils. It helps my hair stay soft and shiny and keeps it from getting dry. I also use it about twice a week as an overnight treatment for pretty much the same purpose.

The main difference I've noticed since I started including coconut oil in my routine is consistent softness and especially [grease-free] shine. I've also read that it helps strengthen your hair.
