I have 4 new pictures in my hair album.


I'm your huckleberry.
I retouched my hair today and I added the pictures to my hair album. Have a look. It grew...I don't know why....I haven't been taking my vitamins 'cause I can't keep anything down (been kinda sick lately.....might be pregnant). I have been under an inordinate amount of stress, I stopped combing my hair, tying it up at night, washing and conditioning as much. So to pick myself up, I went and got my nails done (pedicure too). I couldn't have fly nails and tore up hair...now could I?

My Hair Album
your hair looks great! there's nothing like a little pampering to make us feel better!

it probably grew becuase you weren't doing so much. that's great... everything except you gotta tie it up at night. you don't want to wear down your hairline with friction breakage. also, find a way to release that stress. i think it really does stunt hair growth.
Your hair looks fab! The sheen and glow is on the mark (touche). I can only hope my hair will turn out as lovely as yours.
You better listen to Andrienne too!
SpicedTea, i agree, ur hair looks nice girl
. "Maybe pregnant"? Well definitely get that stress under control kiddo; mommy don't need that
Very nice...Your hair is looking strong and healthy. It's grown alot since your first pic...
P.S. Don't worry about your face...I got 'chubby' cheeks also. I was told they keep you looking young...
YOur hair is looking really nice and healthy. It has really grown. Keep up the good work. Let us know if a baby is on the way. That is so exciting!
Your hair looks great!!!! It's very healthy looking and it does appear to have grown.... you betta get it!!!! and take care of yourself if there's a lil guy inside you.....

God bless

Your hair looks really healthy and shiny - you're obviously doing something right! And I agree with you about waiting before you do any major trimming, so long as your ends don't have splits. Unevenness isn't at all obvious in curly styles, or with the ends bumped under a bit. Your ends look quite good to me in your July pics.
Wow, your hair is soooooo shiny!!!! And it has really grown! Might you be joining the baby club with me?
congratulations on your hair growth!!!! i love the shine that's my goal length by december. i also sent you a pm