I Hate My Hair: Stray, Lone Very Long Hairs!


New Member
So, I'm sitting here editing some book and I have my Roots Super Gro Leave-in to apply on my scalp and strands...and I section and pull on these soft strands which I nearly burned off with Mizani relaxer 3 weeks ago (it almost disintegrated so I braced myself for a short head of hair lol) and I pull one from the back that went over my shoulder, over my breast, down to below my waist. Like an inch from hip. HUH?:blush: Damned hair! I have cut off 12 inches total since last year and am majority back to bsl, trying to get rid of uneven ends. No more, just let it go baby. I'll keep on with this Spanish Sur-Gro though, it's chock full of castor oil and my hair seems to love it. Elasta Soy Oyl Hydration conditioner is also excellent...just excellent. Fingers crossed to not cut ever again.

So, what's up with these lone crazy strands growing like lightening speed? I don't think I missed it when I cut. I was quite thorough. Well, there are probably more than just one but ?????? I wonder if I can claim hip-length :giggle: One strand so far. :lol:
Well you can look in my siggy and if you look very very closely you can see like 4 strands already at my hip lol. I've come to accept that my hair will not grow even so I won't be cutting it until I'm past my goal.