I had to leave work early (vent)


Well-Known Member
So I had been doing better at managing my anxiety, and everything was looking up, until I found out monday morning my uncle passed away. I tried to be strong at first, but now I think holding in everything is catching up to me.

Yesterday was my first day back to work. It. Was. Torture! Every minute I wasn't distracted my mind was just focusing on my disbelief of him passing and how I was going to get through the funeral. My chest was tight and sore the whole night.

Tonight was the same. I haven't had much sleep all week and I work overnight. My sadness mixed with my anxiety- I just knew there was no way I could stay the rest of the night. I told my manager and she understood.

The funeral is tomorrow morning and I wish I could just skip the whole thing, but as hard as its gonna be for me its gonna be hard for my family as well.

*deep sigh*
Oh wow, im so sorry this has happened. But you know what, He is able to give you perfect peace, so long as you ask for it. My prayers are with you and your family
Jenibo- so sorry to hear of your loss. I pray that God gives you the peace you need & strength & comfort during this time.
Thank you everyone for the support- even now as I type this I've gotten no rest from last night and I'm a nervous wreck- God help me!
My condolences on the loss of your Uncle... may God keep you in perfect peace during this time!

Jenibo, please accept my condolences as well. I will remember you in my prayers that the Lord will grant you peace and rest this evening.
Jenibo, so sorry to hear of your loss. My aunt passed away Thursday morning too. I went to Winston Salem to be with her before she passed it was a sudden, she was sick but she always been able to bounce back but this took everyone by surprise. My prayers are with you and your family. Today is my first day back at work and I can't concentrate either.
^^^ oh blazingthru sorry to hear that:sad; I know you are strong in your faith, and are leaning on God during this hard time. I will pray for you and your family