I had the absolute WORST experience at the Dominican salon on Saturday (LONG)


Well-Known Member
Ok, sorry this is so long, but I felt the need to vent. This is the second time I'm typing this. I'm extra mad now bc I had just finished typing it a few seconds ago and then when I went into preview my computer started talking about some send an error report crap. So here goes again ...

I went to Manuela Beauty salon in East Baltimore on Saturday. So I walk in with my remi goddess french wave and the man up the front must have assumed that it was all my hair and sent me to the back to get it washed. I sat down in the chair and this one Dominican woman, she was younger maybe early 20s came over and touched my hair and was like woo thats a lot of hair. And I was like it's a weave. She tells the Black shampoo woman to wash it, comb it out with some specific conditioner and then roll it up. So the Black lady jumps in and starts shampooing my hair all rough like she's scrubbing it and she felt a track and was like ooh this is tracks and I was like yeah.

So when she lifts up my head to put the conditioner in she took the comb and tried to comb it out and couldnt get it through. And she was like this a tangled mess! Feel it! What kind of hair is this? That wet and wavy? See that's what happens when you buy synthetic hair. And I was like no it's not wet and wavy it's indian remy hair. It can be reused just give me the comb, you have to just comb it from the bottom. When I felt my head I was like OMG! WHY IS IT TANGLING LIKE THIS??!? I immediately started panicking. It was a TANGLED MESS!!! :eek: There were globs of tangled hair as big as my FIST. It felt like my hair was matted and then I tried to wash it. I've been washing this same hair in the shower every other day sometimes every day for a whole month and I NEVER had a problem with serious tangles. I had one or two small tangles like on the back of my head towards the top from going to sleep with wet hair but I got those out easily on dry hair with my fingers. I don't know what she did.

So I took the comb and started detangling I managed to get all the tangles out but mind you my hair was covered in conditioner so it got all over my shirt. I could feel my fingernails softening from all the moisture. It was a MESS!! I spent a half an hour detangling that hair and do you know the shampoo woman wouldn't help me? I mean it was her fault right? I wasn't sure if I wanted her to help me but she could have at least offered.

So by the time I finishing detangling I noticed a few tracks were hanging in the back so I figured I'd just stick a bobby pin in there and pin it to the braid which is what I normally do when a track slips. I just bobby pin it until I can get home and resew that part. When I felt the middle of my head, all the braids had started unraveling from her scrubbing so hard. There was barely anything left for me to pin it to! :shocked: All I could do was take the weave down. I was trying to keep it in for at least 2 more weeks. I just didn't feel like taking it down just yet. The braids were holding up fine, I had just checked on the them night before after I washed it before going clubbing. What the hell did she do?

It took me a whole hour to get the weave out of my hair, get my hair out the cornrows and then comb through my hair. All the shampoo woman did was stand there and watch and make rude comments the whole time. She was like you need to just go ahead and throw that hair out. You must be crazy if you're still gonna try and salvage it. I was like what!?? The hair was not the problem did you not just see me sit here and detangle it myself? It never tangled on me like that before! I'm not throwing this hair away, it can be reused and I paid too much money for this hair to just throw it away! And then she was like I don't see why you put that weave on top of all that hair you got anyway (Mind you I don't have that much hair but it must have been a lot to her bc she was bald headed and what was on her head was clearly damaged). Your hair is gonna be all tore up by the time you get that mess out of there. I wanted to WRING HER NECK!! :angry2: I was SO MAD. Then I was upset and frustrated. The thread was cutting into my fingers and those little cuts still hurt! My shirt got ruined from the conditioner. The shampoo woman wouldn't even give me a pair of scissors. She was like I would help you but I could risk loosing my license if I cut or break your hair off. Since when do you need a license to shampoo hair? Don't cosmetology students usually shampoo hair in salons while they're still in school? Who needs a license to shampoo and roll hair up? And then when I first asked her for the scissors she said she had left hers home and wouldn't ask any of the other women in there for a pair. Why do you have a pair of scissors if you aren't licensed to cut hair anyway? And then when I finally asked her again, the younger Dominican woman who came over and looked at my hair when I got there came over and reached up on the shelf above my head and got a pair out the basket and gave them to me. Then she came over and helped me cut the thread and get the tracks out in between working on her own clients I was like thank you so much!! And she was like no problem.

By the time I finally got out of there it was going on 5:00 and I had gotten there at like 1:30. My own hair only took an hour tops to be washed rolled and blow dried. I wasted damn near my whole day in there. I had a cookout to be to at 6:00 and I live all the way on the other side of town. I went to the Dominican salon to get my weave straightened and came out with my own hair washed and blowdried. I was so mad. That defeated the whole purpose of me going. I mean my hair actually came out pretty good. I was surprised at how much it's grown since the last time I had it out. I think I'm gonna go back to them should I want my own hair washed and straightened especially since it was only $20 but I REFUSE to let that shampoo woman touch my head EVER again unless she wants to rumble... :swordfigh
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I'm sorry you had a bad experience there. :nono: I feel that the ol' shampoo girl didn't have a license to do hair period. I would've flipped my lid if that was me!! How dare she do that to that beautiful remy hair!! :swearing: The nerve of these stylists. :spank: Like we are suppose to pay our money and let them do whatever they want to do to our hair and we are suppose to sit in the chair and take it....HEEEELLLLLSS NOOOO!!
Wow! I really don't know what to say other than I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Glad everything turned out okay in the end though.

sorry to hear about this experience. I don't know what I would have done if that happened to me.

Good luck.
I'm so sorry about your experience. I'm really happy that they didn't mess up your real hair. I always say that not every dominican salon is created equal.

ETA: Your story kind of reminded me of what happened when I went to my stylist last weekend.

I normally only go to the salon for a touchup/colourshines, but since I was vacationing in NYC, I decided to get my hair washed/blown.

I allowed the shampoo lady, who is normally very gentle to wash, condition. I followed Caligirl's rec and put my conditioner in before I drove to NYC. I expected to get my hair shampooed, have the conditioner put in and THEN detangled when I got the rollers put in.

Why the shampoo lady attempted to detangle my wig, is beyond me, but she had my laying there while she tried to work the comb through. I told her to stop combing it. She was like, "It's ok, you have so much hair."

I insisted that she stop, because if she didn't...I wouldn't have any hair left when she got done :ohwell:
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Wow you handled that very well. I used to wear weaves religiously (hated the thought of wearing my own hair) and if I had to go in there with a weave and come out with my hair, oh lawd help her, b/c it would have been on!

However, I'm glad that was your weave that she tangled up like that, and not your real hair.
bmoreflyygirl said:
I think I'm gonna go back to them ....
Not sure I understand this...rudeness and incompetence should NOT be tolerated! I'm glad that despite all this, things turned out ok.
Sistagirl, please think twice about going back to them. They had no consideration of you or your hair. I think they should be boycotted. Glad your hair turned out nice, but they should've been more gentle with your weave.A true professional would know how to shampoo and condition without ruining it. :eek: Just a bit of advice....
thats a mess, I went there 4times in the past 2 months, and my hair came out grea. I dont really like that black woman anyway, she used to make rude comments. SHe only washed my hair once, and she was pretty rough. Other than that, I thought they were fine, and the older ladies especially would do their best to make sure the hair was fine, or make suggestions for my breakage around my temple and kitchen areas.
That's the salon I go to, although I haven't been in a little while because I had braids.

I know the black woman you're talking about. The last time I went there I gave her one of my 'Look bytch, you're scrubbing my hair too dam hard' look and she put an end to it quick.

They do hair well over there, but it's such a inconvienance to go over there.

But anyway, BmoreFly, could you give me the name of your stylist who put the Remy hair in. I'm looking to do a weave. How was it styled?
zora said:
But anyway, BmoreFly, could you give me the name of your stylist who put the Remy hair in. I'm looking to do a weave. How was it styled?

Hey, I put the remy in myself. It was that curly kind. So I just had my homegirl cornrow it straight back and I sewed the hair on. I left a little out in the front and then when I washed it, I would put mousse and mango butter on my hair in the front and then let it dry and it blended pretty good. I walked out of there with my hair in hand. The hair was fine by the time I detangled it, it was just the fact that she unraveled my cornrows and that's what made my weave fall apart. So i'll definitely be putting it back in in a week or two.
I've been there too, and know the shampoo girl. She was okay in washing my hair, but wasn't the best roller setter.

I think they do a nice job, but only of wash/sets. I wouldn't trust them with weaves. I'm sorry this happened, they shouldn't have even started to do your hair if they didn't know what they were doing.

Good luck! hopefully, your get the style back you had before.
Natrlchallenge said:
Sistagirl, please think twice about going back to them. They had no consideration of you or your hair. I think they should be boycotted. Glad your hair turned out nice, but they should've been more gentle with your weave.A true professional would know how to shampoo and condition without ruining it. :eek: Just a bit of advice....

Right, and I totally agree, but it was just that Black lady that shampooed my hair. The Dominican women did a wonderful job with my hair once I got through the shampoo girl's drama. It was so bouncy and pretty, but that was besides the point because I went in there to get my curly weave straightened. I was SO mad. She's the only black person up in there and the only one who spoke good english and she had to go and screw up. And other people had the nerve to be tipping her. And she looked at me funny when she was leaving. She was lucky I didn't get NIGNORANT up in there I was just ready to go home by then.
CookieLAD said:
Not sure I understand this...rudeness and incompetence should NOT be tolerated! I'm glad that despite all this, things turned out ok.

Yeah, I get what you're saying but I mean it wasn't the Dominicans fault. They did a wonderful job on just my hair. It was that damn shampoo woman that messed up my weave. And she had the nerve to say she rolled other weaves before. I guess she never did a curly one IDK. I wanted to whoop her ass. I'm glad my hair was okay, I definitely will be reusing it. It cost me too much money to throw it away.
webby said:
I'm so sorry about your experience. I'm really happy that they didn't mess up your real hair. I always say that not every dominican salon is created equal.

I agree with this. I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but thank God it wasn't your real hair.
OK... totally OT... but why you ain't call me and you were up the road!!! :(

As far as those hairdressers go, they definitely aren't created equal. I went to this on salon on two occasions and both shampoo people managed to MATTE up my hair sooooo badly. I don't even wanna start talking 'bout that one again!!!

webby said:
I'm so sorry about your experience. I'm really happy that they didn't mess up your real hair. I always say that not every dominican salon is created equal.

ETA: Your story kind of reminded me of what happened when I went to my stylist last weekend.

I normally only go to the salon for a touchup/colourshines, but since I was vacationing in NYC, I decided to get my hair washed/blown.

I allowed the shampoo lady, who is normally very gentle to wash, condition. I followed Caligirl's rec and put my conditioner in before I drove to NYC. I expected to get my hair shampooed, have the conditioner put in and THEN detangled when I got the rollers put in.

Why the shampoo lady attempted to detangle my wig, is beyond me, but she had my laying there while she tried to work the comb through. I told her to stop combing it. She was like, "It's ok, you have so much hair."

I insisted that she stop, because if she didn't...I wouldn't have any hair left when she got done :ohwell:
AJamericanDiva said:
OK... totally OT... but why you ain't call me and you were up the road!!! :(

As far as those hairdressers go, they definitely aren't created equal. I went to this on salon on two occasions and both shampoo people managed to MATTE up my hair sooooo badly. I don't even wanna start talking 'bout that one again!!!
Sorry Diva, My girlfriend was in from Japan and I spent the entire week hustling her and her non-English-speaking daugther (my god-daughter) around. It was rough...REALLY ROUGH! :perplexed I'm making a trip up there soon. :kiss:
see this is my biggest fear when letting somebody do my hair DETANGLING i understand giving the salon a second try because you were satisfied in the end but speak up in the beginning thats what i do now and dont worry about sounding like you are picky BECAUSE WE SHOULD BE PICKY ABOUT OUR HAIR!
bmoreflyygirl said:
Yeah, I get what you're saying but I mean it wasn't the Dominicans fault. They did a wonderful job on just my hair.

I really do get what you're saying, but I tend to look at the big picture. Doesn't this shampoo woman work in the shop? If she's working in that shop, she should be representing the quality and integrity of the work done in the shop. ANYTHING that ANYONE did to your hair in that shop should be considered when evaluating the total shop experience. If that shampoo woman had really messed up your hair, there wouldn't have been a darn thing that anyone else in that shop could have done to make it right again. Even worse yet, were the rude comments and the icing on the cake was that it took way too much time for anyone else to acknowledge that there was a problem and to step in to help you straighten out the mess that this woman created. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I never would have thought of going to a ds in a weave...I would go to a more professional weave salon that understand weaves.I only trust ds with real hair because thats what they see all day long.They do not understand the process of handling a weave like Eg(gently washing and combing out).The majority of the ds salons i have been to scrub and massage your scalp hard.I actually like t it, and scalp massaging promotes hair growth.On the down side it can really tangle my hair bad..then they try to blaim it on your hair!!"oh your hair is so tangled" they say..and i tell them its because YOU tangled it! :mad:

You know your own hair,i hate when people mess up your hair and blaim it on you..its actually funny. :lol:

I keep a big bottle of detangler with me when i go to the ds,So i dont have to go through the exteme tangles again.
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I have used Goddess Remy and I cannot see how in the world that tangled up! I am so sorry you had such a bad time at that place.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Right, and I totally agree, but it was just that Black lady that shampooed my hair. The Dominican women did a wonderful job with my hair once I got through the shampoo girl's drama. It was so bouncy and pretty, but that was besides the point because I went in there to get my curly weave straightened. I was SO mad. She's the only black person up in there and the only one who spoke good english and she had to go and screw up. And other people had the nerve to be tipping her. And she looked at me funny when she was leaving. She was lucky I didn't get NIGNORANT up in there I was just ready to go home by then.

Glad to hear that everybody in the place is prof. other than the shampoo girl. :( I hate when things like that happen in any salon. We work hard for r money and u did not deserve to have the absolute worse experience at the salon. If u do go back, ask for a different shampoo girl. :lol: Dang!
bmoreflyygirl said:
I think I'm about to get some braids. It's too hot to be having all that hair down anyway... :ohwell:

I just got some micros with Straight Indian Remy double drawn and they are so light and soft. perfect for summer.
Any stylist should know that you need to use a special shampoo on fake hair. Or possibly use a diluted version of an ultra-moisturizing shampoo. She probably put some harsh -drying type of shampoo in there which is why it knotted up like you've never seen before. What a dummie...I can't believe her.

sorry to hear they messed your weave up...But i'm glad they hooked your real hair up for $20!!! U can't beat that with a baseball bat!!! :lol: