I had school yesterday....(lil story)


New Member
Well last simester I was hanging out with my Home boy Arron in his class room and he I was about to leave before his classroom started and then the professer (his a nice old rascist man, very funny) was like "NO NO HONEY YOU CAN STAY" So i sat down and he was very happy...

Fast foward to THIS simester and he was in the cafe and stareing at me hair... (mind you my hair was in pixies last time he saw me) now its in deep wave braids this time. and he was just like "Wow your hair looks great is all yours???" :lachen: I smiled and said nothing and then he started to touch it and was like "It must be because i see your scalp" I didnt say anything I just smiled and he touched braids.. was the weirdest thing thats happen to me....
Hidden_Angel said:
Well last simester I was hanging out with my Home boy Arron in his class room and he I was about to leave before his classroom started and then the professer (his a nice old rascist man, very funny) was like "NO NO HONEY YOU CAN STAY" So i sat down and he was very happy...

Fast foward to THIS simester and he was in the cafe and stareing at me hair... (mind you my hair was in pixies last time he saw me) now its in deep wave braids this time. and he was just like "Wow your hair looks great is all yours???" :lachen: I smiled and said nothing and then he started to touch it and was like "It must be because i see your scalp" I didnt say anything I just smiled and he touched braids.. was the weirdest thing thats happen to me....

Wow, you let him touch your hair? Mmmmpph. That is a no no for me. He could've been touching some private area before he touched your hair.
lol no it was weave... it was funny to me because he didnt really "touch" it just kinndda looked at it and slightly moved it i thought was werid