I Had A Hair Transplant Today

Wow thank you for sharing! So they put you under?

And what did you do with the colloidal silver? I have scalp issues and saw it could help but I don't think I've been doing it right
Wow thank you for sharing! So they put you under?

And what did you do with the colloidal silver? I have scalp issues and saw it could help but I don't think I've been doing it right


I sprayed the colloidal silver on my scalp 1-2 times a day and followed it up with emu oil to make sure it penetrated deep into my scalp. I did that for about a month. I also took a tablespoon a day for about 2-3 weeks.

Before the surgery they gave me an antibiotic, pain pill, anti-inflammatory and a shot to relax me. The shot kept me sleepy the whole 10 hours. I had to pick out 5 movies to watch and something for lunch. I slept through most of the movies. I had to take more drugs before I ate lunch.
Thank you for sharing. I'm sure many blessings are coming your way.
The VA system is despicable. After the scandal allegedly people were terminated but the wait times still haven't improved and the doctors are not trained worth a damn.
They should have sent you to a civilian doctor years ago. I'm glad that you took matters into your own hands. I've been trying to get my brother to do the same since he keeps getting the run around from the VA.
I thank you for your courage in telling your story. I remember you hair and always marveled at its beauty. I will pray for you that God will restore your hair so that can regain your confidence in every area of your life. You have been through so much but I feel your strength because all praises to God, you are still standing! I know how hair issues can really effect your self- esteem because I have been going through various hair issues myself for the last few years and it is really difficult. Please know that I will continue to pray for you. Keep us posted on your hair growth, because it will grow again and become as beautiful as it once was. Hang in there! We are all pulling for you.
image.jpeg This is my scalp on day 7

It's hard to sleep at night because I'm pretty sore where my stitches are. He prescribed some Valium and Demerol to take at night to help me sleep and for pain. I only took the Valium once once because it plus the Demerol made it hard for me to wake up every few hours to spray my head. I'm almost done with the spray so I will probably take some tonight. I'm also not eating much & losing weight. Hopefully my appetite will come back soon. I'm already tiny so I can't afford to lose weight.
@VinDieselsWifey thank you for sharing.

I looked into this for the left side of my edges. My right side is okay but my left is horrible and you can really tell the difference. When they did it did that have to shave more of your head? Like the part that was healthy? This is the only reason why I haven't looked furhrer into it because the rest of my hair is healthy and I don't want them to shave my hairline back further
@VinDieselsWifey thank you for sharing.

I looked into this for the left side of my edges. My right side is okay but my left is horrible and you can really tell the difference. When they did it did that have to shave more of your head? Like the part that was healthy? This is the only reason why I haven't looked furhrer into it because the rest of my hair is healthy and I don't want them to shave my hairline back further


I had thin patches of hair throughout the area and he shaved all of it off. He shaved maybe just a little past the actual thin area.
I am so happy you found a solution. I can't even inagine what it is like to go through what you have had to endure. I look forward to seeing your hair grow back. Thank you for including us in this part of your life (hug).

Thanks so much for this! This ordeal really tested my faith. When I had my first dr appointment I said it's not what the dr says, it's what God says. But things weren't getting any better & I started being so discouraged. I would pray & ask for healing, fast, other people would lay hands on me & pray for me, I kept trying to believe & all the while the spot kept getting worse. I felt like God wasn't listening to my prayers or that I didn't deserve to be healed. I tried to not think about it & just be grateful that I have my health, a roof over my head, a job, etc.

Every time I looked at the spot in the mirror all I could do is cry. Anytime I was dating someone I didn't want the guy to know my head looked like this underneath.

One of my friends used to always tell me it's gonna get better & God does things in His timing, not ours. I'm just thankful that even when I was starting not to believe, God still saw me out the corner of His eye.

He will never leave nor forsake us. Your friend is right - God always listens, hear our prayers and answers them. His answer can be yes, no, wait, not yet, BUT He always answers.
Unfortunately, we think if the answer isn't yes, immediately - He either isn't listening or hasn't answered. But that is not the truth, we may not be ready for Him to answer or He may have something else He wants us to do or He wants to do with/to/for us before He answers a particular prayer.

In today's message at church today, the minister focused on 3 key points:
1. Who God is.
2. What He has done
3. What He can do

If we remember, know and believe #1 and #2 - #3 is easy. ;)
I am so glad you stepped out on faith and decided to do something. And that it will work.

I have a close friend who has traction alopecia and the issues that she has had over the years in trying to cover it up plus always feeling inadequate makes me sad for her. She has a husband though and he knows that she has serious hair issues and he has seen it. He is very sympathetic. Any man that loves you won't care. I have told her to look into hair transplant but her mind is locked into that there is nothing she can do.

I am glad you have a solution. Can't wait to see the updates.

Almond Eyes

@almond eyes please encourage your friend and suggest she come on LHCF and read some of the treatments women are pursuing to combat hair loss. There are several threads with lots of good info in them. If she won't access the forum - perhaps you can print some of the posts and share them with her. We don't think twice about getting $500-$1K on "good weave hair" and having it installed, or spending $1-$2k on a handbag why not invest in re-growing our natural beauty.
Men suffering from MPB spend anywhere from $8k-$20k to restore their hair through hair transplants, why should we hesitate in doing the same. Some men have upwards of 4 transplants until they achieve their desired result. I think it's time for us (women, esp African American Women) to look at hair transplants in a different (better) light.
@VinDieselsWifey, I am so sorry you had to go through this. We are standing in agreement that your hair and confidence will be restored. My sister struggled with alopecia and yes, it is a big deal despite what others may think. It's easy for people to say don't worry about it...you can't tell it...or, you're focusing too much on your hair...when they have hair. If they walked a day in your, my sister and many other's shoes, they would look at things differently. I get fired up about this topic because I know how my sister struggled and I watched what it did to her confidence. I wish you the best on this journey. My sister is a testimony and you are too! Claim it. Stay encouraged and keep the faith.
@divachyk - I recall reading your blog a while ago about your sister. It was/is a powerful testimony. I do hope her re-growth journey is still going well.
@VinDieselsWifey, my sister was in a very dark place and praises to God, she's on the other side of that. I understand what you mean about praying and wondering if God is listening. I know all the faith based phrases. I also know when your blessing isn't coming when you want it, those phrases are hard to understand. In those moments when I feel weak, I keep praying anyway....I keep believing anyway....although I don't understand what's going on. But then, God appears with his blessings and shows he's indeed listening. Your testimony is powerful and you are helping so many others. We bless and touch more people than we know. I can't wait to see your progress.
@divachyk - Only one word in response to this post - :amen:
Thank you for sharing the picture. When you compared it to the size of a fist I knew it was significant but I didn't grasp the severity of the situation until I saw it. Even anonymously, it takes tremendous strength to share that with others.

How does this work exactly? Is it like using a skin graft where they take it from another part of the body? If so, where else would you have that much hair and a similar texture? Or is it taken from the scalp thus changing the density of your existing hair so it seems less full? Or does it come from a donor? I apologize if these are silly question but I've never personally known anyone that's done this. I met a man years ago that had a hair transplant but his scalp was red and inflamed and the hairs stood out so much that it was hard not to stare. I assume it looked better with time but I never saw him again to confirm.

@Black Ambrosia here is a link with some info on Hair Transplants.

View attachment 367321 This is my scalp on day 7

It's hard to sleep at night because I'm pretty sore where my stitches are. He prescribed some Valium and Demerol to take at night to help me sleep and for pain. I only took the Valium once once because it plus the Demerol made it hard for me to wake up every few hours to spray my head. I'm almost done with the spray so I will probably take some tonight. I'm also not eating much & losing weight. Hopefully my appetite will come back soon. I'm already tiny so I can't afford to lose weight.
Hang in there @VinDieselsWifey . I hate to use a cliché but it's true. NO PAIN - NO GAIN.
@VinDieselsWifey thank you for sharing.

I looked into this for the left side of my edges. My right side is okay but my left is horrible and you can really tell the difference. When they did it did that have to shave more of your head? Like the part that was healthy? This is the only reason why I haven't looked furhrer into it because the rest of my hair is healthy and I don't want them to shave my hairline back further

@NaturallyBri87 -

@VinDieselsWifey had a FUT procedure - which required removing a small portion of the scalp to use as the donor for grafts. With this type of procedure the donor area is shaved before the incision (scalp removal) and a small peripheral area around the hair loss site (recipient area) is also shaved. The area around the recipient site must be shaved for better visibility and placement of the new grafts. The surrounding area will grow back pretty quickly.

With an FUE procedure a large area of the scalp to use as the donor area is shaved(i.e 3"h x 5"w). This is so grafts can be randomly extracted from the shaved area so that grafts are not taken from the same area creating the appearance of a "plug of hair being removed". Additionally the area around the hair loss is shaved to promote better graft placement.
@ilong thank you so much for reading, showing love and checking up on my sister. :2inlove: Her hair has filled in nicely and her confidence is on point. She even picks out her own wigs now. She's at a point where she can stop wearing wigs but she wants to gain a little bit more thickness before doing so.
@ilong thank you for this information. I was wary of the part where they shave around the receipient area. But oh well. I'm gonna look into places in Atl.
I had my follow up appointment today. They took my stitches out. They said I'm healing quickly & that everything looks great.

Dr. Cooley also said someone contacted him saying they knew me & asking questions but he didn't respond to the message. He said he can't give out certain info to protect patient privacy. I told him I told my hair board about him so it was probably someone from here. You can ask general questions but nothing about a specific patient.
I had my follow up appointment today. They took my stitches out. They said I'm healing quickly & that everything looks great.

Dr. Cooley also said someone contacted him saying they knew me & asking questions but he didn't respond to the message. He said he can't give out certain info to protect patient privacy. I told him I told my hair board about him so it was probably someone from here. You can ask general questions but nothing about a specific patient.
Fantastic! So glad to hear that you are healing quickly. All praises to God!
Ladies, I had my 2nd PRP injection this morning. It went well although since my doctor does not use local anesthesia, it was a bit rough but tolerable. I squeezed 2 small cubes of ice in my hands during the procedure which helped. He took pictures again before he started and compared them to the initial ones. Surprisingly a spot in the middle looks like its filling in! I had been thinking that myself when I looked in the mirror last week but discounted it as happening too soon!

One thing that I did after the first procedure was to spray Copper Peptide on my scalp for the 1st 3 days starting the next day. I don't if this helped the growth, anyway I will be doing it again this time. I see him again in 7 weeks for the last treatment.

I'll keep everyone updated. This is a bit exciting, the idea of getting my density back to some reasonable degree? I'll just keep praying.