
Hi Ladies!

I'm a return member, used to be active about a year ago and I just renewed this week. Anywho, last night I had the craziest dream- that my hair was tailbone length! More weird than that was that was the point of the dream- nothing else really significant happened or anything.

I wore my hair braided in one long braid Indian style and apparently I didn't know how long my hair was. Then, my mom and sister commented on the length and I was like "really? was it this long when you saw me last?" and they said yes! Then, I unbraided it and it was long and wavy down my back (from being braided) and I was shocked to see how long it was! Interestingly enough, it was still really thin and I was talking about how "now I have to work on the thickness".

Even in my dreams, this hair journey will never be done! :lachen:

But isn't that weird though? Right now I'm halfway between should and APL.

Just sharing.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:Welcome back...In my last dream I shaved my head :ohwell: I'm really thinking about it then I can just go natural:grin:
You better get on your grind and get a rapunzel braid,girl!:lachen:At least you didn't dream that half was reached bsl and the other side was bsl like I did last year.:look:
Welcome Back!!! Yeah, well, in my hair dream, it was MBL or WL from crown to nape, and SL from front to crown, with a flip! :lachen:
Thats funny, but what I nice dream though, If I could at least have long hair in my dreams :rolleyes: oh well..
i had one a couple of months ago.

i went into the salon shoulder length. and came out BSL.:lachen: man i wish it was that easy!