I had a dream about my Hair

*Happily Me*

Well-Known Member
I dreamt that when I woke up, i unbraided my hair (which i do in 2 plaits every night) and the left plait unraveled all the way down to my waist! I had realllllly long hair ya'll! I was AMAZED! It was soft and smooth. I thought, "gee, this must be from the conditioner washes".

I took down the right plait and it was waist lenght too! But, my hair was very thin. I guess having the lenghth thinned it out just a bit. Anyways, I kept running my fingers all through my hair. I finger combed it into a loose style with a part in the middle.

By the time i left the house to run some chores, my hair had miraculously thickned up. It was super thick and super long. I LOOKED AMAZINGLY HOT! :lachen:

Next, i was sat next to some white girl on the bus and she started snickering. I thought why is she laughing but intuitively i knew she was laughing at my hair. I giggled a bit with her then I thought nothing of it.

By the time I got home, my hair was in 2 plaits again. I took down my plaits and to my dismay my hair was short again! Well, it was the lenghth it is now, in real life, but it felt soooo short.

I thought, uh huh, the white girl knew my hair was short all along.

I grieved for my hair a little bit after waking up.

i got issues...
I am sitting here laughing at you! That's quite an interesting dream to say the least. I really would be curious if a dreammaster (or whatever the people that interpret dreams are called) would make of all of this:)
Don't fret girl, I've had the same dream about amazing hair length!!. When I wake up, I'm like damn!!, it was a dream!
I so love, love your dream DSylla! I am not a dream interpreter (except for my own dreams) but my first thought was that you were given a "preview" of what was to come, what your hair growth potential is. When you said, "gee, this must be from the conditioner washes", I sensed that was like a message from a part of you (your subconscious) of just how your hair can really grow to your waist. After you finger combed (less manipulation), your hair became thicker, another preview!

I 've had hair dreams also and have a thread on here somewhere about it. Haven't had one in a while but I sure love it when I do! Thanks for sharing!:)
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Isis said:
I so love, love your dream DSylla! I am not a dream interpreter (except for my own dreams) but my first thought was that you were given a "preview" of what was to come, what your hair growth potential is. When you said, "gee, this must be from the conditioner washes", I sensed that was like a message from a part of you (your subconscious) of just how your hair can really grow to your waist. After you finger combed (less manipulation), your hair became thicker, another preview!

I 've had hair dreams also and have a thread on here somewhere about it. Haven't had one in a while but I sure love it when I do! Thanks for sharing!:)

Wanna hear someting? I thought my hair looked a lot like your super long and thick hair in my dream.

Isis, you are my ultimate hair idol, your album was the first album I a saw and you were the person to indirectly introduce me to LHCF. I saw you on Black hair media (or something like that). I think our hair types are very similar, longish, thick and 4a/b. When I look at your hair, i see how MY hair is going to be and that pleases me.

Pleaaaasssseee update soon :)
DSylla said:
Wanna hear someting? I thought my hair looked a lot like your super long and thick hair in my dream.

Isis, you are my ultimate hair idol, your album was the first album I a saw and you were the person to indirectly introduce me to LHCF. I saw you on Black hair media (or something like that). I think our hair types are very similar, longish, thick and 4a/b. When I look at your hair, i see how MY hair is going to be and that pleases me.

Pleaaaasssseee update soon :)

Oh my goodness! :blush: What a compliment, thank you DSylla! From your dream, it sounds like your hair will look much better and longer than mine! :yep:
I would love to update as soon as I can. :) In the meantime, I'm collecting and trying out different style ideas...
dabbling in what little bit i know about dreams, it could be a premonition about the future...about what you hope to acheive in the future and a reassurance by your mind about the fact that you might actually hit waist. it could also be that its been on your mind a lot lately and the thoughts youve been having has manifested itself into a dream..

in any case i think that its confirming what you've always wanted- a head of long flowing hair and that it may be possible...in any case i'd definitely be optimistic! :grin: