I guess she never thought she would die from weave...

Yep, Countess Vaughn, on Life After said she had a bad allergic reaction to the glue and the damage done to her hair and scalp from wearing constant weaves/wigs.

I'm not surprised there are deaths from this. Mostly it seems to be from overuse; not one time use.
I am very anti hair glue.

According to the article.. They don't know what she died from.

Latex is definitely one of those reactions that becomes acquired in the system. I worked at my mom's dental office wearing latex gloves for 7 years and developed an allergy to them. The thing about it is that I would have never thought about the glue containing latex. I'm not a weave-wearer, so this may be common knowledge, but I would've been none the wiser. My allergy isn't nearly as strong as hers, but this is just tragic :nono:.
It's really sad =/

This should pave way for more tighter regulations and keeping the person requiring the services well informed of the risks of the products in those services. For example, the hairdressers should be made aware of ingredients in the products which are likely to cause allergies etc. and keep the customer informed as well.

I hope her death wasn't in vain and that people will take away from this and take better action when it comes to their physical appearance and make more of an effort to research what they plan on getting done etc, there are better and safer alternatives out there as well.
This is unfortunate and very heartbreaking to hear ... peace and blessings to the family and to the beautiful woman who passed ...
They have no idea what caused her death and they need to make that more clear. Her family must be devastated. I cannot even imagine thinking that a hairstyle was the cause of her death.

Many people have latex allergies but I do not recall hearing or reading anything about hair glue containing latex. I have never glued in hair but have family members that still glue in tracks or use glue to make quick weave wigs.

Killed by her hair extensions: Woman dies after allergic reaction 'to glue in hairdo' as expert says he has seen four similar deaths in three months

Last updated at 12:55 AM on 3rd February 2012

Atasha Graham died after suffering a massive allergic reaction that may have been triggered by the glue in her hair extensions after a night out dancing
A woman died from a massive allergic reaction that could have been caused by the glue in her hair extensions, a pathologist said yesterday.

Atasha Graham, 34, who had used hair extensions for 14 years, collapsed after clubbing until the early hours.

Home Office pathologist Michael Heath told the inquest into her death that the latex glue used to apply her extensions – or the solvent for removing old ones – may have been to blame.

He added: ‘I’ve seen cases where people using solvent to apply extensions has actually caused anaphylactic shock.

‘There are about ten to 20 deaths a year in this country, many more in America. I have seen four in the last three months.’

Dr Heath told the hearing at Southwark Coroner’s Court in London: ‘The hair extensions in Atasha’s hair were of a latex type. This may or may not be related [to her death]. If it is the hair extension, normally a reaction would occur within half an hour of applying them.’

But he added that traces of glue or solvent could have seeped into her bloodstream hours later after she started perspiring on the dancefloor.
He ruled out reactions to food and alcohol and said there were no drugs in her system.

On May 15 last year, Jamaican-born Miss Graham had been dancing at a club where her boyfriend, Fenton Johnson, was the DJ.

Mr Johnson said Miss Graham, one of nine children, was fine until she stepped through the doorway of their home in Lee, south-east London, at 6.30am, then suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing.

He called an ambulance and tried to resuscitate her as 999 operators gave him first aid instructions over the phone. But she never properly regained consciousness and died later in hospital.

A post-mortem failed to find any abnormalities with her organs or substances which could have caused her death.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/a...tion-glue-hairdo-night-out.html#ixzz1leCu8xGu
OMG! This scared the hell out of me and made me glad I don't do glue ins. It also saddens me. I saw her pic before but didn't know this article went with it. I'm allergic to latex and most people don't realize how bad or deadly the reaction can be. All dr's offices and hospitals have to be notified. Before I had surgery the hospital had to prep the operating room to make sure it was latex free and I also had to wear a special bright yellow band. I would've never thought to look at hair glue like I do all other things. Latex allergies are nothing to play with and they will have you in the hospital messed up. Her story is a true cautionary tale.
OMG, sorry to hear about her death - that is tragic.

I have a question though, how was she able to to scratch her scalp with the hard hairdo she had in the picture? Better yet, how did she sleep?????? I see a lot of black women with those stiff hairstyles and for the life of me, I cannot understand how they are able to tolerate it.
Ronnieaj said:
Latex is definitely one of those reactions that becomes acquired in the system. I worked at my mom's dental office wearing latex gloves for 7 years and developed an allergy to them. The thing about it is that I would have never thought about the glue containing latex. I'm not a weave-wearer, so this may be common knowledge, but I would've been none the wiser. My allergy isn't nearly as strong as hers, but this is just tragic :nono:.

And condoms too.
I was very upset on how some people treated this subject earlier on Facebook. It is sad that this woman died but to make fun of her weave or play Monday morning quarterback (she shouldn't have worn weave) is very insensitive in my opinion. People die all the time from cosmetic or elective surgery and we should respect her as we would any person that died.
I heard about this on Michael Baisdens show this afternoon...so sad. But unless you have recently been given a shot at the doctors who really checks for a LATEX alergy? Certain MANDATORY vaccines that are given to our children actually have LATEX as a listed ingredient...when I 1st saw it I said you got to be f'n kidding me, but it is true.