
New Member
No kidding ladies! Yesterday I went into a JC Penney salon in search of some Kera Care First Lather Shampoo. While I was looking at the merchandise an older caucasian lady that works in the salon came up and asked me if I needed help. I asked her what I was looking for, and she said that they did not carry the First Lather. I asked her if she had any other clarifying poos and she said "Kera Care is the only thing we would have for your hair type" :huh: I must have been in a good mood because I gave her a quick run down about "my type of hair" and explained that we can use any type of product that provides moisture and strength, components for ALL healthy heads of hair. Well this lady proceeds to tell me about a client that she had that she used Kera Care on, and then invites her over. I wanted to snatch the child out of the salon. Standing before me was this cute nine year old girl with fried hair. This lady is going on an on about how she blew the girl's hair dry and then pressed the "kinky" roots and curled it with the marcell irons. I could smell her burnt hair:eek: !

Ladies you would have been proud. I said nothing. She continued explaining how she got the little girl's hair so shiny with this WONDERFUL spray that is a great moisturizer--something that would be great for me. Then she did it...SHE WHIPPED OUT THE AERESOL CAN OF OIL SHEEN AND SPRAYED IT ON MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was dumbfounded! All I can say is that I am SO glad I am saved! I immediately moved out of the way (I didn't like oil sheen when I was NOT taking care of my hair) and politely asked her not to spray anything on my hair or I would notify her manager. I then let her know that I would not be patronizing the shop EVER again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
InJesusName said:
No kidding ladies! Yesterday I went into a JC Penney salon in search of some Kera Care First Lather Shampoo. While I was looking at the merchandise an older caucasian lady that works in the salon came up and asked me if I needed help. I asked her what I was looking for, and she said that they did not carry the First Lather. I asked her if she had any other clarifying poos and she said "Kera Care is the only thing we would have for your hair type" :huh: I must have been in a good mood because I gave her a quick run down about "my type of hair" and explained that we can use any type of product that provides moisture and strength, components for ALL healthy heads of hair. Well this lady proceeds to tell me about a client that she had that she used Kera Care on, and then invites her over. I wanted to snatch the child out of the salon. Standing before me was this cute nine year old girl with fried hair. This lady is going on an on about how she blew the girl's hair dry and then pressed the "kinky" roots and curled it with the marcell irons. I could smell her burnt hair:eek: !

Ladies you would have been proud. I said nothing. She continued explaining how she got the little girl's hair so shiny with this WONDERFUL spray that is a great moisturizer--something that would be great for me. Then she did it...SHE WHIPPED OUT THE AERESOL CAN OF OIL SHEEN AND SPRAYED IT ON MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was dumbfounded! All I can say is that I am SO glad I am saved! I immediately moved out of the way (I didn't like oil sheen when I was NOT taking care of my hair) and politely asked her not to spray anything on my hair or I would notify her manager. I then let her know that I would not be patronizing the shop EVER again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are sooooooooo strong sister. Not many of us could have handled the situation the same. That lady was dead wrong and out of touch. I would have called her manager or wrote a letter to the store.
Is it a full moon or something??? :confused:

'Cause people done gone crazy...sticking their hands in people's hair, spraying you with oil sheen...I had some idiot actually GRAB my hair today! WTH is wrong with these idiots!

I'm glad you told her (politely of course! :lol:) that you would not be coming back.

I really feel sorry for that little girl...I'm horrified to think about the hair problems she'll have to face in the future. All because of another un-educated, ill-informed stylist. :mad:
You are a better woman than me cause I truly would've told that old biddy bout her IGNANT ARSE then I would've still called the manager!!!!!!
WomanlyCharm said:
Is it a full moon or something??? :confused:

'Cause people done gone crazy...sticking their hands in people's hair, spraying you with oil sheen...I had some idiot actually GRAB my hair today! WTH is wrong with these idiotsI'm glad you told her (politely of course! :lol:) that you would not be coming back.

I really feel sorry for that little girl...I'm horrified to think about the hair problems she'll have to face in the future. All because of another un-educated, ill-informed stylist. :mad:
Lol!!:lachen: Aint that the truth!
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:( well thats scarey why do people have the need to touch and play in your hair or anything in that matter when your didn't ask them to? :ohwell: people these days
I tell you what's happening. We (black women) are so busy trying to do away with the "angry black woman" stereotype that people think we've gone soft. Go ahead and flip out on people every once and a while. I bet they won't think of putting their hands on any of us again. They think we done changed. I WISH somebody would stick their hands in my head. I WISH THEY WOULD! I'd smack the mess out of them and then cry self-defense or sexual harrassment. I want somebody to do this to me. It's been a long time since I've given out a good cussin'.
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
Omigosh, i got heated just reading that! its almost amusing to me the "ideas" that some ppl have about ethnic hair

It's amusing and sad at the same time. I just got back from a part of the Washington State where they don't have black people frequenting. The area was beautiful and the people were genuinely nice, just un (and miss) informed. It's pretty amazing that there are still areas like that :confused:. In California you don't get much of that.

I'm learning to take things in stride because some folks really don't know better. For those that are trying to be intentionally nasty, malicious or whatever, I have more fun totally irritating them by being overly patronizingly nice. It's awesome! Just because they're being an A$$ doesn't mean I have to stoop to their level! I just smile and keep it moving.

I think you handled the situation very well! :notworthy
Maybe I got that "Don't even look at me wrong ****" look on my face but none of these things ever happen to me.

Boy, all i need is one mike. All I'm saying is I'm waiting on that day. That's probably why it will never happen. :lol:
MizaniMami said:
Maybe I got that "Don't even look at me wrong ****" look on my face but none of these things ever happen to me.

:lachen: That has me doubling over laughing and thinking MonaLisa would say the same thing!
MizaniMami said:
Maybe I got that "Don't even look at me wrong ****" look on my face but none of these things ever happen to me.

I always said the same thing and didn't understand these stories and then a few weeks ago it happened to me TWICE in less than a week. I hit the dude who put his hands in my hair, but the other person was old, so she just got a threat of violence.

I am a believer now. Hair molesting is real spit and anybody can get got.
Chinagem said:
I tell you what's happening. We (black women) are so busy trying to do away with the "angry black woman" stereotype that people think we've gone soft. Go ahead and flip out on people every once and a while. I bet they won't think of putting their hands on any of us again. They think we done changed. I WISH somebody would stick their hands in my head. I WISH THEY WOULD! I'd smack the mess out of them and then cry self-defense or sexual harrassment. I want somebody to do this to me. It's been a long time since I've given out a good cussin'.
InJesusName said:
No kidding ladies! Yesterday I went into a JC Penney salon in search of some Kera Care First Lather Shampoo. While I was looking at the merchandise an older caucasian lady that works in the salon came up and asked me if I needed help. I asked her what I was looking for, and she said that they did not carry the First Lather. I asked her if she had any other clarifying poos and she said "Kera Care is the only thing we would have for your hair type" :huh: I must have been in a good mood because I gave her a quick run down about "my type of hair" and explained that we can use any type of product that provides moisture and strength, components for ALL healthy heads of hair. Well this lady proceeds to tell me about a client that she had that she used Kera Care on, and then invites her over. I wanted to snatch the child out of the salon. Standing before me was this cute nine year old girl with fried hair. This lady is going on an on about how she blew the girl's hair dry and then pressed the "kinky" roots and curled it with the marcell irons. I could smell her burnt hair:eek: !

Ladies you would have been proud. I said nothing. She continued explaining how she got the little girl's hair so shiny with this WONDERFUL spray that is a great moisturizer--something that would be great for me. Then she did it...SHE WHIPPED OUT THE AERESOL CAN OF OIL SHEEN AND SPRAYED IT ON MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was dumbfounded! All I can say is that I am SO glad I am saved! I immediately moved out of the way (I didn't like oil sheen when I was NOT taking care of my hair) and politely asked her not to spray anything on my hair or I would notify her manager. I then let her know that I would not be patronizing the shop EVER again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*sings Canton, "Ima stay saved/ aint gon start cussin"

I am proud of yo, I couldn't do it, even been saved and all, i prolly would of started in the store.
I am glad you handled yourself so well.
I hope that little girl's mother learns how to take care of her child's hair and stop letting people who know nothing about black hair mess it up. Poor baby.