I got my trim! Pics included.


New Member
Last week I posted a thread about my much dreaded trim. I was really upset because it appeared that after my last touch up I would need a serious trim.

I was ready to go ahead and start cutting away...but I was advised to be patient and start with a mini-trim. Then I spent the rest of the week agonizing over who I could trust to do it for me.

I finally decided to go check out a dominican shop I use to go to around 98 or 99. I got there around ten...I got the usual wash and set with a deep condintioner. I let her blow out my hair so that we could see how much needed to be trimmed. She was really gentle...she didn't burn my scalp with the blowdryer...she didn't pull my hair. She promised to trim only if I really needed it.

After we looked at my ends we decided that I didn't need anything radical. She held up the hair and showed me exactly how much she was going to cut before she did. She was really nice about it and didn't make me feel funny for not wanting my hair cut.

Ya'll...she cut less than a half inch off! /images/graemlins/clap.gif

6 months and all I had to let go of was half an inch!

I feel much better now and I have proof that my hair regimine and the tips I am getting here are working.

6 months and only half an inch trimmed! I have never retained this much growth in my life.

I will treat myself to a wash and set occasionally...but I am now firmly convinced that minimal heat is the way to go. So I don't intend to make this a regular thing.

If I can keep this up bra-strap 2005 here I come!
What great news! See it wasn't bad after all! Your hair looks nice /images/graemlins/clap.gif
I'm really glad everything turned out ok, I remember your post about needing a trim. Your hair looks wonderful and she didn't take off much at all! Now, you're offically part of the Big Trim challenge /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I think your trim made a difference in your hair's overall appearance. I've been avoiding trims for the past 6 months but I am in dire need. You have given me some encouragement. Congrats!

Your hair looks like it it is in wonderful condition. I'm so happy for you!!! Congrats on your good work. Have your posted your regimine in the Regimine Thread yet, cause you know that you gotta share! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Your trim turned out very well. Please list the name and address of your hairdresser. It's nice that you didn't have a bad experience with a SHS.
The best kind of trim--don't have to lose much length and wonderful results! It looks great, Falon /images/graemlins/up.gif!
your hair has made a big turn around since the first time you joined! nice hair...keep up the good work!
Looking good..it's nice when you get a trim and it's a real trim...lol. Nothing more nothing less..you retained the length..WTG /images/graemlins/smile.gif
(((Falon))) /images/graemlins/clap.gif We always worry more than we need to, don't we? I'm so happy you got a pleasant surprise. And your hair looks very healthy. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Your trim looks excellent, its so thick and healthy looking /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif i'm so happy for you /images/graemlins/clap.gif all that worrying for nothing, thanks for sharing you progress with us/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Many thanks ladies...I am so bad I don't remember the name of the woman but there are only three and two of them are middle aged. The owener (Anna) is good too...but she speaks less English than the new woman who is her late 20's. The other older woman I wouldn't let touch my hair cuz I saw her give a 2 inch trim to a sister with gorgeous almost near bra-strap length hair...that didn't need to be trimmed in my opinion.

Anna's is on Bainbridge avenue the cross streep is Reservoir Oval in the Bronx. If anyone wants more details P.M me.

They did a wash and deep conditioner. She did blow my hair out but only because I needed the trim.

Right now my regimine is super simple...no more daily con washes cuz my hair doesn't dry as fast as it did when it was hot.

I wash every 3 days in the late afternoon I towel dry as much as possible...then I use serum/coconut oil and ubh moisturizer for a leave in. I use minimal heat...mostly flexi rod sets or a bun is my everday hairstyle.