I got my hair braided! (Pics AND Follow-up Questions)

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Okay, y'all, so as I mentioned, I got my hair cornrowed for the first time in YEARS. (Basically, it's hot, I don't want to be bothered with my hair, and it's too soon for another relaxer.)

Going to the salon I was extremely nervous. When I made my appointment, I could tell that it was an African salon. The lady was very short with me and didn't seem to understand when I asked her questions (I think it was a language issue, but either way she sounded annoyed). Plus, all y'all had warned me about African braiders making it too tight and ripping out your hairline. So, as I got off the metro, I was extremely nervous . . . .

As I was walking to the salon, I got even MORE nervous . . . this joint was in the G-H-E-T-T-O! :lachen: Like, hardcore, no-white-folks-for-miles, what-is-gentrification ghetto! Folks was yellin at nothin, trash was everywhere, and I was surrounded by check cashin joints, fried chicken carryouts and churches. (I am not even making this up *lol*) Being the bourgie, Cosby-kid that I am, I just kept my cool and walked to the salon.

When I got there the door was locked. :look: At first I thought I had been tricked, but when I knocked they opened it up and let me in. The place was filthy. Dirty floors, cracked salon chairs, old beauty supplies everywhere. But whatev, I'd made the trip, so I was in for the long hall.

I started looking through the books to pic out a style. (Wow - who knew they could make me look like Beyonce circa 1997 straight from the pages of Black Hair Sophisticates :look:) I found a pic from some random hair magazine that represented what I wanted - simple, clean, and fit for the workplace.

I explained that I wanted cornrows using my own hair. One of the ladies started fussing at me (and to her co-workers in a different language) that I needed to get fake hair put in so it would last (because I have relaxed hair). But the owner was like, "No! She wants her own hair - it is fine. Just use rubberbands on the ends."

So, I settle into the chair and was wincing like, "Please don't make it too tight! Please be careful around my hairline!" The girl just nodded and got to braiding.

Well, ladies, I was worried for nothing. The braider did an excellent job! She didn't braid it too tight at all - and she was very gentle around my edges. Overall, I am very pleased - and definitely think I will be adding braids to my hair repetoire. (Although this will be tricky as I work in a rather conservative business - not sure how they'll handle it.)

Here are some pics:

:yay: :yay: :yay:

Anyhoo, I have a bunch of questions now:

1. How can I clean my scalp/hair with these braids in? (I've heard of people using a q-tip and rubbing alcohol, but that seems rather drying to me.)

2. I will probably end up taking the braids out myself so how can I do it so as to preserve the edges?

3. Do I have to wait a certain amount of time after taking out the braids before getting a relaxer? (I'm just concerned that my scalp will be too "raw" for the chemicals.)

4. Any other tips or suggestions for how to maintain the style and my hair? (I know to keep my hair moisturized and also to sleep with a scarf on.)
Your braids look great :)

Some stylists act like they dont know what to do if you want your own hair done lol-- may not be used to it I guess. Im glad the owner defended you and your decision. That was the right thing to do and also professional.

When I used to wear braids I would use a squirt bottle to shampoo and also to condition. I would add water to either in the squirt bottle and shake it up and then apply to my scalp and also try to direct the flow of the poo/cond. underneath braid. Some people also like to use stocking caps.

When taking the braids out I would use plenty of conditioner and water to gently detangle as I go... but it may also depend on how your hair is and what your hair likes -- some folks use a little detangler on dry hair. If she didn't braid too tight, the edges should be just fine.

I started making sure to wait 1-2 weeks before getting a relaxer and my hair started doing better.

As for moisture, it sounds like you have a good plan for that. I would think braid spray/s-curl and maybe seal in with oil sometimes would be good.

Lookin good, Glib! :grin:

To wash, I read some folks mentioning that they wash their hair with a stocking cap over their head to prevent fuzzies. And use a nozzle tip bottle to put diluted poo on your head. Rinse and put on conditioner the same way.

I believe it's best to wait 2 weeks after taking braids down before getting a relaxer :yep:
I've never had cornrows, but yours look fantastic! Your description of the salon was hilarious, sounds like quite an adventure, but well worth it.
I've never had cornrows, but yours look fantastic! Your description of the salon was hilarious, sounds like quite an adventure, but well worth it.

Thanks! I must say that I'm a little nervous about wearing them to work - not sure what the higher ups will think. But it gives me an incentive to decorate my face (especially with eyemakeup) and to rock some cute earrings. (In all honesty, I wear my hair pulled back into a bun most of the time, but still - I am worried about being stereotyped or something. We shall see . . . . )
Very nice and I think they are just fine for a professional environment. :yep: How did your coworkers & higher-ups respond?

Well, after 10 days, I decided to take my braids out. (The bumps on the back of my head were really getting to me and also I spent all day yesterday at a barn - don't ask :nono: - so I just felt icky and gross all over.) I used Soft & Beautiful Botanical Spray to help take out the braids. (I did have one major breakage issue with this one teeny tiny braid . . . I couldn't detangle it and ended up ripping off about an inch of hair :cry:) Overall, though, the braids came out fine. I used some Queen Helene hot oil as a pre-poo (under a cap for 30 minutes.) Then I did a moisturizing shampoo (Elasta QP (sp?) - my first time using it and I actually think it left my hair too*squeaky* clean . . .) Then I hopped out of the show and put some Silicon Mix in my hair (trying to restore the moisture - again the *squeaky* cleanness has me worried). I've been sitting under a dryer with the Silicon Mix in for about an hour. I'm getting ready to wash it out. Will towel-dry, add a leave-in, and then baggy.

I plan to get my hair re-braided again on Friday - I'm thinking of maybe doing a protein treatment on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. Any thoughts?

Thanks ladies!

(I will also post this in my blog . . . .)
The braids looked really good Glib. When I had them I'd spray a rosewater/glycerin/conditioner mix on it every day, and when it was time to take them out, no tangles whatsoever. Which Elasta QP shampoo did you use, I use the Creme Conditioning shampoo, it has no sulfates and is very gentle on your hair. I'm sorry you had to rip out your hair, it'll grow back once you give it some tlc, been there too, it hurts now but give it some time.
Don't let the squeaky cleanness bother you, as long as it doesn't feel dry and crunchy you should be ok. It should be squeaky yet soft, but not too mushy, if I'm making any sense. A light protein would be okay, unless you're breaking really bad. Let us know how it goes.
I like them a lot, very cute! Along with glamming yourself up with makeup for work, you could put a pretty flower(on the side by your ear, or in the ponytail holder) in there to jazz it up...just an idea. I am thinking about getting some braids like that as well. Thanks for sharing!