
New Member
I was trying to save my color damaged hair. I have been washing and conditioning, shiakiaking,baggying it, and MTG and it still was shedding like crazy and braking. The breakage left me with patches of very short hair in the middle of my head.

Well I couldn't take it anymore I got mad and took the scissors and start cutting.:eek: My husband came in the bathroom and he was more hurt than I was and all he could do was bring me the phone book to find my hairdresser.

Now I'm so angry with myself because :cry: if I hadn't needed to be light brown with some highlights I wouldn't have this issue.

My name is Dreamer and I'm addicted to hair color. Will I ever learn:confused:

Well thanks for letting me vent, it's just hair and I'm back to the drawing board. ARRRGGGG
I know how you feel/felt!!!! Maybe you can get your stylist to shape it up into something sassy for you to ease out the growth period.
Aww...Dreamer! It will grow back so don't stress about it. About the color addiction try a rinse if you must like the Dominican cellophane rinse called Color Showers.
I already feel better just reading your comments ladies

This time I think I've learned my lesson, this one hurt to cut off all my progress.

Thank you for the hugs
Awwww, sorry to hear what happened to your hair. A lot of us here have experienced similar mishaps and have to cut. The good thing is that this will pass soon and become a distant memory. It will grow back - healthier than the damage you were holding on to - give it some time.
I've been so tempted to do color before, girlfriend. I've successfully resisted and I know you can too. Overall, you sound positive and hopeful about what is to come with your hair. That's a good thing--I think that will get you through this with a sweatless hair victory okay. :kiss:
Supergirl said:
I've been so tempted to do color before, girlfriend. I've successfully resisted and I know you can too. Overall, you sound positive and hopeful about what is to come with your hair. That's a good thing--I think that will get you through this with a sweatless hair victory okay. :kiss:

I think this have taught me a valuable lesson, that I will cherish. I joined this board and because of the advise I recieved here my hair was growing great and looking healthy, so from now on I will do rinses or go to a professional if I need more than that.

Thanks for the love.