I GOT (actually "getting" lol) SKILLZ! My DD's flat-iron/bantu-knot out- Pics!


Well-Known Member
I talk (read: "brag" LOL...what can I say- I love my babies! :grin:) about my daughters ALOT, so most of you know I have 3 of them lol.

Well, my middle DD decided she wanted to wear her hair straight for the annual dance competition at her school....as she told me, "Mommy, sometimes I like it kinky, sometimes I like it straight. I'm not like you and Che' (her older sister)." I swear, that girl.... :drunk:

So, I gathered all of the information I've learned on the board over the last 8 months-I overnight DC'd her hair, cornrowed it to stretch it out without blowdrying, flat-ironed in small sections using only a leave-in and IC fantasia heat protectant, and bantu-knotted it overnight.

It was SO much easier than I thought....she loves it & I ended up loving it too I have to admit :yep: Just wanted to post this for all of y'all that have NO hair styling experience like me....YOU CAN DO IT! Just dive in there and keep trying- it gets easier.

Enjoy the pics :grin:

BEFORE- stretched via cornrows


MIDDLE- bantu knots



Wow! It came out reallyyy nicee! I remember i used to love when my mom did that style on me. I def. thought I was "All that" :lol:
Thanks ladies!

Y'all just don't know how non-existent my hair skills were this time last year or 2 years ago. I couldn't do ANYTHING. Didn't even know what a bantu-knot was lol.

I'm so grateful for all of the information on this board. My poor pre-teen daughters would be SET UP without it :)
That looks great, you do have skills. I wish I had known about LHCF and the like before I relaxed my daughter's hair 7 years ago.
Just Beautiful!!!
How old is she?

She'll be 11 this year, but she's going on 25 most days :spinning:

Aww I love it!!! Your daughters are lucky to have you. How is/was the upkeep?

The upkeep isn't so bad. The first night I pin-curled it; the 2nd night I put in a few flexirods and she's worn it out and curly for the last 2 days. We'll probably do a bun/ponytail tomorrow.

Thanks again ladies! This has given me the confidence to experiment more on my hair....God help me LOL
I think this might be one of the BEST bantu knot-outs I've seen, hands down! Very beautiful and uniform and neat, bride91501. I'm hypnotized f'real. :blush:

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy