I GOT A TESTIMONY! The Lord dealt with me last nite!


Well-Known Member
I feel so good!!!!!! This morning I couldn't stop crying! But I wasn't sad...I was thrilled!!! I'll tell you why in the shortest way possible:

Okay, so I've dealt with infidelity and trust with my husband 2 years ago. I thought I had forgiven him but I couldn't bring myself to trust God and to not worry about my marriage anymore. I basically tried to fix things on my own and I tried to control him to make him the husband I wanted him to be.:ohwell: And all the while I was mad at God for letting me struggle and hurt for that long. Well yesterday, I discovered something small about my husband but it brought up all of those old feelings. He's in Iraq..so I can't address anything with him. I was going crazy in my head!:wallbash: "Not again, Lord" is what I cried out. I was sick of the Lord failing me! I was extremely angry with him. I remembered that someone told me that I should be specific in my prayers. So I prayed out loud (thru all of my tears, and rage and screaming) asking him for a yes or no, not a sign (to stay in my marriage). I demanded that he come talk to me like he has done with some of the ladies here. I wanted a for sure answer that I didn't have to figure out. I screamed out loud to him. I hated him!! I felt that I was at my lowest low. He broke me!:yep:

I read scriptures and testimonies online. I found a poem about waiting on the Lord. I realized that the only way for Him to get my attention was for me to gain from my pain!! And boy did it hurt like heck!!!! As I slept, I was still waiting to hear his voice. I challenged him! Well this morning I was still hurting and angry. I went back to sleep and woke up again with an epiphany. Trust him!!! Simple right? Not when you're used to trying to fix things yourself! I thought I was a christian. But I've NEVER really trusted him! Well, I had no choice because my way wasn't working. And it was hurting me more than anyone else! Once I made the decision to just give it up to him....I cried for like 2 hours!! I'm not an emotional person at all! I tried to stop crying but couldn't! It wasn't a cutesy cry, it was a BIG, UGLY cry! But it felt good!:yep: They were tears of joy! I felt so relieved! I prayed and left it with him. I felt him smiling on me. This was the first time in my life that I, a chronic worrier, didn't have a heavy heart. I still haven't spoken with my husband but I am confident that the Lord will have his way with him! I'm so excited and exhilirated in Him!! I fell in love with him and I can't stop smiling. I haven't been this happy since I was 10! I want to go and spread the good news! Well I'll stop here because if I don't....I'll go on forever. I really wish I could give all of the details. It was an AMAZING experience!! I just wanted to share!!
ETA: I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).
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Praise the Lord! He is so worthy to be praised!!!

I'm so happy for you and I know that God, our Father has such great things in store for you. You are His beautiful baby girl and His delight is to see you whole!

Oh how He loves you! Oh how He sings over you with song! Oh His love for you is so deep, it goes deeper than our thoughts and even the intents of our hearts.

You, my sister are blessed and highly favored of the Lord because you have totally surrendered your will and have given Him your heart....isn't it wonderful? Isn't it the best feeling in all the world?

What the Lord has given you, the world can't take it away...for the time of refreshing has come and you are in the arms of the Lover of your soul...no one can touch that area...it is for you!

Oh the cry of your heart was precious in His sight and He requires more of you, of all of us!

My prayer is that all of us saints experience this "heart cry" with the Father and fall in love with Him, all over again!

Thank you for sharing this wonderful post....this is one of the best post I have ever read on this forum!

Blessings to you, always!
Nice & Wavy- I'm so happy that my post touched you. I had to share. I just feel like posting all over the web about my joy and my natural high:drunk: in the Lord. I'm sooo excited to see what he has in store for me! I can't wait! I love him!
Nice & Wavy- I'm so happy that my post touched you. I had to share. I just feel like posting all over the web about my joy and my natural high:drunk: in the Lord. I'm sooo excited to see what he has in store for me! I can't wait! I love him!

Yes, it touched me deeply because I know how you feel....Oh, to experience God this way is an awesome experience!

Like a palm tree, let your roots grow deep and soak up His love....He desires to give you all of Him.

ETA: It reminds me of the song "Breathe".
It goes something like this:

"Only you, take my breath away,
Only you, take my breath away,
And you breathe new life into me,

So, breathe into me, just breathe into me,
Once again, and again...and again".

Stay blessed and keep praising HIM!!!!
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Yes, it touched me deeply because I know how you feel....Oh, to experience God this way is an awesome experience!

Like a palm tree, let your roots grow deep and soak up His love....He desires to give you all of Him.

It reminds me of the song "Breathe". If you have never heard of it before, find it and listen to it...it will bless you immensly!

Stay blessed and keep praising HIM!!!!

Okay so I have a question..Will this feeling of elation go away? I don't want it to. :nono: Once you experienced God, did Satan ride you even more?
Praise God!!! Worrying is a beast isn't it? I too am learning how to let things go and not let issues consume me!!
Praise God!!! Worrying is a beast isn't it? I too am learning how to let things go and not let issues consume me!!
It can really be bad for you spiritually and physically. Worrying is not good.:nono: It took me a long time to get here! But I made it and I'm loving it!!! PRAISE HIM!! KEEP THE FAITH!
Yes, it touched me deeply because I know how you feel....Oh, to experience God this way is an awesome experience!

Like a palm tree, let your roots grow deep and soak up His love....He desires to give you all of Him.

ETA: It reminds me of the song "Breathe".
It goes something like this:

"Only you, take my breath away,
Only you, take my breath away,
And you breathe new life into me,

So, breathe into me, just breathe into me,
Once again, and again...and again".

Stay blessed and keep praising HIM!!!!

Oh my goodness, I was just singing this son to God about an hour ago! I am going through something right now and this song arose within my spirit.

Thank you Jesus for confirmation!
Okay so I have a question..Will this feeling of elation go away? I don't want it to. :nono: Once you experienced God, did Satan ride you even more?

Experiencing God in this way is more than a feeling....it's a healing, and that won't go away. However, the way you feel at this moment, shall change I'm sure because of circumstances that will happen in your your life, but what won't change is the knowing that God touched you in that way...in a way that you have never been touched before. That's something satan can never take away.

Now, satan is like a roaring lion, looking to devour. We must always be aware of satan devices,because his plan is for you to not believe that you had such an experience with the Most High God. Remember, satan is a liar and will try to cause you to retreat but always know....Greater is He that lives within you than he that is in the world."

You keep your head lifted high and remember who lives in you and that you have total and complete access to the throne room of God at anytime.

Stay in the Word of God and praise Him like you have never done before and you will see wonderful things happen to your heart!

Serving God is wonderful!

Oh my goodness, I was just singing this son to God about an hour ago! I am going through something right now and this song arose within my spirit.

Thank you Jesus for confirmation!

Isn't it wonderful to worship Him in song, only for Him to come and meet you right where you are? He answers us in ways we know not, yet we experience Him when He does answer us....some call it a blessing, and though it is, I call it "a time of refreshing".

The annointing on that song breaks yokes and destroy bondages!

Receive, my sister...be refreshed! For the Lord is requiring from you your worship...for His Word says "for those that worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in truth".

Keep praying and keep singing!
Oh my goodness, I was just singing this son to God about an hour ago! I am going through something right now and this song arose within my spirit.

Thank you Jesus for confirmation!

Who sings this song? I'm thinking about purchasing it from iTunes to put on my ipod.
Praise God!!! God is awesome. What a wonderful testimony!!!
Thank you! I'm glad I could share!! I hope this inspires others to let go and let God!!!! It's so worth it! And it's a beautiful thang to know that He has your back! He is Awesome!!!!
Seven Reasons Not to Worry
From the Book of Matthew

6;25- The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life.

6;26- Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today

6;27- Worrying is more harmful than helpful

6;28-30 God does not ignore those who depend on him

6;31,32- Worrying shows a lack of faith in and understanding of God

6;33-Worrying keeps us from real challenges God wants us to pursue

6:34-Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry

I found this in my bible. I love my bible. I have the Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation. It's soo easy to read with great footnotes!!!! You can order them online but I got mine at Wal-Mart for about $24 years ago!! It was sooo worth every penny!:yep:
Isn't it wonderful to worship Him in song, only for Him to come and meet you right where you are? He answers us in ways we know not, yet we experience Him when He does answer us....some call it a blessing, and though it is, I call it "a time of refreshing".

The annointing on that song breaks yokes and destroy bondages!

Receive, my sister...be refreshed! For the Lord is requiring from you your worship...for His Word says "for those that worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in truth".
Keep praying and keep singing!

Yes it truly is wonderful!

And for the bolded part, I receive this Word in the name of Jesus. Thank you so much!
Wow, I am so full of emotion just reading your post....remembering a similar place I was in many moons ago. I wish I had sought God in the way you did. I'm happy for you. It can only get better from here.
Seven Reasons Not to Worry
From the Book of Matthew

6;25- The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life.

6;26- Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today

6;27- Worrying is more harmful than helpful

6;28-30 God does not ignore those who depend on him

6;31,32- Worrying shows a lack of faith in and understanding of God

6;33-Worrying keeps us from real challenges God wants us to pursue

6:34-Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry

I found this in my bible. I love my bible. I have the Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation. It's soo easy to read with great footnotes!!!! You can order them online but I got mine at Wal-Mart for about $24 years ago!! It was sooo worth every penny!:yep:

Printing this post...thanks!
Wow, I am so full of emotion just reading your post....remembering a similar place I was in many moons ago. I wish I had sought God in the way you did. I'm happy for you. It can only get better from here.

To be honest, I don't think that I was really seeking him out. I basically was challenging him to prove to me that he was real! I didn't really go about it the right way because I was furious.:nono: But I'm happy that he had mercy on me and dealt with me in a gentle and patient way! He is wonderful. I love him!