I Give Up!!!!


New Member
I am soooo tired of my hair. I'm not to the point where I want to cut it, but I just don't care anymore. My goal use to be to make sure I took good care of it and get it to grow as much as I could as fast as I could. Now I just wash it every week and keep it protected at night, but that's about it. I don't go out of my way to go through rituals to pamper my hair. My hair doesn't look like it's growing too much anymore (maybe that discouraged me), but I just don't feel like the long hair days anymore. Anyone else feel me on this????
I reached that stage starting last year and it lasted until just recently (encountered an SHS this past Monday, but that's a different story). When I got to the point where you ladies are: only washing and wearing protective styles, I thought my hair wasn't growing either...when I finally got around to getting a touchup, 7 months later, my hair was longer than I could ever recall. Even the stylist was shocked! The plain basics worked better for my hair than any of my previous rituals. You ladies may be pleasantly surprised as well after doing the laissez-faire routine. Works for me. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Never ever give up. Personally, I think you have beautiful hair. I know sometimes it is frustrating. It is things you work hard for are worth having. Don't lose sight of you goal. Just stick with your normal routine and the results will show. Hang in there. This time next year you will wonder why you worried so much.
Girl...you have beautiful hair! Please don't get discouraged, I know it's hard sometimes but stick with it and by next year you'll be so happy that you didn't cut your hair! By the way, if you are trying to get to waist lenght then I think you'll be there sooner than you think! Maybe a braids challenge may be good, you wouldn't have to do too much to your hair and it will grow so much. Keep inspired!

I am right there. I have decided to go with braids so I don't have to handle it or fret over not gaining length. I am hoping to be pleasantly surprised with some length when I take down my braids. I am going to do two sets of braids to take me up to February and get my touch up at the beginning of March. That way it will be six months since my last touch up.
what about using a simple routine like was condition moisturize and bun would that help or are you just wanting a change in general like getting your hair cut into a style?
BB you'll be fine... I did what you are doing and basically ignored my hair for 3 months. I just touched-up a little while ago and was pleasantly surprised by my progress.
Thanks lthomas and Alli for the encouraging words. I don't want to cut it, but I don't feel like being bothered with it anymore either. I hate wearing ponytails and buns are just too boring to me (I need to have something hanging by the side of my face). I would do the braids thing and I've been thinking about it,but I don't know what to get and I know that I wouldn't keep it in long anyway (the longest I think I kept them in is a month and I had to force myself to do that because I usually take them out after 2 or 3 weeks). I just don't know what to do right now.
BB, I think you have beautiful hair! Don't give up and don't concentrate on the growth. It can become overwhelming! This is why I never measure my hair. Just continue to be good to your hair and you will notice results. One day you will say, wow? My hair is so healthy and where did those 3 inches come from??
I'm not the one to wear braids for a long time either. So, I decided to do it myself this time around to save the extra $100 it would have cost me to have someone put them in. I bought Human hair (2 packs of 14 inch) for $56 but at least I won't feel bad when I take them out in 2 or 3 weeks.

It takes a bit of practice if you don't know how to braid but it's worth learning how to if you don't. It really gives you a chance to keep your hands out of your hair...which by the way is gorgeous!
Braids /images/graemlins/blush.gifrders: Braids! I known when I'm about to give up myself, braids always give me the break that I need. I'm doing the braid challenge right now and will do braids back to back til spring. you might want to try this. you'll be glad you did now & later! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I reccomend crown & glory method. www.growafrohairlong.com
Thank you all for the compliments on my hair. I'm trying to get excited about it again, but I'm just not there yet. I like it, but as for now, it just seems to be there. I'll have to think about the braids thing. They look nice and it's good to not have to worry about doing my hair, but I know that I'll have to get them long because of the length of my hair and then it'll take forever to take out. I have to figure out something to do with it though so that I don't have to mess with it. Any suggestions????