I Give Up....


Well-Known Member
I seriously thought i'd be WSL by now.....At first i was hoping i could in March....then i was still MBL....it's the beginning of May....i'm like 3 weeks post.....I dunno....:sad:

So i'm gonna give myself the rest of the year to reach Waistlength...hopefully by December i can be Full Waistlength.:ohwell:
How many inches do you need to get there? From your picture it looks like at least 3 for your longest layer so you should be there by December for sure. You should definitely measure the inches so that you can work out a timeline. That way you won't feel like you're getting disappointed. There's definitely no reasn to give up, you have beautiful hair.
Girl, i feel you, i been trying to pass BSL for the longest, lol
don't give up, you will get their. Stay consistent with your reggie. You are almost there :grin:
Sometimes stressing over not reaching goals will have an adverse effect. Stress impacts in so many ways, so try not to worry about it too much. Setting yourself a longer term goal as you have done will at least ease the pressure you're putting on yourself. :)
I seriously thought i'd be WSL by now.....At first i was hoping i could in March....then i was still MBL....it's the beginning of May....i'm like 3 weeks post.....I dunno....:sad:

So i'm gonna give myself the rest of the year to reach Waistlength...hopefully by December i can be Full Waistlength.:ohwell:
Aww buddy, don't give up. I understand that MBL-WL hump, trust! I say keep doing what you've been doing and fuggedaboutit! You'll be there before you know it. It's May, you still have the whole half of the year to get there. Enjoy the journey, and the length will come :bighug:
How many inches do you need to get there? From your picture it looks like at least 3 for your longest layer so you should be there by December for sure. You should definitely measure the inches so that you can work out a timeline. That way you won't feel like you're getting disappointed. There's definitely no reasn to give up, you have beautiful hair.

I only have like an inch and a half...more like 2 inches...the pic in my siggy is from the beginning of January. Its so frustrating bc its just teasing me.:wallbash:
Don't give up! I understand how you feel; I've been frustrated lately, too...stupid MBL haha :grin:

I second the opinion that you should probably stop worrying about it excessively; the stress probably won't help your grow, and I think when you're preoccupied with reaching a certain goal your growth probably seems much slower than it actually is. Or maybe you've just reached a slow growth point and it'll pick up in a little while. You'll certainly get there :yep:
Don't give up! I understand how you feel; I've been frustrated lately, too...stupid MBL haha :grin:

I second the opinion that you should probably stop worrying about it excessively; the stress probably won't help your grow, and I think when you're preoccupied with reaching a certain goal your growth probably seems much slower than it actually is. Or maybe you've just reached a slow growth point and it'll pick up in a little while. You'll certainly get there :yep:

Thats exactly what i say to my hair!:lachen::lachen:....you think its mad at me or something?:grin::ohwell:...maybe it is.....
I've been taking my vitamins...eating really healthy....co washing regularly again...in fact i'm gonna co-wash today...and DC....its just aggravating that i'm doing all of this and i'm not where i wanna be.
I think hair seems to grow when you stop watching it. (Think of the boiling pot of water that doesn't happen when you're watching...) Do you wear it in protective styles most of the time? I know there are people who get to those lengths without any effort but maybe some people need a little more TLC? Yvette's story always comes to mind when I read of people struggling. She basically hid her hair from herself for a year. Bunning while in the shower and was even nervous to look at it on the day of revelation. But her patience and sacrifice paid off. Maybe you should just find cute accessories and start being creative with bunning. Wear you hair in adorable updos...and just enjoy what you have now. If waist comes this year or next year, what should it matter. Let it creep up on you. That's always more exciting and seems to happen faster than if you're constantly checking.
Don't you dare give up. Well you can't technically because your hair is still going to grow and you are still going to take care of it. Enjoy MBL! I know I am! In a few months MBL will be a distant memory. Make it fun and stop raining on your hair's parade. Let it do its thing! Is your ultimate goal WL?
Yes....my ultimate goal is Full WSL.

I'm always wearing my hair up......all the time....
I moisturize and seal everyday and night.

I only flat iron it no more than 2 times a month.
Yes....my ultimate goal is Full WSL.

I'm always wearing my hair up......all the time....
I moisturize and seal everyday and night.

I only flat iron it no more than 2 times a month.

Might I suggest that you completely stop using direct heat for the rest of the year or at least till you reach your goal. Keep those ends up and out of the way. Since you only have a few inches to go. How often do you trim? You may want to stop trimming till you surpass your goal as well.
ITA with CurlyMoo sometimes it is just that one thing that makes the difference. Stop the heat at least for the rest of this year and do more deep conditioning. That is what jump started my growth. I did that Cathy Howse method for a full year and no heat.

I am having a issue now where I don't see much length but definitely more density and girth. I am going to stay on the course of cowashing and deep conditioning this year to see if that will get me out of this length slump.

BUT - even if it doesn't I know my hair will be healthier for it.
It'll grow it's just waiting for you to look the other way:grin:. Try to do cute updos with it and take it down rarely, it should surprise you.
Okay...about the NO heat thing.......

That does not work for me at all.... I'll try to only use it like once every few months or something like that.
Okay...about the NO heat thing.......

That does not work for me at all.... I'll try to only use it like once every few months or something like that.

Don't give up! Hang in there. I totally understand though. I was grazing MBL and just trim back to almost SL and I feel like I will never reach my gol of BSL. Just take it 1 week at a time. Baby those ends and be nice to your hair. You'll get where you're going:yep:
SO......to kinda help me stay motivated.....i did take some progress pics....and it has progressed a little....Picture.jpg

Picture 004.jpg

Sorry if these came out too big:blush:
Oh...they came out fine! Yay!!!

If you can kinda tell...i'm wearing a pink bra.....and my hair is past it in the second pic.....i just co-washed and because i am texlaxing....my hair does tend to shrink.
You've definitely made progress.

I think you should just continue what you're doing and focus on something else. Sometimes, you just have to be patient. Maybe you should experiment with different styles and have fun with your hair. Remember, when your hair gets longer there will be styles that don't look as good as they do now. Enjoy what you have.

And, if you're doing everything right to keep your hair healthy cutting out the heat is not a bad idea. If only to see whether or not it's holding you back in any way.
I think i'm gonna go back to nails as my secondary hobby....LOL!!! I bought some China Glaze nail polish called solar power and i got a blue finger paints nail polish...both from sally's....i think i'll see if i can come up with cool designs.....or something...lol.
My hair has been growing pretty slowly and I experience alot of breakage the past year so I understand. I should have been at waist length. I have given up focusing on length and started just making sure my hair is healthy and now I am seeing gains. I was just too obsessed w/length, I kept taking pic and measuring my hair and it never seemed to be growing fast enough. Just do what you know works for your hair and focus on it's health and you'll reach your goals soon enough. Enjoy the journey!
Some of us would be happy with your length.:lachen: A watched head never seems to grow.:rolleyes: Also, how do you wear your hair up? Sometimes switching the sides you wear it can help.
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Okay...about the NO heat thing.......

That does not work for me at all.... I'll try to only use it like once every few months or something like that.

I think that's a good idea. You don't mention exercise, so I would suggest doing some cardio, 1-2 times a week...that really stimulates my growth, especially during the warm/hot months...and it's good for overall health. :yep:
I think that's a good idea. You don't mention exercise, so I would suggest doing some cardio, 1-2 times a week...that really stimulates my growth, especially during the warm/hot months...and it's good for overall health. :yep:

What is the meaning of this word?.....exercise?:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I used to be a fitness nut....in high school.....but every once in a while i pop on my ipod...like in my bun pic in my album i took today.....and start jumpin around like a puppet on a string.....i do need to step my game up on that tho:grin:
What is the meaning of this word?.....exercise?:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I used to be a fitness nut....in high school.....but every once in a while i pop on my ipod...like in my bun pic in my album i took today.....and start jumpin around like a puppet on a string.....i do need to step my game up on that tho:grin:

:lachen:I know, I know, that's sometimes the LAST word people want to here. But it could be the growth jumpstart that you need, girlie! It certainly can't hurt. :grin:
I seriously thought i'd be WSL by now.....At first i was hoping i could in March....then i was still MBL....it's the beginning of May....i'm like 3 weeks post.....I dunno....:sad:

So i'm gonna give myself the rest of the year to reach Waistlength...hopefully by December i can be Full Waistlength.:ohwell:

Gurl you're not giving anything up! You're going to baby your hair, protect the ends, feed your hair from the inside and in December you're going to post your waistlength pix for us to drool over.
Do you understand me?