i give up~~~~~~~

See I was trying to be strong... now you bout to make me cry :cry3: I did this to myself though, tryin' to be cute. I totally fell off of my regimen. I stopped washing and conditioning on schedule, barely protective styled, hardly moisturized, and I was firing up my iron every single morning, too. :look: You know my hair is texlaxed and here, its so humid in the mornings, by the time I would walk from my car to my first class, my ponytail and bangs would be frizzy (and not in a cute way b/c there is a cute frizzy too:lol: )--- unless... I used my FHI. I just started liking that silky look to my bun, when before I liked it big and fluffy.

So I started putting heat to that pony and my bangs each morning. I'd use it even when I'd bun--don't ask why . . .thinking my heat protectant would make up the difference. Well, it didn't. Silk proteins are great and all but errrr... I am paying the price now for thinking I was totally protected. Well, my bangs stayed strong and healthy I guess because its "newer" hair, but my ponytail took a hit. IMO anyway. My husband said it looked fine, but it looked a hot mess to me so I hacked it. Not all at once, but over the course of a few months starting in January. So back to the tried and true basics for me.:) Hopefully I'll be swinging along with the rest of you BSL ladies by this time next year. *wishful thinking*
Oh, don't give up! It took me ca 7 years to reach waist length. You learn the best routine as you get along and sometimes you have to change routines. It's all a looooooooooong process. :)
Good luck!
FlowerHair said:
Oh, don't give up! It took me ca 7 years to reach waist length. You learn the best routine as you get along and sometimes you have to change routines. It's all a looooooooooong process. :)
Good luck!

Thanks for saying this... this gives me, and alot of other people here much hope. :yep: