I gained 5 inches in 9 months!

Great progress. Your hair looks beautiful, and your little one is a doll. I am glad I saw this thread. You made me realize again, that I have all this new growth on my head for a reason!

That means you've surpassed the "half inch per month" a little bit, and much more importantly you've retained it all! That's fantastic. Keep doing whatever it is you're doing.

OMG....That is amazing!!! :clapping:Your hair looks really good and healthy ....We are really going to be hair twins in a minute.....Length and All!!! :hug2:
YES! long stretches do work for me. The detangling got the best of me and I just decided to relax. I was never going to do a bc and it would have been difficult dealing with the two textures and the length and just dusting. btw, yes, my eyes are hazel. THANKS FOR ALL THE POSITIVE COMMENTS.I really appreciate it.