I found some Surge


Well-Known Member
So I went to the bss to get some rollers and out of the corner of my eye I saw some surge. I bought the last bottle of the revitalizer and a bottle of the shampoo. I am not sure I should use it now though. It was REALLY an impulse buy. Did it really mess up ur hair/scalp?
It never bothered me.

Well once I used it when I had cornrows put in and my scalp felt irritated, but I think that was the braids.

Otherwise it was fine.
Does it have the original ingredients or is it the new formula? I have a few bottles in my closet and haven't had no problems with it...just an increase in growth rate and it detangles for me like a dream. If you fear irriation to your scalp, spray it on your scalp and then apply an oil. There are many threads on here about how ladies used it. I use it straight out the bottle to the scalp.
Oh okay. I just couldn't not buy it even if I don't use it. So mixing it with oil helps?
I don't know if its the original formula. It is in a yellow and black bottle.
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I found some surge in vallystream this past saturday for 2.99 a pop...they only had 3 I brought 2 so one should be there....
Surge never bothered my scalp. I usually used a little braid spray on my hair after to help with dryness though. FYI This was the only liquid that has ever helped with detangling my hair.
Its funny because I saw some today at the bss. I didnt buy it becaues I have sme already and i know of another bss that has some too!