I Finished Cosmo School!!


Real Housewife of Houston
:yay::yay: I finally finished beauty school! :grin: I am so excited! I am opening a small salon in my hometown and hope to grow from there! I have always had a love for hair, I just didn't know how to keep it healthy and grow it. Thanks to the help from you ladies, I was able to connect all of the dots!

Thank you so much ladies of LHCF for the wisdom and inspiration! :heart2: I fully plan on spreading the knowledge to other women wanting to grow their hair!
Wow! I wish you were opening one in Baltimore.:lol:
It's hard to trusts that most stylists know as much as ladies here (lhcf) do.
Wow! I wish you were opening one in Baltimore.:lol:
It's hard to trusts that most stylists know as much as ladies here (lhcf) do.

Tyra, I was heads above the class because of the info I learned on here. The things we share are NOT taught in beauty school. I know exactly what you mean and that's why I'm so grateful for you ladies! :bighug:

Congrats!!! Are you opening it in Jackson? Let me know when.

nappystorm, yes ma'am, I will be opening in Jackson; about 4-5 south of Ridgeland! I hope to be open next week! :yay:
Tyra, I was heads above the class because of the info I learned on here. The things we share are NOT taught in beauty school. I know exactly what you mean and that's why I'm so grateful for you ladies! :bighug:

nappystorm, yes ma'am, I will be opening in Jackson; about 4-5 south of Ridgeland! I hope to be open next week! :yay:

A good beauty school focus on teaching you what you need to know to pass the board exam. The practical stuff is easy to learn.

A good beauty school focus on teaching you what you need to know to pass the board exam. The practical stuff is easy to learn.


Keen, our school taught us above and beyond what is needed for the exam. The state exam is sooo narrow. I was blessed to have a teacher who taught us the things needed to make it in a salon, plus have regularly scheduled classes on advanced procedures that were taught by high end salon owners in the southern region as well. Even with all of that, it still doesn't take the place of what I've learned right here on LHCF.:yep:

I started off at an all black school and they stated that their mission was exactly what you just stated. :perplexed Thank GOD I transferred!! I graduated from a predominantly white school whose mission was to have us salon ready, not just passing the bare minimum state exam. They are both owned by the same company but the owners put more money into the white schools. :nono:
Congratulations on your wonderful, wonderful accomplishment! How inspiring to see that you are in the midst of becoming a business owner as well. How nice of you to give the folks on this board 'their propers' by letting them know that their knowledge is vast, appreciated and helpful. I am glad you posted this. It's just an uplifting post all around. Go do your thing!
@Keen, our school taught us above and beyond what is needed for the exam. The state exam is sooo narrow. I was blessed to have a teacher who taught us the things needed to make it in a salon, plus have regularly scheduled classes on advanced procedures that were taught by high end salon owners in the southern region as well. Even with all of that, it still doesn't take the place of what I've learned right here on LHCF.:yep:

I started off at an all black school and they stated that their mission was exactly what you just stated. :perplexed Thank GOD I transferred!! I graduated from a predominantly white school whose mission was to have us salon ready, not just passing the bare minimum state exam. They are both owned by the same company but the owners put more money into the white schools. :nono:

@topnotch1010 OK. I always assumed the pittfalls of many schools is that they focus too much on teaching people how to do hair versus teaching them how to pass the exam. At the end of the day even if you can do hair, you can't practice without a licence. The passing rate from the people I know are very low...

But one of my old stylist used to tell me about the importance of learning the skills to manage a salon. Owning the salon is where the money is.
@topnotch1010 OK. I always assumed the pittfalls of many schools is that they focus too much on teaching people how to do hair versus teaching them how to pass the exam. At the end of the day even if you can do hair, you can't practice without a licence. The passing rate from the people I know are very low...

But one of my old stylist used to tell me about the importance of learning the skills to manage a salon. Owning the salon is where the money is.

I've seen this too, mostly from the kitchen beauticians who've been doing hair for a long time. They come in 'knowing it all' and are not receptive to instruction because of their arrogance. They usually don't do well during school either and hardly show up for class because they are too busy doing hair at home. :ohwell: The ones who really come to learn will get it. The know-it-alls who just came to get their license....:nono:

Thank you for your comment and thank you all for the encouragement!! :grin:
Congratulations on your wonderful, wonderful accomplishment! How inspiring to see that you are in the midst of becoming a business owner as well. How nice of you to give the folks on this board 'their propers' by letting them know that their knowledge is vast, appreciated and helpful. I am glad you posted this. It's just an uplifting post all around. Go do your thing!

Chicoro Oh absolutely! It's an absolute blessing that we have a place to share such a wealth of information! I don't know where I'd be without this place (probably half bald using pink oil as a "moisturizer")!:lol:
Tyra, I was heads above the class because of the info I learned on here. The things we share are NOT taught in beauty school. I know exactly what you mean and that's why I'm so grateful for you ladies! :bighug:

nappystorm, yes ma'am, I will be opening in Jackson; about 4-5 south of Ridgeland! I hope to be open next week! :yay:

Oh chit!!! Do yo thaannggg gurl. Good luck.