I finally have some Progress Pics of my own! (Pic Heavy)


New Member
*Sorry if the pics are too big!!! I tried to re-size them but I'm not sure if it worked*

Hi LHCF!!!!

So I've been a member here for a little over a year and I began with the intent to go natural but after I cut my relaxed ends off, I encountered (what I didn't know then but I know very much about now) scab hair so I texlaxed with JFM Texture Softener to make my hair more manageable:


(November 2007)

Then in March 08, I decided to try going natural again and did a 2nd BC:


But I don't think I got all the relaxer out, but it was good enough for me at the time. So I let it grow out:


May 2008

And tried flat-ironing it for the first time since cutting off most of my relaxed ends:


May 2008

In June I decided to just give up on being natural and do a full relaxer, but I think it was too mild for my texture and I ended up with another texlax job:


July 2008

Since my hair seemed to not be feeling the relaxed look anymore, I finally decided to go natural and made June the last time that a chemical relaxer touched my hair. This time I also decided to just transition and chop the relaxer off little by little.


August 2008 Flat-Ironed


September 2008 Wash and Go


November 2008 Flat-Ironed

Now in Feb, I am 8 months post and am slowly trimming off relaxed ends.


Feb 2009 Flat-Ironed (Pre-Trim)


Feb 2009 Flat-Ironed (Post-Trim)


Feb 2009 (My hair "Bling" pic lol!)

I am also using Henna for my hair now b/c the last relaxer caused my hair to bleach slightly in the sun, so to restore a darker, healthier color and b/c I know there are many benefits to Henna, I began to apply it on a weekly basis.


Feb 2009

My texture shot:


(I was not putting any tension on my hair when I was holding it up b/c I wanted to see my curls for what they were. I think I'm 4a near my scalp where the texlax has grown out)

My Siggi pic is how I wear my hair every day now.

My Reggie:

1) Wash with Dr. Bronner's Magic "All-One" Shikakai Soap (from Target), DC with Pantene Pro-V Relaxed and Natural Deep Conditioning Mask (sometimes with heat, sometimes over night) and Henna once per week

2) Condition Wash with Tresemme Moisture Rich Conditioner and HE Hello Hydration and detangle in the shower twice a week

3) Section my hair randomly and rub 100% Unrefined Shea Butter and 100% Jojoba Oil onto my ends before pinning them up and tying my hair up with a satin scarf nightly

4) Soak hair with JUST WATER in the shower in the morning to restore the curls daily (but only co-washing twice weekly and washing once weekly!)

5) Run Fantasia iC Pure Tea Silky Gel Moisturizer Activator through my hair after I soak with water (this helps my stringy texlaxed ends curl like no other and really blend well with my natural texture)

6) Scrunch KCCC onto my hair to hold the curls and give them some shine

I've seen considerable retention the last few months and my hair has never been this healthy before! It is thick and has body when it's both curly and straight and I love it! I'll probably straighten again in May (for my b-day) but I don't plan on using heat that often this year (only twice more in 2009 tops)

I just want to say thank you LHCF! Hopefully it won't take me so long to post progress pics next time :spinning:
wow, that was some story. I got tired just reading it cause I felt like it was me going through all those transitions, BCs, etc...

Your is so pretty! congrats!