I finally have a funny hair story to tell!


New Member
I delayed washing my hair because I figured I would do it today after I swam. So, last night I decided to drench my braids in leave in conditioner. I then used MTG (with fragrance) to oil my scalp. I guess I was a little heavy handed, but I didn't notice. I just made sure that it wasn't dripping down my neck. I tied my hair up as usual; including a shower cap, followed by a headband, followed by a full sized scarf, and followed by a satin bonnet.

This morning I sprayed my hair with a moisturizer. I got up pretty early this morning, so I guess I wasn't thinking clearly. Instead of wearing a dark pullover shirt or something, I decide to wear an aqua colored, collared, button down shirt. I placed my below bra strap length braids in a high ponytail and out the door I go.

Throughout the day, I am walking around chatting it up with my colleagues and at one point I made a trip to the local Walgreens. At the end of the day I picked up my daughter from school, and after chatting it up with a few folks I head on home.

When I get home I feel like putting on shorts and a t-shirt. My daughter says "Yeah Mom, change your shirt 'cause it's really wet." My daughter is 3. I said, "Child, my shirt is not wet." Of course her response is, "uh huh. It’s really wet." I hunch my shoulders, and just think "what-ever". I feel my back and its dry. I suddenly get this bad feeling. I grab my light, aqua colored, silk looking shirt and turn it around to the back. There is a HUGE oil slick all down the back of my shirt! :blush:.Oh my God!! I can just imagine. I have been walking around with a jheri-curl juice like stain on the back of my shirt.

I wasn't up and about as much as I usually am throughout the day, but I wonder if anyone noticed!?

Maybe I should be embarrassed about it, but I'm not. I'm still laughing about it.:lachen: Shoot, stuff happens. TGIF.
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That was just to cute. I can image the little one saying your shirt is wet.

Sorry for the embarrassment but thanks for sharing this story! I really did giggle. :giggle:

Welcome ;)
Its funny that my daughter noticed right away. I passed by grown folks all day and no one said a word. I don't know, maybe they thought I was sweating down my back and did not want to draw attention to it.

Thanks for reading!
Its funny that my daughter noticed right away. I passed by grown folks all day and no one said a word. I don't know, maybe they thought I was sweating down my back and did not want to draw attention to it.

Thanks for reading!

That's why I think they probably didn't say anything, but kids will be totally (sometimes brutally) honest with you bless their hearts, lol. I have overdone the hair oil before and had it running down my neck too: I have to remind myself that a little can go a long way.