I finally got my aritha bars!


I am so psyched. I feel like my hair is stronger because this roller set, I lost no hair. The mesh rollers with the brush in them worked great to smooth out my hair. I was finally able to get my first strait look without heat! YAHOO!:yay:
I am so psyched. I feel like my hair is stronger because this roller set, I lost no hair. The mesh rollers with the brush in them worked great to smooth out my hair. I was finally able to get my first strait look without heat! YAHOO!:yay:

DD, what chu doin usin those evil bristles. dem thangs is da debil disguised in fishnet rollers.

take dem thangs outta there and use dem rollas in da raw 'fore yo strands get broke.
DD, what chu doin usin those evil bristles. dem thangs is da debil disguised in fishnet rollers.

take dem thangs outta there and use dem rollas in da raw 'fore yo strands get broke.

LOL Lynnie:lachen::lachen:-DD I was distracted from your good news too when I saw you were using those darn rollers. How do you do it?
I know they're supposed to be bad, but they work so good for me. :lachen: I tried a few without and it just didn't work the same. I will be careful, I promise.:grin: So far I haven't gotten any breakage. I just use them to style. I get a great curl in less than 30 minutes on air dried hair and it gets it nice and strait.
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No. I have tried using end papers before and my hair just does not get as curly as it does without. I know I'm flirting with disaster, but my hair just gets so smooth with it like that. I will try using the end papers the next time, though. I tried the aritha bar from reading a thread that praised it. I am unsure of the type of indian spice it is, but it did make my hair nice and clean. I couldn't believe how soft it was in the shower. My pjism is what made me buy it and it took so long to get it because the ladies here and other places love it so much. I just need one lather and I got my desired softness.
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