I finally FOUND it!


New Member
Ultramax and Moisture aid....
Thanks to a few board members that shall remain namesless...*aCHOO...FoxyBronx and TammieMatthews*:lol: :lol: I found myself in the beautysupply this weekend. My next project is to try a wash and go on my almost 100% texturized hair...(thanks for the encouragement and advice Model!;) ) So Foxy recommended Pantenne Hydrating Curls conditioner and aloe vera gel. While I was looking for the gel (could not find FOTE) I came accross the ENTIRE Surge line. While I was in there...I went ahead and picked up some MangoButter and a headband for when I air dry. I started with my ultramax last night and will add Surge and Loisture aid on wash day...probaly tomorrow or Tuesday. I am VERY excited....I will definately post pics of my results.

Anyone been consistently using Ultramax along with Surge? I am wonfeirng how well the line works when used together. I am trying to reah arm pit by the end of the year and chin lenght in front by June.:look:
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I can't wait to see results, Tonya. Surge UltraMax isn't available where I live so I'd love to hear how well it works. :)
Well I am on day two. I think I am going to wash tonight since i have gone a record 5 DAYS!!! with the same style! and it is MY hair at that! Go me! (doing the cabbage patch)
Either my hair is dirty or it is growing because it is itching like CRAZY! So I iwll check back in a few weeks with updates!:)
It smells just like surge.....
Lorraine said:
I can't wait to see results, Tonya. Surge UltraMax isn't available where I live so I'd love to hear how well it works. :)

Lorraine you better get out here to MD, I found it out this way.

I was using it, but not long enough to really give feedback. I kept forgetting to use it. It does have a somewhat drying effect to my hair and scalp though. I didn't put it on my ends, mainly used it like a grease and put it on my scalp. I had to start following up with an oil because it made my roots feel hard. I will probably give up the remainder at the next DC/MD/VA meeting.
KAddy said:
Lorraine you better get out here to MD, I found it out this way.

I was using it, but not long enough to really give feedback. I kept forgetting to use it. It does have a somewhat drying effect to my hair and scalp though. I didn't put it on my ends, mainly used it like a grease and put it on my scalp. I had to start following up with an oil because it made my roots feel hard. I will probably give up the remainder at the next DC/MD/VA meeting.

Dryness huh? Surge has the same result...maybe that is why I am itching. Note to self...add oil
Cool!! I am glad you found it! Let me warn you, only use the moisture aid if you wear your hair curly. If you use moisture-aid on a straight style the water content will make your hair slightly damp and you might ruin your rollerset.

Keep me posted on the Hydrating Curls! Have you ever tried the no-poo curly girl method?

I can’t WAIT until you try a wash n go! I know it will look Gorgeous! Did you ever find your John Frieda Dream curls?
foxybronx said:
Cool!! I am glad you found it! Let me warn you, only use the moisture aid if you wear your hair curly. If you use moisture-aid on a straight style the water content will make your hair slightly damp and you might ruin your rollerset.

Keep me posted on the Hydrating Curls! Have you ever tried the no-poo curly girl method?

I can’t WAIT until you try a wash n go! I know it will look Gorgeous! Did you ever find your John Frieda Dream curls?

No I have not tried the curly girl no poo method...I gues that is somehting else for me to research today...(keep me informed Missy):)

I will admit when I opened my cabinet and saw all those products...I closed the cabinet back up. I will look for it tonight...since i plan to wash anyway...I will ry ti out and no matter how it turns out...I will post pics...even if I have to roller set it afterward. How long does it usually take u all to air dry?

If mositureaid has a high water content it should be good for combatting dryness right?