i finally decided to try the crazy baggy method!


Well-Known Member
i like to keep my house really warm, so that tends to dry my hair out if i don't keep my scarf on. anyway, i want to get some cornrows today, so last night i decided to try the baggy method. i applied some Suave Tropical Coconut conditioner in my dry hair, and placed a plastic bag on.

i just took the bag off this morning and my hair feels so freakin great!. it feels good to the point that i can do this nightly sometimes instead of cowashing. it feels so soft and moisturized. i know that if i was to do something like this on the regular, i would have to up my protein, to avoid over moisturizing my hair.

i remember i tried the baggy method with oils, and my hair was a hot mess in the morning.

anyone thought the baggy method was crazy, until they tried it?
Me! Of all the things I've done to my hair over the years, I was so resistant to baggying. It just seemed so.......extra.

Well I tried it a couple of weeks ago and I love it! My hair was so soft and moisturized. Not mushy at all! A definite keeper!

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I tried it years ago and hated it. I tried it a few weeks ago with a very small amount of leave in conditioner and oil and now I love it.
I tried it and I hated it... my scalp itched like crazy. I think it might work for me if I tweaked it. I can do an hour or so but overnight? I wake up digging. :nono:
I tried it and I hated it... my scalp itched like crazy. I think it might work for me if I tweaked it. I can do an hour or so but overnight? I wake up digging. :nono:

luvsmuhgrass Have you ever tried it on bare hair? I itch like crazy if I baggy with product. I baggy without and my hair is soft and moisturized and smells like conditioner. It's like it steams my hair with the last conditioner coating I used.

Methinks itching happens because the heat from the cap opens your pores and then you have stuff getting absorbed that has no business being in your "skin" hence the itches. Kinda like would happen if you applied hair cream on your face(?). No product, no itches. And the open pores release sebum that is more natural for your scalp.
I do this about once a week(usually overnite) with a good moisturizing DC but I make sure my hair is fairly clean(so my scalp is not super itchy) and its amazing! :blush: I take the baggie off, add a shea butter mixture usually, braid my hair in small singles, then add olive oil and water to my hair and sit under the dryer for like 15 minutes(spritzing every couple of minutes with the o/o mixture). My hair feels LIKE BUTTA:yep::lick:
I've been baggying this week in two french braids with HE LTR and my hair always feels so moisturized when I take them down. It's a keeper
I don't understand, what's the difference with overnight DC ?

Ive done both a 30 min with heat and an overnite DC. I prefer overnite.(But to each their own preference) It softens the new-growth better if not more then a regular DC and just to be safe I always do a mini steam with my dryer after I finish styling & moisturizing my single braids. I spray water on them and then place o/o on top to seal all the moisture in:yep:.
With the baggie method you are not saturating your hair with product in most cases. Also with overnight DC it is usually followed with a wash the next day. Hope this helps.

^This. You seriously have to put a very good amount of product in. I have very thick hair and make sure every part is covered.
With the baggie method you are not saturating your hair with product in most cases. Also with overnight DC it is usually followed with a wash the next day. Hope this helps.

thanks so much for clarifying. this might be something new for me to try once i get over my recent hair laziness spell
I would like to try it, it sounds like a great way to keep hair moisturized, but I never wear styles that are conduscive to covering in a product like conditioner:(
Are you suppose to rinse it out in the morning?

vavouna Only if you baggy with something that needs to be washed out like a pre-poo or conditioner. Otherwise, baggying to me is just a way of tying up my hair for the night. I prefer plastic to cloth because plastic doesn't absorb moisture from my hair, and plastic encourages sebum production by opening my pores. I don't rinse in the morning because I don't have anything on my hair to rinse off, and when I have product (been trying to get used to putting products on my hair ends), I don't rinse out because what I have on is a leave-in and not a product to be rinsed out. I'm not trying to strip moisture from my hair.
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just be careful about overdoing it, I did and iios my hair was mushy and broke off...I guess everything in MODERATION. I did it everyday, overnight :(
Only if you baggy with something that needs to be washed out like a pre-poo or conditioner. Otherwise, baggying to me is just away of tying up my hair for the night. I prefer plastic to cloth because plastic doesn't absorb moisture from my hair, and plastic encourages sebum production by opening my pores. I don't rinse in the morning because I don't have anything on my hair to rinse off, and when I have product (been trying to get used to putting products on my hair ends), I don't rinse out because what I have on is a leave-in and not a product to be rinsed out. I'm not trying to strip moisture from my hair.

See, this is what kept me from baggying for so long. I thought everyone was putting a dc on their hair and sleeping with that under a plastic cap overnight! That's a no-go for me. :nono:

I didn't even think about just M&S like normal and baggy that overnight. My hair loves this!
just be careful about overdoing it, I did and iios my hair was mushy and broke off...I guess everything in MODERATION. I did it everyday, overnight :(

"Overdoing" only comes into the picture if you're using too many products or too much. If you're baggying bare like I do, there can never be too much baggying. I've baggied continually for a week coz I just didn't feel like dealing with my hair. I'd baggy at night, and in the AM I'd put on a hat or head wrap over the baggy and head to work. When I got home, I may take the baggy off for a bit to play with my hair (HIH Disease is incurable in my case it seems...and when watching TV, I can't help but look for twists that need redoing), or the baggy may come off as I pull off the hat/wrap (I use Saran wrap) in which case I'll use a fresh piece at bedtime. Otherwise I just keep it on till bed time and then in the AM cover it again to go to work. And my hair couldn't have been happier.

Doing this is actually my preferred protective style, over sealing and PSing in an updo. Baggying 24/7 means I can leave my hair bare as I like it to be and not worry about it drying from the elements and breaking since the baggy helps lock in moisture.

ETA: Because I don't use products, my hair is never wet in the AM. Just moist. Even when I use S Curl on ends, no dripping hair here. Just feels the way your hair feels after you wash and fully towel dry: soft and moisturized, not wet. LOVE IT!
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Didn't read all posts but my hair baggies best with applying moisturizer, baggy for 2 hours, seal if I choose, put on scarf for the night...it's a wrap.

Overnight baggying is risky for me in that my hair may be damp by morning especially if I've applied too much moisturizer on my hair. I will go back to overnight baggying during spring/summer when the weather is nice out and having damp/wet hair is not an issue.

I spritz with Scurl and baggy overnight in the warmer months. I'm using a creamy moisturizer for my 2 hour baggy during the colder months.

Being light handed with the moisturizer and placing holes in the plastic bag also helps to minimize the level of morning dampness when overnight baggying.
it still seems like "extra" to me. i have had success with it its just not something i find necessary in my regimen..
I prefer to baggy only for a few hours also. I don't like the damp hair that overnite baggying can give. Last year when I was baggying, I would use a little bit of a creamy leave-in and baggy the ends of my hair in 2 pigtails. This is great for keeping the ends moisturized and not getting swollen, damp roots.

I have some really small elastic bags that work for ponytails, but I mostly use a full sized "bag" on 2 ponytails and slide the cap back so that only the ponytails were in the plastic cap and not my whole head. Try it, it works!
I actually baggied every day this week... but now ya'll have me scurred talking about over-moisturizing. :nono: It has felt so good and soft all week. I'm washing my hair tomorrow and I hope there's no regret. :ohwell:
I baggy every night (even while in braids) and I love it.:yep: I don't have a problem with over-moisturized hair because I use protein based leave-in condish as well as a moisturizer. I like to use Surge 14 (I still have a few bottles of this), 911 leave-in condish, or Infusium 23. :up:
I want to know how this is going for people? I just startee baggying overnight with nothing or maybe a little conditioner on my ends because I want to wear WnGs but I dont want to end up with SSKs. So I thought maybe if my ends stay moisturized they wont knot together. Has anybody seen progress from this method or had any setbacks from longterm use? TIA.
I want to know how this is going for people? I just startee baggying overnight with nothing or maybe a little conditioner on my ends because I want to wear WnGs but I dont want to end up with SSKs. So I thought maybe if my ends stay moisturized they wont knot together. Has anybody seen progress from this method or had any setbacks from longterm use? TIA.

@Miryoku, if I am to make a wild guess, I have baggied nightly for about 8841 days give or take--minus the days I had straight relaxed hair w/ no growth--and I have never had issues. I started when I had a jheri curl and was juicing. I did it when I used to use Paltas on natural hair and on my new growth when I was relaxed. I did it through my transitioning when I stopped using any products, and I've never stopped till this day, and you don't ever hear me complain about having issues with knots or tangles.

Now you may want to check out this discussion because there's some controversy about products and SSKs...not proven but something you may consider testing out should you find they still bother you with the regimen you're using now. I will confess that as much as I really really really would like to keep my ends moisturized, I am failing miserably because I feel icky with stuff on my hair, but also I found my hair harder to separate if I tried to redo my twists with product in my hair--I could feel it starting to tangle as I worked with it. It seems easier to work with my hair when freshly washed or just completely bare say a day later. Sometimes a spritz of ACV solution does make it easier if I'm redoing bare twists that have not just been washed for some days. But otherwise bare dry hair seems to just separate more easily to me.

For those worrying about overmoisturizing, why do you need so much moisture anyway? Why the daily moisturizing when the baggy held onto yesterday's moisture so well? Also, how about using a moisturize with protein in it so you're not overdoing on the moisture?
Sometimes I put moisturizer and/or oil in the bag and put my ponytail in the bag. It's very effective for keeping the ends in good condition.
Well the first week of baggying worked great, second week, not so much. I quit and haven't baggied again. My hair has been doing well with me moisturizing before bed, lasts until I moisturize again.
Baggying is a way of life for me so it doesn't feel extra. I have been baggying ever since I transitioned to now that I am a natural. I probably will always baggy. Because I have sensitive skin(breakout from everything) I HAVE to baggy in order to keep any product from that day off my pillowcase and face. It works like a charm. Not to mention I wake up with great moisterized hair.

Before I would put so much product on my hair before baggying but now I don't have to put anything on and I don't get that mushy over-moisterized hair. It is a keeper!