i finally decided to try the crazy baggy method!

Ohhh!! Hmmm...

Doesn't your head feel very hot wrapped up like that? :blush:

I guess I could always give it a try... Thanks. lol.

DragonPearl, it's not any different from having a plastic cap or plastic bag over my head. There are people who poke holes in the baggy so that's an option if you feel smothered. Just don't make them so big or so many that you might as well have just left the baggy off. :rofl:
DragonPearl, The other plus in using Saran Wrap is I can create my do the night before, have the baggy not only condition my hair but also set the do, and in the AM, my hair is neat and moisturized all I have to do is take baggy off and go on to work.

Exhibit B --that was the style I wore all week and it looked that neat all week because I would take off clip Saranwrap, then just put on an accessory in the AM. Hair stayed moisturized, I didn't have to manipulate it, and baggying makes twists look fresh every morning. ;)
I finally tried baggying when I had my kinky twists in! I would spray to remoisturize and then baggy overnight. My hair was nice and moisturised. I am now trying it on my own hair left out.
@ nonie, can the pasted statement be a cause for fungal scalp infection??

Doing this is actually my preferred protective style, over sealing and PSing in an updo. Baggying 24/7 means I can leave my hair bare as I like it to be and not worry about it drying from the elements and breaking since the baggy helps lock in moisture.
I baggy every night and I love it!!! After I put my leave-in and seal, I put a shower cap on, scarf and go to bed. In the AM I put my product in and go. I've been doing this since shortly after I did my BC.

I have used certain products that have left my hair mushy but it had nothing to do with the baggy method. I'd probably take 40 mins to do my hair if I had to moisturize my bone dry hair every morning.
@ nonie, can the pasted statement be a cause for fungal scalp infection??

Doing this is actually my preferred protective style, over sealing and PSing in an updo. Baggying 24/7 means I can leave my hair bare as I like it to be and not worry about it drying from the elements and breaking since the baggy helps lock in moisture.

TCT (Don't leave a gap for the mention feature to work properly) I'm not sure I understand your question. What pasted statement?
TCT (Don't leave a gap for the mention feature to work properly) I'm not sure I understand your question. What pasted statement?

Doing this is actually my preferred protective style, over sealing and PSing in an updo. Baggying 24/7 means I can leave my hair bare as I like it to be and not worry about it drying from the elements and breaking since the baggy helps lock in moisture.

SORRY. I WAS PASTING YOUR STATEMENT . i wanted to know if constant baggying could cause scalp fungus. i remember being able to do this quite well with good results @ 1 time. but that was over a decade ago, i woare lots of braids then and it worked well for me. im not sure i'll be able to now cause i seem to have scalp problems. have u or anyone experienced scalp fungus directly related to baggying 24 hours a day?
Doing this is actually my preferred protective style, over sealing and PSing in an updo. Baggying 24/7 means I can leave my hair bare as I like it to be and not worry about it drying from the elements and breaking since the baggy helps lock in moisture.

SORRY. I WAS PASTING YOUR STATEMENT . i wanted to know if constant baggying could cause scalp fungus. i remember being able to do this quite well with good results @ 1 time. but that was over a decade ago, i woare lots of braids then and it worked well for me. im not sure i'll be able to now cause i seem to have scalp problems. have u or anyone experienced scalp fungus directly related to baggying 24 hours a day?

TCT Gotcha. I didn't realize that was my statement. :giggle: To show you're quoting someone, you can paste the statement and then while you have it fully highlighted you click on this icon
seen at the top of the message window and the quoted text shows up like this:

This is a pasted statement.

... which helps it stand out.

I think you can get fungus if your hair is dirty or if you baggy wet when mildew might become a problem. If you've got a fungal problem (like systemic candidiasis) you may have problems. I personally haven't had any problems but my hair is usually fully dry and I don't usually have any products applied.
i never thought about the diff between baggying wet and dry. that might be the diff. i have never been diagnosed with fungus, but like i told u b4 my scalp has a myriad of problems @ the moment. i dont want to make things worse. the next time i try to baggy. i will do it on dry hair and see if it works out for me. thanks :))
I just recently started baggying with saran wrap b/c using a plastic cap was too noisy for me. I wrapped it around my head once and left the top open so my hair wouldn't get soaked. I woke up this morning, took of the scarf and saran wrap and my twist felt moist but not too damp. Baggying with saran wrap is a winner for me.