I Finally Braided My Hair Again! New Pics!


New Member
Hey ladies!

Well, I finally stopped being lazy and braided my hair for the first time this year. I last braided it in December, be because of a heart procedure I had done right before the holidays, I couldn't lift my hand to braid my hair for a month or so. Then, I got lazy and didn't even try. But, since I was going out to California to visit my daughter and her best friend, I thought I'd braid it so I wouldn't have to do with it on my trip. It's nothing all that fancy, but I still wanted to post them. Also, I put some new pics of my puppy, Hannibal, in his album too.

Happy viewsing! :wave:
You braids look so good. I've tried cornrowing but I can't seen to get the extention hair on close. Any tips?
zanzibardotcom said:
You braids look so good. I've tried cornrowing but I can't seen to get the extention hair on close. Any tips?

One thing that I have seen and I think may be what keeps the extention hair from looking more natural is, people use too much extention hair. I only use thin pieces of the hair so that my hair blends more into it and so that it stays in place while I'm braiding. Many times I see people with these big "knots" at the scalp where the braid was started and I ask myself, "why would they want that and how do they feel that looks nice?" You can avoid those big knots by not using so much extention hair. I also use a braid cream to help hold my braids tighter and smoother for a longer period of time. It may help to keep the extention hair more secure when you start the braid too.

CYBBBIIIIIEEEE!!!! YEAAAA!!!!!!! I haven't looked at your pics yet,but just wanted to say HAYYYYY!!!
Thanks ladies...I think you are all biased because I'm one of you :lachen:

T2GMH, I learned to do my own hair when I was about 8. I had a lot of hair and I got tired of my mom yanking my head around to do it. And she'd plaster it to my hair with all the lotion she'd put in. I started on dolls and somehow migrated to do things with my own hair. Over the years I got better by doing other people's heads and then my own. I still can't do some of the styles I can do on others' heads, but I'm content.

GW, the name of the cornrow cream is called "Cornrow Magic." You can get a 16oz jar at Sally's for $3. It really does keep my braids in longer and smoother. I put some on right berore I braid a piece, and then when I'm done I will put some in my hand (about a quarter sized or less) and rub it over them again. Also, during the 2 or so weeks that my braids are in, about 2 - 3 times a week I will rub some on and put some around my edges before I tie my hair up at night. It truly does work for me.

Thanks again everyone...and isn't my baby, Hannibal, getting big?

You are SO talented. I wish I could braid my own hair. And I totally understand about the amount of braid hair. My braider does what she calls invisible braiding by adding small wisps of braid hair to my hair as she braids, it also creates very believable ends. However, she uses so little at first that I think (because I have such a big A head) it comes out looking a little too thin at the front and then winds up bulky in comparison to the back.

Your daughter's hair is simply beautiful. And by the way, no disrespect but your hubby is so so handsome. Does he have a brother....one that looks like him in the glasses?

Ahh, talented and lucky. A nice place to be. Keep up the good work.