I Felt Like Eli


Well-Known Member
If you're not familiar with the story, read 1 Samuel 3

This happened recently with my 10 year old. We though maybe she was haivng a problem with her hearing because she'd come to me and say "Pardon?" (This is how I taught her to respond when being called as she was starting to pick up that "huh?" and "what?" mess from other people's mannerless children:lol:) when I hadn't even called her. It went on for a couple of weeks. She'd answer me, my husband, Kayla (middle daughter) and even my 2 month old (she thought she heard him crying). The odd thing is it always happened, not when there was noise in the home, but dead silence. As thing went on I was perplexed about it until I was thiking of the Holy Spirit being that still small voice that you hear when all is calm and quiet and it hit me! The Lord was speaking to my daughter, and I had busied myself so much that I couldn't hear him. I was physically quiet but my mind wasn't. I had filled it with so much "stuff" that I didn't leave room to hear Him. Well obviously I came under conviction. Then I gave my daughter the instructions that Eli gave Samuel. I also explianed to her how to discern the Lord's voice from all others (will not deny Christ came in the flesh, will not tell her to do anything in secret or against God's Word, etc.) A few days later it happened again and I sent her to pray. Unfortunately I forgot to explain that the she was not listening for an audable voice but rather that "knowing." I explained to her "You know how you "knew" someone was calling you even though you didn't hear a loud voice? Or you know how you know you are doing something wrong, even when no one has ever told you it was wrong? That's the Holy Spirit speaking to you. Heed that voice. Don't try to stiffle it or rationalize it or drown it out, because by doing so you will harden your heart so much that the Lord will have to speak to you through discipline just so that you'll hear Him again." She understood and I am just soooo excited to find what the Lord has ro say to my baby girl. Who He'll call her to be and what He'll call her to do. :)
Wow, I use to do that all the time. I'd think my mother or my kids were calling me. Right before my mother died, she heard someone calling her too.