God Told Me I Would Marry You

What do you ladies think of others telling you that God revealed to them who you will marry?

I have had several people tell me that God told them I will marry my ex-boyfriend. Two ladies in particular still tell me this and my ex and I have been broken up since 2007. My answer to them simply is, if that's what God wants, then why hasn't he told me? I used to lament over the breakup wondering if I made a mistake but I let it go once I realized that my desire to marry him was MY desire, not God's. Now I'm waiting patiently for the husband God has for me.

Back to the original topic- I admire you ladies who have asked God to reveal your husband to you before you meet him. I'm a little nervous to do so thinking that I will become too impatient waiting to meet him. I do ask, however, that once I do meet him that God will confirm he is my husband sooner than later.
That sort of happened to me and my DH now. Neither one of us were interested in the other and had no inclinations to even look at each other that way but his mother, both of my sisters, my mother, his brother in law and sister in law and his daughter all saw this coming to pass each of them individually not knowing the others had this belief also. None of them ever said anything to either of us because they knew we would have done everything in our power for that not to happen, it just would not have felt right to either of us.

It was off the charts for both of us when we realized what was happening. DH saw it first prayed about it because he thought that it was not possible and made no sense. I was the last to see it.

I am happy to say after dating and marriage combined almost 7 years we are sooooooo thankful for each other and that others were praying about this before he and I ever saw it.

I am not sure I would have been receptive to someone telling me that though. I think our family members handled it correctly. They did NOT tell us what they were feeling, thinking or praying about.

i always laugh when i hear this stuff because women are funny creatures. heres the thing, you dont know who youre marrying until you get a ring, period. your choice of when to get married is not up to you and its almost 100% out of your control. thats something we as women have to come to grips with. be patient, pray, and wait for God to bring someone to you.

I have had several women in my circle believe such and such was supposed to be their husband. so they sat pretty until they figured it would be time. and now all of those men are married with children. it sucks because they believed it for sure. its also a little whacked because after many years you can tell there's a bit of jealousy and hateration in it.

I just pray God sends them someone soon.
Okay ladies,

Maybe it's just my age group and the fact that I went to a Christian university, but I hear these stories of "God said he was gonna be my husband," often--more often than is actually the case! Case in point: When a student bible study leader at my college got engaged to his current wife, he was approached by a handful of girls who said that God had told her that she was going to be his wife. Didn't hear the details of why they thought that, but still, that's too much. (He is a very cute, funny, godly man, but no, they said it was the voice of God rather than their own attraction).

On the other hand, I know stories of where people did think the Lord was leading them together and it actually did work out. Just wondering if you ladies have any experience with this and if you have any insight on discerning the Lord's voice from our own hearts.
I have had several women in my circle believe such and such was supposed to be their husband. so they sat pretty until they figured it would be time. and now all of those men are married with children. it sucks because they believed it for sure. its also a little whacked because after many years you can tell there's a bit of jealousy and hateration in it.

I just pray God sends them someone soon.

This is still such a bizaare phenomenon to me. I really feel like it's spiritual warfare. Satan can deceive a woman into wasting her time waiting and then have her dealing with all sorts of bitterness when it doesn't pan out.

A lot of times though, I want to pry deeper and ask whether this is just something that they "feel strongly" or whether it's truly of the Lord. Something I've learned in discerning God's voice is that with the Lord, things generally take faith. It's not simply whatever we decided to set our heart on and then put God's name on it so that we can be feel confident that He's going to give it to us. But there's a tension there, between our will and His--a struggle. I think that's why a lot of times the stories of God truly speaking involve both parties being surprised, or some kind of situation that would not have come about absent God's leading.
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I do believe God will tell BOTH parties they were meant to marry. But even if you are 100% sure that God said it; I believe both parties should continue to be prayerful about the situation.

ESPECIALLY FEMALES! We tend to lead with our emotions and wind up being hurt in the end.

Me personally, do I know who my husband is....yeah....and I'm going to continue to date until HE (the guy) puts a ring on it.
I actually know a guy who had this experience (supposedly). According to him, when he first met his now girlfriend, God spoke to him and said, "That is the girl you're going to marry." He didn't act on it immediately, but approached her 3 weeks later and after mutually spending time in prayer seeking God's will, they have been together ever since.
I have mixed feelings about this. I noticed the provisions about whom God would send to you and who he wouldn't..well...

I know a couple whom it was prophesied in front of the whole church that they were going to get married...now, the situation..he's a Pastor and he was either going through a divorce or just got divorced to his 1st or could have been his 2nd wife..I'm not sure which, could have been 1st. The female went to church with the former couple for years and what I know of her character, I could see her scheming to push wifey out at all costs. NOW - in MY eyes I look at that and I think Really? THAT was God? When I heard that that happened, I was wondering which one of them paid the prophet to say that...it could have been either one..

But say they weren't messing around, perhaps one felt it and the other didn't, or neither one of them felt it and this prophet saying this to the entire congregation was a shock to everyone including them...wouldn't that have an affect on their desires? I believe you can grow in love with and feel convicted that it's 'right' with anyone who seems to love God as much as you do. If it never crossed your mind about someone before but the thought was basically forced into your brain, and everyone elses around you, and you see each other and talk to each other ALL the time..isn't that a prime recipe for that prophecy to 'come to pass'?

Plus these are two ministers. MATURE Christians such as these, as their titles suggest, should mean that they are individuals who don't have a problem hearing God. But it's also possible that they did both hear and the prophet was confirmation.

I WANT to say it but I can't absolutely say I know it wasn't God because of how it 'looks' to me and most people on the outside looking in. But I also know there marriage hasn't been roses. He's cheated on her and schemed on me. I didn't fall for the Hannah and Peninah jivetalk though...Nah boo, you may think cause you've been preaching for all these years and I just stopped clubbing last night (figuratively) that you can convince me to take the Old Testament out of context and forget that Jesus Christ came and spoke against adultery and fornication but I read my Bible and the Spirit helps me to discern probably alot stronger than you! The NERVE!

(calming down)..OMGosh this is so long..Ok just one more thing.

There was a point in time when I prayed for God to reveal things to me and to help me to not fall into traps when dealing with men and to guide me and I asked God. Literally the next day, I wasn't even in a place where I'd expect it, or was even looking for it but I felt God revealed a person to me in a supernatural way. And in that instant the person seemed to confirm what it was too. I'd continue to pray over it for weeks, and it's like I'd continue to get confirmation. It threw me for a loop though because it could never be...it would not be a good situation for me. A little while after the experience wore off though I snapped out of it and concluded that my destiny for marriage is with someone else. I still wonder what that 'spiritual connection' we made was really about. Like I said, from our lives I have no doubt that my husband is someone else, but at that time, a few things, well more than a few things made me feel like God was telling me "That's your man" and for a minute I felt that and it felt soooo real. Sooo real, I feel like if that wasn't showing me something I don't know what will. Maybe it was a test run of my ability to recognize things in the spirit. I'm glad we didn't act on our feelings but I don't regret the connection.