I felt like a bad person at church yesterday...


formerly qtslim83
So I went to church yesterday and the sermon was wonderful. The pastor was talking about the power of praise. This was one of the first times I actually broke down into tears in church...they were of course happy tears. My thing was, I was raised Episcopalian. There was no shouting praises out loud in my church back home. I know no gospel songs, just psalms. The pastor made a comment along the lines of you were "siddity" or acting "too cute" if you weren't shouting and jumping. I wasn't raised that way. After the sermon, he asked if there was anyone that had either sinned, or wanted to reaffirm their relationship w/ God. I wanted the latter, I had alot of bag things happen in my life last year and for awhile I was mad at God. I questioned what He was doing and even though I did that, He still chose of bless my w/ life and every thing that He has given me. I want to make sure that I never that way about Him again. So, my SO and I went up the alter (he walked me up there). After that he basically made me feel ashamed of going up there. He told me (and another male) so sit on the front pugh and then called for new members. About 20 people came up to the altar. He told the entire church to greet them and welcome them into the church and then forgot all about us. No one came up to us afterwards no one greeted us, the pastor and a woman some up to us briefly and say "he got your info, go back to your seats" I really wanted someone to talk to about my relationship w/ God, but I felt all he was worried about was new membership. I dunno what to feel right now, but I did feel shuned for a minute there....
I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't really know what to say about the pastor's actions. :ohwell: I'm sure you can find someone understanding to talk with.

Did you enjoy the shouting and praising?

Most importantly - Did you reaffirm your relationship with God? :)
That's one of the reasons why I stopped going to church. I felt like an outsider and the people inside treated me like i wasn't there. I didn't go up for altar calls because I didn't want to be embarrassed for the sake of making an example.

The pastor treated you like nothing and that was wrong and it happens a LOT in churches and they wonder why people stop/don't go. He should be told about himself and how he made you and your SO feel.

Sometimes organized churches make things worse. You do NOT have to jump and shout and raise your skirt over your head like the other ladies do just to prove yourself worthy to the lord in church. Most of it is fake and for show anyway. I got tired of seeing that honestly.

One should be able to sit quietly and recieve the lord quietly. How can you hear him if youre hootin' and hollerin' anyway?

If the pastor got your info like the lady said then don't be afraid to express your thoughts so it wont happen to someone else who may need to be talked to a lot more than you did that day.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't really know what to say about the pastor's actions. :ohwell: I'm sure you can find someone understanding to talk with.

Did you enjoy the shouting and praising?

Most importantly - Did you reaffirm your relationship with God? :)

Hi! Thanks so much for responding! Lucliky my SO's father is a pastor. After church, we ended up going to his church and he spoke to me for a little while. He even told me to consider him as my dad, that meant alot to me:yep:. I actually did end up enjoying the praise, but af first I really did feel uncomfortable. The best part of all, I did repent and reaffirm my relationship w/ God...it it felt good!
That's one of the reasons why I stopped going to church. I felt like an outsider and the people inside treated me like i wasn't there. I didn't go up for altar calls because I didn't want to be embarrassed for the sake of making an example.

The pastor treated you like nothing and that was wrong and it happens a LOT in churches and they wonder why people stop/don't go. He should be told about himself and how he made you and your SO feel.

Sometimes organized churches make things worse. You do NOT have to jump and shout and raise your skirt over your head like the other ladies do just to prove yourself worthy to the lord in church. Most of it is fake and for show anyway. I got tired of seeing that honestly.

One should be able to sit quietly and recieve the lord quietly. How can you hear him if youre hootin' and hollerin' anyway?

If the pastor got your info like the lady said then don't be afraid to express your thoughts so it wont happen to someone else who may need to be talked to a lot more than you did that day.

ITA about telling the pastor how I feel. However, he is the type to put that into next week's sermon if you know what I mean:perplexed.

BTW: it was just me that got the treatment, the SO went right on back to his after bringing me to the front, like he knew what was going to happen lol
Hi! Thanks so much for responding! Lucliky my SO's father is a pastor. After church, we ended up going to his church and he spoke to me for a little while. He even told me to consider him as my dad, that meant alot to me:yep:. I actually did end up enjoying the praise, but af first I really did feel uncomfortable. The best part of all, I did repent and reaffirm my relationship w/ God...it it felt good!

That's great! :grin: That's all that matters in the end.
I wouldn't let that pastor bother me too much. He doesn't decide your fate. With his treatment I'd probably not attend that church again. Are there other churches in the area you'd want to attend? Sometimes people have to visit a couple before they find a place they like.

I'm the opposite regarding praising. I'd probably feel uncomfortable in a church that didn't do it. :lol:
I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't really know what to say about the pastor's actions. :ohwell: I'm sure you can find someone understanding to talk with.

Did you enjoy the shouting and praising?

Most importantly - Did you reaffirm your relationship with God? :)

Candice, I really like you:yep:...you know how to help with the right words...God bless you, Candice!
I wouldn't be too hasty to pass judgement or make assumptions if you know what I mean. Don't allow the enemy to plant a seed of bitterness in your heart, rather speak directly to the pastor and let him know how you feel. It may have been a misunderstanding. Always give people the benefit of the doubt. We often internalize things when really all it is is a matter of miscommunication. The enemy loves to sow discord amoung the brethren and plant seeds of bitterness in the soil. Don't allow that to happen with you. Bless you and congrats on your re-dedication!:yep: