I feel so unworthy, What to Do when God Seems Far?


New Member
Hi ladies, i was a little hesitant to post this, but there are so many wonderful Christian women on this board that i felt the need to share this with you all and ask for support.
So here's the thing, i'm don't consider myself to be a religious person, but i have always been raised with a Christian mentality. I've felt for a while that the Lord is "knocking" on my door if you may call it that. I have prayed the sinners prayer more than once, truly beleive that i am saved, and i want to live my life trusting in God.
BUT i feel i am a back slider, sometimes I get so caught up in worldy things, i feel like i am deeply dissapointing God, like right now. And I am dissopointed in my self.
I feel like in the past i have only surrendered to Jesus when things were going bad, when i was in some kind of crisis. But i tend to put my spirituality after other things when i feel like my life is on track. You know what i mean? and i don't want to be that way, i want to love God with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind. But i feel so un derserving and unworthy, like i should not and could not dare try to get close to Jesus again. I'm in a place right now were I fell i don't deserve happiness. But i know better, i know that God has blessed me greatly, but he seems so far.
I'm on the verge of getting over a lost love with someone, and the lack of compassion with my family. For example, sometimes i am so certain that I will commit myself to being celibate and trusting the Lord to guide me. Then other times i say forget it, i get a little "caught up" in worldly principles. I hope i'm making my self clear. So please, help me to take to first steps. I have a great church that i attend occasionally, but i want to feel the holy spirit in my heart again.
Thank You
Sugar, we are all unworthy. None of us deserve what God is so willing to give us freely and out of His great love for us. Remember that satan wants us to forget the Christ died for us so that we can now be worthy under His blood. Satan is already defeated. We are not perfect, but when we strive to do what is right, all God sees is our effort made perfect because they are coverd by the blood of Christ. Don't let anyone make you feel liek you are not worthy. Rebuke satan and his efforts to make you feel this way. Know that God loves you regardless, and He has made a way for you out of any situation. You will win. Just believe, have faith and keep doing what you have begun to do. Remeber the story of Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazerus in the Bible? She kept falling, and getting up again. Jesus never judged her like everyone else did. He forgave her and made her whole again because she was sincere in her repentance.

God bless you as you seek a closer relationship with Him and a sense or your own worth.
At times, we seem to come down harder on ourselves than God does, but isn't it wonderful that God is not like man? He doesn't look down upon us when we mess up. I have been in this situation many times where I didn't feel worthy of even being in God's sight, I have backslided plenty of times, but I had to learn that God looks at my heart and He understands that I have pure motives, in spite of what my actions were. He is always there waiting with open arms to receive you, we all must repent on a daily basis, so do what you need to do to know Him better. Get to know Him on a personal level the way YOU know how. Go to Him your own way, and be open and unashamed in His presence. Hope this helps!! :)
I think we all go through this at one time or another but its important to remember that God WANTS a relationship with us, that Jesus died so He could have one. A lot of times we do something we feel ashamed of, we backslide, or cut out time with God because things are going well, pushing God away. We need to be close to Him to be healed and cleansed, but we are keeping ourselves away from Him, so things just spin out of control. The only thing I know to do is repent, asking His forgiveness , and make the commitment to spend time with Him, and don't forget the lessons you've learned from this time. Praise and worship Him. That always makes me feel better. Dont let negative thoughts keep you from God. We are never going to be perfect. There is nothing you can do to make yourself worthy, you cant "fix" yourself up to make yourself good enough for Him. He does the fixing. You just have to let Him.
We all feel this way sometimes. Something that's really helping me right now is the book The Purpose Driven Life. I also think that you are on the right track, right now, by just longing to be closer with Him. That's the first step.
I have felt this way at times.....many times...God Loves you..

Today,I believe the Lord "gave me" this scriptue to read...I am not an avid Bible reader...I go back and forth and read sometimes, then lose sight ( get soinvolved with worldly stuff that I don't read the Bible) sometimes and put the Book down...

Read Ephesians 2...if you'd like..its a beautiful piece of scripture.....

we are Children of God...children take time to grow...through God's Love, he helps you to grow....don't be hard on yourself (spirit) everything God puts in front of you, every decision is there to cause you to grow in God 's love

Peace be with you ( peace)

ETA: You are on your way to a beautiful relationship with God...you ask and he does give to you...Your heart is sincere...you are blessed and you will recieve God's blessings...you will
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For a long time before I started going to church I felt there was this light shining bright ahead of me that something great was calling me and going to happen. Then I started going to church regularly every Sunday. I quickly realized that that bright light was the call of God. Glory to God.

I have truely been Bless. I am extremely happy.

Jesus presented a wonderful man to me after he mold me in to a virteous woman. I went to church every Sunday and during my cold, bitter, hurt period after a break up I read the Bible every night from beinging to end for the first time.

My advice to you is don't look at the big picture just keep moving in Christ, Keep reading, and go to church every Sunday until you are so filled with the Holy Spirit you want to run through the parking lot to get through to the church doors. Just keep reading. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a night or two just keep reading!
andreab said:
For a long time before I started going to church I felt there was this light shining bright ahead of me that something great was calling me and going to happen. Then I started going to church regularly every Sunday. I quickly realized that that bright light was the call of God. Glory to God.

I have truely been Bless. I am extremely happy.

Jesus presented a wonderful man to me after he mold me in to a virteous woman. I went to church every Sunday and during my cold, bitter, hurt period after a break up I read the Bible every night from beinging to end for the first time.

My advice to you is don't look at the big picture just keep moving in Christ, Keep reading, and go to church every Sunday until you are so filled with the Holy Spirit you want to run through the parking lot to get through to the church doors. Just keep reading. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a night or two just keep reading!

What a beautiful testimony! Thanks for sharing that!
Prettyinpink00 said:
Hi ladies, i was a little hesitant to post this, but there are so many wonderful Christian women on this board that i felt the need to share this with you all and ask for support.
So here's the thing, i'm don't consider myself to be a religious person, but i have always been raised with a Christian mentality. I've felt for a while that the Lord is "knocking" on my door if you may call it that. I have prayed the sinners prayer more than once, truly beleive that i am saved, and i want to live my life trusting in God.
BUT i feel i am a back slider, sometimes I get so caught up in worldy things, i feel like i am deeply dissapointing God, like right now. And I am dissopointed in my self.
I feel like in the past i have only surrendered to Jesus when things were going bad, when i was in some kind of crisis. But i tend to put my spirituality after other things when i feel like my life is on track. You know what i mean? and i don't want to be that way, i want to love God with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind. But i feel so un derserving and unworthy, like i should not and could not dare try to get close to Jesus again. I'm in a place right now were I fell i don't deserve happiness. But i know better, i know that God has blessed me greatly, but he seems so far.
I'm on the verge of getting over a lost love with someone, and the lack of compassion with my family. For example, sometimes i am so certain that I will commit myself to being celibate and trusting the Lord to guide me. Then other times i say forget it, i get a little "caught up" in worldly principles. I hope i'm making my self clear. So please, help me to take to first steps. I have a great church that i attend occasionally, but i want to feel the holy spirit in my heart again.
Thank You

Some of the things that you said echoed greatly with me. I have similar thoughts and feelings right now, but I'm trying very hard to stay close to God.
I agree with Kitty. God has been good to me and my family and I feel like I'm always drifting away and that I only come to God when I have problems. I also feel like God is gonna get tired of me bcos I keep asking for his forgiveness for the same sins.

kitty18 said:
Some of the things that you said echoed greatly with me. I have similar thoughts and feelings right now, but I'm trying very hard to stay close to God.