I feel so loved


What a beautiful act of love. I so love shows of affection that evidence how many good black men there are out there. We just have to be patient and not give up on our brothers. It sounds like you've been blessed to give Jay a great father figure. :grin:

On a brighter note, or maybe I should say stormier note. Speaking of Charlotte, I spent the night at the Applebee's (SC was hanging plasma screens) on S. David Lyle Rd. The traffic on 85 was so bad SC got off and drove 29 all the way.

I fussed at him the whole way because he was driving the sped limit. Which the way it was storming all day yesterday and especially last night no one should have been doing "at" speed limit. I wanted to choke him. Everytime we went down one of those slopes I was just glaring at him. Finally he was like tell me how fast to drive and that's what I'll do. So with that he drove 35 the rest of the way.

I know God was with us all the way, because everytime he got ready to do 55 again, this red car would come out of nowhere and drive so slow in front of us. I could tell it was frustrating him. Especially when I said, "Baby don't God work in mysterious ways". That car was forcing him to drive slow. I just wanted to get out of the van and kiss whomever it was.

And let me tell you we don't have those hairpin curves and mountainous valleys in Houston. I was a nervous wreck all the way to York. I decided I would stay home today and play house. Anywho...here's me co-signing to join the "Gotta a Good Black Man Club".
He definitely sounds like a keeper. I always say that there are good men out there, it's the knuckleheads that cause us to lose focus instead of keeping or eyes on the prize. Don't lose hope ladies, there are very good men out there that are willing to handle theirs.
Summer, I'm glad to hear this. You sound like you were a bit down earlier this week talking about your mom and myspace.
Thanks for sharing. Your guy seems like such a blessing. I am happy that you've found someone to love you AND your son unconditionally. You are blessed to have him and from what I can tell from your on-line persona, you are a great person with a big heart so he is just as blessed to have you and Jay in his life. I wish you all the best that life and love has to offer. Thanks again for sharing... I LOVE hearing the good stories!
What a beautiful story, you are so blessed. I'm so happy for you girl, it gives us singles inspiration. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats girlie!!

That was really sweet, nothing feels better than to have a black man that would ride just as hard for you as would for them....awwwww love, thanx for sharing.
I am so happy for you. I don't think you'll have to drop hints about marriage, sounds like he's getting ready all on his own.
I absolutely love black love!!! This is such a sweet story and thank you so much for sharing. I got teary eyed, because I have a man that makes sacrifices for my two sons...I married him 3 months ago.:grin: You best believe I'm not letting that good black man go!

You are blessed to have a good black man and he is equally blessed to have you!

My Mom and stepfather lives in Charlotte. My mom told me this morning that she had to go into work late due to the flooding. I need to call and check up on her to see if she made it to work okay.

wow divine favor its 3 months already its like you got married yesterday
time sure flys by
That's beautiful and I'm happy for you SR. This was a perfect reminder for me, with my 2 kids and my SO who has none of his own but loves mine like they were his.
:lachen:at him hanging the phone up on you.

Good for you SR, I'm a single mom as well. I know what you mean! I wish you two all the best!