I feel so HORRIBLE!!!


New Member
I have this male friend who I have known for about going on three years now. On Monday of this week he had needed a ride home from work. He works third shift at a place 35 min out of my way. He got off at 8 am I did not have to be at work until 10am that day. At first I told him I would do it.(we had talked about this on Friday). He told me that he would pay me gas money. Now that I did not believe it because he is the type that does not keep his word at times. Example he had hit my car when we first met and said he would pay to have it fixed, he did not and the big dent is still there to this day I should have just called the police, but me and my naive self did not. Any hoo I truely did not want to take him home. So on Sunday when I spoke to him again I told him that I did not want to do it. He begged and pleaded. I told him that it was to far and I did not want to wake up that early in the morning. Now this job is on the bus line but he did not want to catch 2 buses. He told me he would call me in the morning to see how I was feeling. When the call came I let it roll to voicemail and did not return the call. I did not even call him to see if he made it home. I know that I will have to pay for my selfish ways. I normally have a big heart but am tired of people walking all over me as well. This guy we dated for a while no sex or anything like that he mostly treated and I guess I feel bad about how I did him. I can not bring my self to call him because I feel kind of bad.
I don't know if you should be feeling bad about this. We can't say yes all the time. Haven't you heard? Saying yes all the time will wear you out.
It's not like you 'stood him up'. You made it clear to him the day before that you were not going to do it. It was "HE" that stated he would call 'you' to see if you had a change of heart. You were not the one who lead him on. He was fully advised beforehand.

Actually, he was being disrespectful of you and taking you for granted. Instead of respecting your decision, he considered you to be under 'his' beck and call...and call you, he did.

You did right by not answering the telephone, because he would have disrespected you further with malipulation; stating 'his' needs and totally ignoring yours. You would have then yielded to his plea and ended up being angry with yourself for being talked into something that you did not want to do.

I'll tell you what, he's not feeling bad. Right now, he's only thinking of how he can malipulate the next event with you in mind.

Kick the devil out of your house and tell him to take his guilt and leave you alone in Jesus' name. The enemy of your soul is simply trying to steal your peace and get you off focus from the word that God has been promising you. :look:

(Shimmie whispers and smiles and says: "Sorry, I got carried away...I don't like the devil and his mind games....")

Hey, we need our beauty rest and none of us are about to start shedding our hair over somebody else who really doesn't care...

Shimmie's done. Just say Amen...:lol:
Thank you every one. This makes me feel so much better. You all are right that is a sneaky way of taking advantage. I watch Joel Osteen a lot and I remember one time he was saying that it was ok to say to say no. You all are gith I would have been mad at myself for doing something that I did not want to do.