I feel like screaming!!!!!


New Member
My hair is the most ridiculous thing I have ever experienced. I have all these great products that used to work so well. Now, my hair is growing like a weed, but absolutely nothing works on my hair right now. I dont know if it's the sun, I dont know if it's because I'm sick, but my hair cannot stay moist and my scalp dries out hours after treating it. Ladies, please help. I'm doing everything I can for my hair and it continues to suffer!
Do you have hard water? If not, invest in a ahower filter. Check showerfiltercomparisons.com. The greatest products in the world won't work if you have hard water residue in your hair.
yes i do...im gonna start final rinsing with distilled water until i am able to invest in a shower filter....question..are these showerfilters removable??? I live in a dorm and I'll be DAMNED if I share my shower filter
They all screw on and off. But I've heard that the Sprite filter is more portable than the rest. I have the Aquasana and it's pretty bulky...
CheerBear: I pray for good results in all the tests and for a speedy and full recovery of your strength. I know that being sick or feeling sick or thinking you're sick is a lot to contend with, particularly when there's no real diagnoses -- this can cause a lot of stress and can consume and sap energy and emotion. I know when I faced a difficult time with my health (thank God in heaven I am 100% well, it was just a scare but during that time I was a complete wreck with worry and anxiety!) I got my hair braided so that was one less item to contend with on a daily basis. I just didnt' have time or energy to think about my hair and the braids were rocking without my doing anything on a daily basis (Girl, I even had nerves to flirt with one the doctors!) with with all the stress. Anywho, braids, or some style that requires minimum maintenace would be the thing until you are back to full health.

positive vibes = great hair