I feel like I'm at an AA meeting..


New Member
Hi, my name is______...and I'm ...a reformed lurker! After several months of lurker I took the plunge. I'm officially a member now yay! I just wanted to say hello to everyone and make it known that I will not be lurking any longer. I've learned soo much from the ladies here and I've seen so many inspirational photos that I feel compelled to participate. In May 2005 I shaved my shoulder length hair to bald...yes bald (long story). I started from that day foward and my avatar picture is where I'm at one year later. I look forward to brastrap length this time next year. Again hello ladies and thanks for so much information!

5-2-06 back.jpg
wow, I was a lurker as well, for about three years until this past sunday, June the 4th, 2006!!! Now that's pretty sad!
Whoa Kristal..lol Yeah, I was just content soaking up info too..but i think its more fun to participate. Besides, now I can view more long hair photos as a member!
Welcome Londa. :D I lurked too, for nearly a year, before I joined...... I just couldnt continue to sit out on some of these great dialogues without piping up.

**HHG** :grin:
Hi Londa...welcome...I just recently joined myself...congrats on your hair journey and coming out of lurkdom

Sidenote: Can you PLEASE tell the LOOOONG story about why you shaved your head bald....I am really curious to know and I promise to read EVERY word you type :grin:
If its personal or health-related, I completely respect your privacy and decision to share when you feel comfortable. If its intriquing or random, please SHARE!!
Aww, I'm feeling the love ladies!
-Brownsugar...1.) I shaved my head bald because it just wasn't healthy. 2.)I thought I could do the natural hair thing...uh NOT!..lol! So I wore it natural for 7 months then gave in to the creamy crack. 3.) Although I enjoyed the carefreeness of natural hair, I missed the different styles available with relaxed hair.4.) To prove to myself I could go from bald headed scratch to bra strap....but of course a few weeks into my bald journey I was like why the hell did I do that! lol!