I enjoyed myself at NYC Meeting


Well-Known Member
Who was there: Britt, Meinzzfuture, CarmenRose, SweetNicJA, AJamerican Diva, cutebajangirl, Boadicea, my son Emile and me (daviine)

What we did: talked hair (of course) and skin, swapped products, and just generally chit-chatted

I just wanted to thank you ladies for a lovely afternoon. I almost didn't go but glad that I went.

To anyone and everyone who couldn't make it---you were truly missed! I hope to see you soon--whether at a meet ot not--and hope that all is well with everyone.

By the way, the splitting of the bill went smoothly this time according to our accountant CarmenRose.

Oh of course----and man-- the hair on these ladies---beautiful..... everyone was looking good! Too bad there were no cuties around to take notice!
Yes it was nice. Food was good. Upset that I didn't have any products to give away but I did walk away with asample of the pantene for relaxed hair shampoo, aussie three minute miracle, shea butter, and a Sebastians sheen conditioner. Thanks ladies. can't wait to use these.
Lol, it was real funny because one of the waitresses asked us if we were selling these products. you could tell they thought we were crazy. we're not crazy, just conscious.
By the way ajamericandiva and boadicea took pictures. Forgot my camera but it has no flash anyways so it wouldn't do any good for me to have it.
I had a great time too.
The waiters totally thought we were crazy
Did anyone else notice when one of the male waiters was hanging over the railing staring at our table and listening and the other waiter came up and kicked him on the back of his knee?
Serves his nosy tail right.
Ha, the waiters were looking at us like we were a bunch of wierdos. They saw all the hair products on the table and had to wonder what was going on
Where are the pics? Ia m living vicariously thru u guys meetings so I am eager to see!!

I cna not wait until the Memphis meeting becomes a thing of reality.
Glad to her that everyone had a nie time. I wish i could have been there! hopefully i can attend the next meet
beana3 said:
Glad to her that everyone had a nie time. I wish i could have been there! hopefully i can attend the next meet

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We missed u Beana
. I gave Carmenrose my bottle of Razac Leave in to give to u
One day I'm going to come to the NYC just so I can attend one of your hair meetings and meet all of you wonderful people
Yes, we did have a great time and truly missed all of those that did not get a chance to attend...

The new method of bill splitting worked wonderfully: no shortages, no problems..We will do it the same way next time. (Whew!)

I also got some fab products that I have started trying out already..

Beana: I left a message with you on ur phone regarding the Razac...
I'm so glad that you ladies had a good time, and I'm sorry that I couldn't make it. I'll definitely try to make the next one.
ms_kenesha said:
One day I'm going to come to the NYC just so I can attend one of your hair meetings and meet all of you wonderful people

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Yes please do!!! I want to come to the DC area but the tix are so expensive for me to just be coming for a hair meeting....ya know? Maybe I can plan a weekend around one someday.
Britt said:
Ha, the waiters were looking at us like we were a bunch of wierdos. They saw all the hair products on the table and had to wonder what was going on

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I think it was worse last time. They were more discreet about it this time. Until the lady asked us about the products, I hadn't noticed anyone looking at us.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I had a ball!!! I came home and typed a "Shout out" to the girls I met. I took photos, but it wasn't with a digital camera, so I can't guarantee you'll be seeing the photos ASAP. Despite the fact that I had to run across the NYC marathon (it ran right in front of my house) I was able to get to BBQs at a decent time. As I said... I really enjoyed myself. What a talented and diverse group we have. I look forward to meeting more of you guys soon!!!

Oh, yeah!!! I forgot to add. We thought it might be fun to have a social... you know, members bring games and we play. I am willing to have it in my resident lounge in my building. I live in the Upper Eastside of the city, so hopefully everyone will find it convenient. We could do a potluck sort of deal. Whaddya think? Holla back!!!
AJamericanDiva said:
Oh, yeah!!! I forgot to add. We thought it might be fun to have a social... you know, members bring games and we play. I am willing to have it in my resident lounge in my building. I live in the Upper Eastside of the city, so hopefully everyone will find it convenient. We could do a potluck sort of deal. Whaddya think? Holla back!!!

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Sounds fun !!!
I had a great time even though I'm shy IRL and don't speak much. I hope no one thought I was ignoring them!

I snatched the 10 en 1 Super rinse and I'm loving it.
I'm willing to do the social deal, as long as I have people to help me organize it. For those at the get together, I'm sure you saw my little "tummy bulge". I tire easily these days!!!
Awww.... Thanks, Britt....

Maybe we can have the social after Thanksgiving, but before Christmas... more than likely on a Sunday afternoon. Ya'll holla back and those interested in helping me plan holla loudest!!!
I'm hoping to get a lot of feedback from the NYC posse as this is a real way of having fun without shelling out dough. Just bring a dish... Yummy!!!!
As always, food on the mind!!!
AJamericanDiva, that sounds like a wonderful idea. I wouldn't mind helping you organize it. For some odd reason, I love to plan things. I'll give you a ring.

Boadicea, your hair looked lovely. I don't think anyone thought you were ignoring them. It was apparent to me that you were shy. I did enjoy conversing with you about studying languages and I'll be sending you a PM now as a matter of fact.