I don't want to see ANY hair in the sink


Well-Known Member
Hey All,

Is it possible to not see any hair in the sink or any hair in my comb? I don't think my hair is breaking, and I think it's natural to see a few hairs in the sink...am I wrong? For those of you who don't see any at all, what are you doing?
I wanna know too because I have the same wish. I think I'm obsessed! But in reality I know shed hairs have to come out, but I still hate seeing them.

It is not possible not to lose any hairs. You have to lose hairs every day. It's a must! There is no one out there that doesn't lose any hair in the comb.

Y'all are way too obsessed with this hair thing! LOL
It's impossible.

As Glam said, hair is always going to shed. It is my opinion that you should be wary of people saying that a product or technique stopped all their shedding. It's a natural process and part of the hair growth cycle. It can't be stopped indefinitely.

If your hair is shedding, know that it's doing what it's supposed to and that a new hair will be growing in soon after.
IMO your hair will shed anyway as shedding is part of the natural hair growth cycle. Shedding is normal. That said, you will know when your hair is shedding more than usual and then you have to find the culprit.

I was fortunate enough to find what was causing my hair to come out in handfuls and put a stop to it. Now it's back to shedding normally. My "normal" is that even though I do not comb very often, when I do comb I still don't have loads of hair coming out. There are very few hairs in the comb and even when I wash and detangle I don't see gobs of hair going down the drain. So what I am saying is you have to know your hair and what is normal shedding and what is not.
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IMO your hair will shed anyway as shedding is part of the natural hair growth cycle. Shedding is normal. That said, you will know when your hair is shedding more than usual and then you have to find the culprit.

I was fortunate enough to find what was causing my hair to come out in handfuls and put a stop to it. Now it's back to shedding normally. My "normal" is that even though I do not comb very often, when I do comb I still don't have loads of hair coming out. There are very few hairs in the comb and even when I wash I don't see gobs of hair going down the drain. So what I am saying is you have to know your hair and what is normal shedding and what is not.

I completely agree with the bold.

You have to judge your shedding by your own head, not by anyone elses. The hair articles I've read say that 50-150 hairs a day is normal, which is not that much considering we have over a hundred thousand strands on our heads.

But, normal for you may be 200 strands or 10 strands, it just depends. Also, your diet and hormone levels may affect it as well. That's why I always say, unless you are seeing bald spots, handfuls (real handfuls, and not due to waiting a week to detangle) of hair, or severe thinning you shouldn't be worried about shedding. It's what hair does.
There is a way to see NO hair in the sink or on the floor. It's not a method that a lot of members here use though...

DON'T LOOK! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I used to lose a lot of hair. So much so that my SO once commented on all the hair left on the floor and sink after a wash and blow dry. Hair was just everywhere! I had to sweep my bathroom floor every single day. I didn't like it but I assumed I was doomed to loose a lot of hair. Since I've discovered the forum I've reduced that by 98%.
I lost the most hair during the comb out and moisturize phase after washing. My hair was very weak when wet. Once and only once have I gone through that process and found no hair in the sink or comb. Checking the hair diary it was Dec 1, 30 days after discovering the Forum, after my first Kiya Fizzle. Since then I've gotten it as low as three hairs.
But mind you, this is hair in the sink, per your question. I'm not saying nothing came out during the wash itself.
During daily maintenance and nightly moisturizing/wrapping I lose 2-5 hairs each time. That's the norm for me these days. How? Pay diligent attention to your protein moisture balance! Adjust when needed! Check and fix porosity. Experiment with product. Listen to your hair.
Thanks OP, I think you, like me had unrealistic expectations about hair shedding after reading several posts where people explained they no longer had any shed hairs or breaking. I was driving myself crazy trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.

Thanks to everyone for setting us straight. I'm comfortable now with my few hairs in the comb or sink.
It's impossible.

As Glam said, hair is always going to shed. It is my opinion that you should be wary of people saying that a product or technique stopped all their shedding. It's a natural process and part of the hair growth cycle. It can't be stopped indefinitely.

If your hair is shedding, know that it's doing what it's supposed to and that a new hair will be growing in soon after.

I agree. I dont understand how folks can say they used something that COMPLETELY stopped their shedding in its tracks.

You ever notice how much white folks shed? I cannot leave work without pulling some blonde or brunette piece of hair off me, or its at my desk, in my own car..They shed like a dog it seems.

I knew a girl in college who would shed A LOT. So much that i'd have to sweep after she used the bathroom nearly EVERY day. I would've freaked out after seeing all that hair.
I agree. I dont understand how folks can say they used something that COMPLETELY stopped their shedding in its tracks.

You ever notice how much white folks shed? I cannot leave work without pulling some blonde or brunette piece of hair off me, or its at my desk, in my own car..They shed like a dog it seems.

I knew a girl in college who would shed A LOT. So much that i'd have to sweep after she used the bathroom nearly EVERY day. I would've freaked out after seeing all that hair.


I've gone to school with white people my whole life and it was like I always ended up with hair on me by the time I went home. And my fam is white and there is always hair random places.

We shed just as much as they do. The only difference is they don't freak out about it.
Part of the problem is some people don't know how to distinguish between breakage and shedding.