Fact or Fiction: 50 - 100 hairs lost per day is normal?

Fact or Fiction: Is losing 50-100 hairs per day normal?

  • Fact

    Votes: 90 69.2%
  • Fiction

    Votes: 40 30.8%

  • Total voters
LocksOfLuV said:
I shouldn't have made that post to make it seem like i felt that they were lying, because I didn't mean that. I just think it is very misleading to say I only lost 5 hairs throughout the washing process. Instead, you can say something along the lines of "I lost 5 hairs in the comb while detangling" or something.

A bunch of people agreed with you so you definitely should have made the post. It was a good one. :yep: People should say 'I lost 5 hairs detanging.' It's great that they've lost less hair in the comb, but we all should keep in mind shedding hair is healthy and normal. If you don't shed old hair new hair can't grow and you'll keep the same ol' hairs. Those are bound to look tired after a while. :ohwell:
silvergirl said:

considering you have about 140,000 hairs on your head, 50 isnt anything. even in a month it would only be 1000. you wouldnt even notice the lose. (at the rate of 50 hairs per day it would take almost 11 years!!! to lose all your hair, trust me you have nothing to worry about)

also most of the hair you lose would have fallen onto your clothes , the ground, the air, its imposible to count ever single hair thats shed. even if you say you lose no hair i garantee you that some unseen hairs have shed.

ITA...I lose hair everyday. I am still able to retain length and my hair remains full.
sareca said:
A bunch of people agreed with you so you definitely should have made the post. It was a good one. :yep: People should say 'I lost 5 hairs detanging.' It's great that they've lost less hair in the comb, but we all should keep in mind shedding hair is healthy and normal. If you don't shed old hair new hair can't grow and you'll keep the same ol' hairs. Those are bound to look tired after a while. :ohwell:
Yes, definitely true. If it's time for it to shed it's gonna shed no matter what you do.
LocksOfLuV said:
(kinda ot) The true question is whether people who claim to lose 7 or 5 hairs per day is telling fact or fiction!

Or people who use a product and claim it only made them lose 5 hair throughout the entire washing process. I challenge them to get a hair catcher for their tub drains-that thing doesn't lie.:look: I was once fooled thinking I lose about 20 hairs in the washing process, but then swiftly found out I lose a lot of hair down the drain, my maintainence crew confirmed this once my tub stopped up.:(

Anyways, I see so many posts talking about how they lose 5 and 6 and 2 strands per day and I don't know if that 50-100 strands a day is normal but what I can tell you is that losing less than 10 strands a day is NOT normal. There is no way that you can achieve this. I understand the intention of these posts are to show how happy you are with a product but in turn the people who lose TRUE shedding (that is healthy) are looking at their shedding like something is wrong. I don't have no problem with shouting about a product but we have to be realistic. I would much rather believe someone who says they lose 50 hairs than 5.
I bought a drain strainer and much to my suprise I was losing a lot more hairs than I thought..but my hair is still so thick and getting longer so I can confirm that losing 50-100 is normal (not on a daily basis, per week)..at least for me...but due to my paranoia (sp?) I now braid my hair b/4 washing to help with the shedding..I hate seeing all of that hair.
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LocksOfLuV said:
Yes!! And especially me being a non-comber and weekly washer, I have to remind myself not to go crazy on wash day. A bulk of my hair lost is lost in the shower and on the floor once I detangle out the shower.
EXACTLY..alot of it is the hair you would've normally lost had you been combing or manupulating your hair during the week
I'd say fact.

I loose hair all the time.. whether shedding and/or breaking.. I keep doing my protein/moisture balance and I am doing the right things...and although it is helping drastically and I still have hair on my head...I just don't enjoy seeing any loose hair in my shower drain...but yet there it is:lol: I can even run my fingers through my hair and some will be all on my fingers:(
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I wear my hair braided all week. I moisuturize 3-4 times a week, and do regular DC/henna treatments - and on wash day, I still have a HEALTHY sized clump of shed hair - and yes, I check for bulbs. Heck, my hair is NEVER loose at work, and I find shed hairs UNDER my laptop almost every day. I can't even begin to imagine how much is floating off, getting stuck in my coat, ending up on the floor/in my scarf/on my pillow.

If you lived, stark naked, in a white room, for a week - you MIGHT be able to precisely determine how much hair you shed on a daily/weekly basis. Otherwise, it's just a guess based on how much shed hair you SEE.

Shedding is - normal. It's the end of the hair's life cycle, and really, it's NEEDED to keep your hair vibrant and fresh. Really OLD hair tends to get dry, and very fragile, and breaks off with a look (and I say that because as a dred wearer, the ends of my dreads could and DID break off - not because of bad treatment, but simply because of the AGE of the hair down there).
sareca said:
A bunch of people agreed with you so you definitely should have made the post. It was a good one. :yep: People should say 'I lost 5 hairs detanging.' It's great that they've lost less hair in the comb, but we all should keep in mind shedding hair is healthy and normal. If you don't shed old hair new hair can't grow and you'll keep the same ol' hairs. Those are bound to look tired after a while. :ohwell:

I get you!

But those tatoos are too sexy!:grin:
sherylin123 said:
I bought a drain strainer and much to my suprise I was losing a lot more hairs than I thought..but my hair is still so thick and getting longer so I can confirm that losing 50-100 is normal (not on a daily basis, per week)..at least for me...but due to my paranoia (sp?) I now braid my hair b/4 washing to help with the shedding..I hate seeing all of that hair.

Me too! It makes me feel like I have some sort of sickness. I don't like seeing it at all.

Before LHCF I was combing all day everyday so on wash day I wasn't seeing that many hairs.
Sheenaspelman said:
I voted Fact because I agree that its impossible to see every hair that falls from your head. Even when you take your hair down hair could be falling on the floor and sometimes its not that easy to see especially on carpet.

I AGREE! I bought a Dyson Animal Vac because of this very reason. I am the pet at my house.:D
The telogen phase lasts for three or four months. This is the time at which a new hair begins to grow from the hair follicle. As it grows upwards the old hair will be shed naturally or may be pulled out, which happens easily and painlessly with telogen hairs. These are the hairs that come out when you shampoo or brush your hair.
Shedding is part of the normal process of the replacement of old hair with new. At any one time, around one in ten of the follicles on an individual's head are in the shedding phase.
The new hair emerges from the same opening at the surface of the skin as the old one, and the hair cycle begins again.

Hair length

How long anagen lasts is determined genetically, and varies between the sexes and from one person to another. It is the length of this time that decides how long the hair will grow before it falls out.

This is from:P&G Haircare Research Center
silvergirl said:

considering you have about 140,000 hairs on your head, 50 isnt anything. even in a month it would only be 1000. you wouldnt even notice the lose. (at the rate of 50 hairs per day it would take almost 11 years!!! to lose all your hair, trust me you have nothing to worry about)

also most of the hair you lose would have fallen onto your clothes , the ground, the air, its imposible to count ever single hair thats shed. even if you say you lose no hair i garantee you that some unseen hairs have shed.

ITA. I was gonna say exactly what you said.
100 hairs is less than you'd think, it isn't as scary then.

Someone posted a pic or 100 shedded a while ago but I can't find it at the moment, will post it if I find it though.
it seems like i have been shedding a lot lately but i forget that my hair is getting longer so it doubles up when it clumps together in a comb...yuck!
camellia said:
Oh yes!

The crazy places I find shed hairs in my house, in the lint filter of my dryer, on my pillowcases, in the fridge:confused: , I sweep them up from all of the floors in my house...

Glad I'm not the only one finding them in the fridge...

ITA. We can't see all of the shed hair. It's not because you see 5 hairs in your comb every day that you don't lost between 50-100 hair per day.
Like rainbowcurls said, 100 hairs is not enormous.
Body&Shine said:
I AGREE! I bought a Dyson Animal Vac because of this very reason. I am the pet at my house.:D

:grin: I feel you on this!! I leave shedded hairs where ever I go...I could make a wig with all the hair on the floor in the bathroom.
I dont know what to say as far as fact or fiction. I know that I keep my hair in 5 braids all week and when I take the braids out to wash and condition my hair shed. I would say about 50-100 strands.
sareca said:
A bunch of people agreed with you so you definitely should have made the post. It was a good one. :yep: People should say 'I lost 5 hairs detanging.' It's great that they've lost less hair in the comb, but we all should keep in mind shedding hair is healthy and normal. If you don't shed old hair new hair can't grow and you'll keep the same ol' hairs. Those are bound to look tired after a while. :ohwell:

Excellent point! :)
This is definately true. It may not seem like you're losing that many hairs, but you don't see every hair you lose. And it's completely normal. When I comb though my hair at night I maybe see 4 or 5 strands, but that doesn't mean that's all I'm losing. And anyone who has ever had to clean their drain knows that a lot of hair washes out in the shower.

chayil0427 said:
This is definately true. It may not seem like you're losing that many hairs, but you don't see every hair you lose. And it's completely normal. When I comb though my hair at night I maybe see 4 or 5 strands, but that doesn't mean that's all I'm losing. And anyone who has ever had to clean their drain knows that a lot of hair washes out in the shower.


Great Point!
My avatar has 27 shedded hairs in a ball. That came out after doing buns and little to no manipulation for 4 days straight.

And that's just one evenings takedown. It scared me cause it seemed like a lot. But I have pretty decent hair habits and my strands are strong and healthy.

I'm not sure these hairs falling could have been prevented.

Kudos to all of you who count the shed hairs that you can find! :) I'd never have the patience for it. That's some real hair dedication. :D
Cleve_gryl said:
:grin: I feel you on this!! I leave shedded hairs where ever I go...I could make a wig with all the hair on the floor in the bathroom.
Same here. I was just thinking the same thing about all the hair I found on the floor of my car. I try not to worry since my hair is getting thicker and longer.

I vote fact.
Great post! I use the drain catch, and if I get a larger than normal amount of hair I get nervous.:( I still always end up with my head full of hair thank God.:)
CantBeCopied said:
My avatar has 27 shedded hairs in a ball. That came out after doing buns and little to no manipulation for 4 days straight.

And that's just one evenings takedown. It scared me cause it seemed like a lot. But I have pretty decent hair habits and my strands are strong and healthy.

I'm not sure these hairs falling could have been prevented.


IA. I feel my strands are strong as well. In fact, I pull at some of the hair that has fallen out and it so strong. It doesn't break when I pull at it so I feel there isn't anything more I couldn't have done to prevent them from falling out.
I think thats to many but if i dont get my hair trim, i'll see much more than 100. Once i get my hair trim, I'll usually would see less. But i think the hair that im seeing is not the hair thats suppose to shed but breakage.:confused: Which really sucks.
lsubabiedee said:

Just because you don't see them in your comb doesn't mean that you aren't shedding. Ever see how during investigations, they find a hairs from a perp all over the crime scene? Well, I doubt that criminals are detangling while stabbing someone.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Golong said:
The telogen phase lasts for three or four months. This is the time at which a new hair begins to grow from the hair follicle. As it grows upwards the old hair will be shed naturally or may be pulled out, which happens easily and painlessly with telogen hairs. These are the hairs that come out when you shampoo or brush your hair.
Shedding is part of the normal process of the replacement of old hair with new. At any one time, around one in ten of the follicles on an individual's head are in the shedding phase.
The new hair emerges from the same opening at the surface of the skin as the old one, and the hair cycle begins again.

Hair length

How long anagen lasts is determined genetically, and varies between the sexes and from one person to another. It is the length of this time that decides how long the hair will grow before it falls out.

This is from:P&G Haircare Research Center
this thread as a whole is such a relief. Since December I have had noticeable shedding. I can pull out a whole strand with no pain. I thought it was the cold air of the winter, but I guess the winter is the telogen phase for my hair. Last week I got to the point of not caring anymore, just keep caring for my hair and see what the summer brings.