I don't want henna to darken my hair.....SO


New Member
I thought I would use water boiled in chamomile tea to help lessen the darkening properties. My main reason for wanting to henna is to strenghten my hair not darken.

What do you guys think, is this a good idea? Has anyone tried this, heard of this, opinions please??? OR do you guys think I'm nuts :spinning:

Hurry, I'm boiling now...
it turned my hair a reddish color. That's why I don't use it. Henna adds a red, orange, bronze tint to your hair.
Try cassia. It's not henna, but it does similar things to your hair as henna. It's colorless.


OR, use the henna within an hour of mixing it and leave it on for only an hour or so. Don't use any acids so that it doesn't release color. Like warm filtered water. It's like using a protein treatment.
Ok so I have a huge chance of having red hair and now I'm adding chamomile...So everybody knows red and yellow makes orange...OH BOY! We will see how it turns out. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I'll take pics....I need to update my signature anyway. C ya soon!
I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who responded. LHCF always have great feedback. You guys always give more than expected....200%

ok I'm about to begin my mix...TTYL....feel free to leave more feedback while I'm gone. This journey won't be over until at least midnight.
I have been wanting to try cassia. I tried henna and did not like the orange color but I did like the strength and the silkyness.
If your hair is dark than the color from the henna won't be noticeable. It will just have a reddish glow in the sunlight.

Chamomile tea won't dramatically alter the color of henna.

Cassia is good but it isn't permanent like henna. I think there have been people who killed the coloring effect over at the hennaforhair.com forum, not too sure.
I have been wanting to try cassia. I tried henna and did not like the orange color but I did like the strength and the silkyness.

Yes this is exactly what I got. A hint of orange and ALOT of strength. There was no shedding when I blowed dried my hair today. Now I just have to curl it but have to do housework first...
